2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Not to meet conspiracy theory with conspiracy theory, but you see something like this , and you think back to his inauguration, and you do wonder... is this really the 2nd most popular president in history (in total number of votes received)?...

Total vote count is a terrible way to judge the popularity of a president.
Total vote count is a terrible way to judge the popularity of a president.

That's true, but it the massive turnout out plus his approval rating says something about how popular/divisive he is. His approval rating overall is relatively low, his disapproval relatively high, but his approval rating among Republicans seems historically high. Obama's approval rating was also pretty split on party lines, ie, Republican approval in the single digits (though not nearly as low as Democrat approval with Trump), but his approval rating with Democrats was never as high and consistently high as Trump's has been in the last year or so.
That's true, but it the massive turnout out plus his approval rating says something about how popular/divisive he is. His approval rating overall is relatively low, his disapproval relatively high, but his approval rating among Republicans seems historically high. Obama's approval rating was also pretty split on party lines, ie, Republican approval in the single digits (though not nearly as low as Democrat approval with Trump), but his approval rating with Democrats was never as high and consistently high as Trump's has been in the last year or so.
Yep, all of which is indicative of the ridiculous nature of US politics and the “vote for/stand by my team” mentality so many people have, largely as a result of the two party system.

Trump has a rabid and loyal base which accounts for maybe 20% of the population. The rest of his “support” are just Rs who are sticking with their party and many of whom hold their nose and vote for him because it advances their broader political views.

I’m not excusing them, it’s disgusting that they’re willing to cast their votes for a brazen racist piece of shit but it’s not because they actually like him in most cases, it’s because of what it enables.
Speaking of nazi’s and Alabama. The Jefferson County courthouse (in downtown Birmingham) has 4 swastikas carved into its facade. Blew me away the first time I saw them, and given Alabama’s past I could believe it was nefarious. Turns out it’s likely not. Stone was carved in 1929. Still crazy they are still there. THAT is bullshit.

I was shocked when I saw this in Hong Kong about 10 years ago:


I did a search and found out the original Buddhist meaning of the symbol. I’m quite glad people still use it tbh. It was in use for centuries before it was subverted.
I was shocked when I saw this in Hong Kong about 10 years ago:


I did a search and found out the original Buddhist meaning of the symbol. I’m quite glad people still use it tbh. It was in use for centuries before it was subverted.

Wasn't it also an Egyptian symbol? Praised by the gods?
Yep, all of which is indicative of the ridiculous nature of US politics and the “vote for/stand by my team” mentality so many people have, largely as a result of the two party system.

Trump has a rabid and loyal base which accounts for maybe 20% of the population. The rest of his “support” are just Rs who are sticking with their party and many of whom hold their nose and vote for him because it advances their broader political views.

I’m not excusing them, it’s disgusting that they’re willing to cast their votes for a brazen racist piece of shit but it’s not because they actually like him in most cases, it’s because of what it enables.

Aren't we in danger of falling into the same trap of dividing heterogenous groups into two binary teams, only here we're dividing them up into deep red and red-ish? Undoubtedly those two groups exist - a minority love him, a minority hate him but vote for him anyway. But my impression is there's a big chunk in between that don't feel like they're holding their noses at all. That seems a much stronger description than fits most. They're ambivalent about his excesses, rather than forcing themselves to actively ignore them. They see plenty to be positive about. Sure, they might prefer a different R, but they're pretty happy with Trump. He's much better than Biden, in any case.

My company HQ's in Arkansas and I've spoke to quite a few over the past couple of weeks who fit that middle ground very comfortably. Arkansas have been a Republican state since Reagan, only voting for governor Clinton in between. In the last two decades they've gone from 50% Republican to over 60%. A lot of them fit that first description of yours but they didn't give any sense that they have to hold their nose. They're not at all Trump lovers, but they're absolutely the kind who watch Fox News most days of the week, and just from viewing the world through that lens they're deeply suspicious of all sorts at the moment. Election shenanigans went on and who knows when the election will be decided. Might be up to the Supreme Court. Trump set that narrative and Fox talking heads have mostly ran with it, and it's wild how much it influences them.

So I don't think you can discount Trump's influence beyond that core base, he has connected to something beyond that IMO. That record turnout for him means something. You can put some of that down to divisive politics and wanting to make sure the other team don't win, but I'm not sure there's any evidence they were more against Biden than Clinton. The opposite, if anything. Trump stacked a lot on top of that.
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I was shocked when I saw this in Hong Kong about 10 years ago:


I did a search and found out the original Buddhist meaning of the symbol. I’m quite glad people still use it tbh. It was in use for centuries before it was subverted.
Wasn't it also an Egyptian symbol? Praised by the gods?
The Nazi symbol and Swastika are different. Swastika is the one in that Buddha statue and means something like "well-being" in Buddhism and Hinduism, whereas the Nazi symbol is a version rotated by like 45 degrees. I understand why the Nazi symbol is referred to as a Swastika but