2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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They don't care. They just want to create the false narrative that they got cheated. Why do you think people still believe vaccines cause autism? Zombie lies, I call them zombie because you can kill one everyday and they still keep coming back, exist for a reason. It is amazing how easy it is to spread lies and manipulate people like this. As long as we don't hold liars accountable for their lies, it will continue to be a weapon of the far right and other charlatans.
What's happening now in America reminds me of what happened in Germany in the 1930s. Millions of people were brainwashed by a demagogue, and that was largely on the basis of his speeches at his mass rallies. This demagogue is able to communicate with the faithful all day and every day.
The level of ignorance is beyond belief. He says: " ... my dad fought 76 years ago in Europe to free Europe of Socialism".

Dude, your dad fought to help free Europe of Nazi fascism.
And they were allied with the Soviet fecking Union which ended up spreading their brand of socialism to half of Europe.

Where do Americans find these people, seriously? Is there zero education over there? I imagine they gather all children in a big stadium, tell them that the military is good, socialism is bad and then they're told to go out and start working instead of expecring handouts you little commie pinko shits.
I thought Trump was going to dick around for a few days and then the whole thing would collapse, I can't believe it's still going on.
And they were allied with the Soviet fecking Union which ended up spreading their brand of socialism to half of Europe.

Where do Americans find these people, seriously? Is there zero education over there? I imagine they gather all children in a big stadium, tell them that the military is good, socialism is bad and then they're told to go out and start working instead of expecring handouts you little commie pinko shits.

I’m guessing American Sniper and Lone Survivor are a regular part of curriculum in schools. With questions being something along the lines of “what made Bradley Cooper and Chris Pratt risk their lives to go kill brown people?” And the qualifying answer being a mix of ‘MURICAH, GREATEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD and FREEDOM.
I thought Trump was going to dick around for a few days and then the whole thing would collapse, I can't believe it's still going on.

There's still "Stop the Steal" Rallies to come, featuring various armed militia carrying assault rifles emblazoned with the Stars & Stripes, which Trump is threatening to attend.
I thought Trump was going to dick around for a few days and then the whole thing would collapse, I can't believe it's still going on.

Ha! No chance. I admire your optimism though! With Trump, this will rumble on forever.
#precedents by xkcd...
The level of ignorance is beyond belief. He says: " ... my dad fought 76 years ago in Europe to free Europe of Socialism".

He was probably referring to the National Socialist German Workers Party, otherwise known to the World as the Nazi Party..."It's socialism TT, but not as we know it ...now"!
He was probably referring to the National Socialist German Workers Party, otherwise known to the World as the Nazi Party..."It's socialism TT, but not as we know it ...now"!
Yeah that understanding is about as accurate as your concept of a coup but I'm sure you're happy to die on this hill as well given how many smackdowns you've received in the CE forum.
What are your thoughts on the Democratic People's Republic of Korea?

Don't have any, its Tommy Tuberville's thinking/understanding which is under discussion.

In the 30's what became known as the Nazi Party (and was deeply Fascist) was masquerading as the National Socialist German Workers Party, in Germany . Hitler's success at that time was down to his rallying cry of "Make Germany Great Again" (for ordinary Germans).... now where have we heard that recently?
Don't have any, its Tommy Tuberville's thinking/understanding which is under discussion.

In the 30's what became known as the Nazi Party (and was deeply Fascist) was masquerading as the National Socialist German Workers Party, in Germany . Hitler's success at that time was down to his rallying cry of "Make Germany Great Again" (for ordinary Germans).... now where have we heard that recently?
Fair enough, would love someone to ask him that question. Maybe Borat or Ali G! :lol:
Speaking of nazi’s and Alabama. The Jefferson County courthouse (in downtown Birmingham) has 4 swastikas carved into its facade. Blew me away the first time I saw them, and given Alabama’s past I could believe it was nefarious. Turns out it’s likely not. Stone was carved in 1929. Still crazy they are still there. THAT is bullshit.

Just finished watching The Plot Against the President, which my bugged Amazon app has at 3.5* when it should really be 5*!. Truly eye opening documentary.

Devin Nunes is a true American hero. Hope he runs for presidency in 2024.

Haha it's crazy.
Just finished watching The Plot Against the President, which my bugged Amazon app has at 3.5* when it should really be 5*!. Truly eye opening documentary.

Devin Nunes is a true American hero. Hope he runs for presidency in 2024.

Haha it's crazy.

Speaking of nazi’s and Alabama. The Jefferson County courthouse (in downtown Birmingham) has 4 swastikas carved into its facade. Blew me away the first time I saw them, and given Alabama’s past I could believe it was nefarious. Turns out it’s likely not. Stone was carved in 1929. Still crazy they are still there. THAT is bullshit.

The swastika was seen as a symbol of pure aryanism at least 40 years prior to 1929. Thats not to say the Alabama courthouse one isn't innocent though.
Don't have any, its Tommy Tuberville's thinking/understanding which is under discussion.

In the 30's what became known as the Nazi Party (and was deeply Fascist) was masquerading as the National Socialist German Workers Party, in Germany . Hitler's success at that time was down to his rallying cry of "Make Germany Great Again" (for ordinary Germans).... now where have we heard that recently?

That wasn't Hitler's rallying cry. It was something he has been very rarely quoted as saying, in the same way Margaret Thatcher very rarely said it. It was more of a slogan for Reagan than either of those two. It does loosely relate to Hitler's vision for the country, but that's true of any nationalist politician who is rallying against the ills of their time. Which tends to be every nationalist politician at all times. The nuances in his vision tends to be the important part.

In other words it's about as mythical as your idea that most people in the UK were expecting Trump to win. It's just something that conveniently fits into your worldview that needs only a tiny hint of evidence for you to buy into, and happily spread around, while never having to claim ownership of the sentiment yourself.
The swastika was seen as a symbol of pure aryanism at least 40 years prior to 1929. Thats not to say the Alabama courthouse one isn't innocent though.
Where I grew up, the cathedral which was finished in 1919, has swastikas laid out in mosaic tiles near the entry.
Guns are generally not allowed in DC so let’s see how much law & order is practiced if the cops come across open carry right wingers.
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Not to meet conspiracy theory with conspiracy theory, but you see something like this , and you think back to his inauguration, and you do wonder... is this really the 2nd most popular president in history (in total number of votes received)?...
What's happening now in America reminds me of what happened in Germany in the 1930s. Millions of people were brainwashed by a demagogue, and that was largely on the basis of his speeches at his mass rallies. This demagogue is able to communicate with the faithful all day and every day.
I gotta agree with you. I've seen many parallels between how people are manipulated today and how people were manipulated then. I think many comparisons have been made and it is kinda scary how thin the line is between today and almost a hundred years ago. I guess people will be people and their weaknesses remain the same.
And they were allied with the Soviet fecking Union which ended up spreading their brand of socialism to half of Europe.

Where do Americans find these people, seriously? Is there zero education over there? I imagine they gather all children in a big stadium, tell them that the military is good, socialism is bad and then they're told to go out and start working instead of expecring handouts you little commie pinko shits.
Yes. Judging from what we've all seen, it is obvious that the american education system is broken. And it is broken for a reason. They want people that are educated enough to do the work but dumb enough to be controlled easily and who will follow blindly. I mean, seriously, look at how many suck at geography, how creationism and intelligent design is still taught in schools, how public schools are left to fight dog eat dog battles to stay alive while the rich send their own children to private schools. No money to spend on education and healthcare. But plenty of money to spend on the military and war. It's absurd. and half the population loves them for it.
Even with the power of social media and instant messaging, they still couldn't muster decent numbers.

" It's because of China and the youchat fake news of the March that people are going to the wrong place. Otherwise there will more than a million supporters there. Sleepy Joe couldn't even get 1000 people in any of his rally's. Sleepy Joe puts everyone to sleep. I can get them all excited and doing a lot of good things. It's very bad what they are doing to me. They stole my election and stopped me blowing my own Trumpet.'
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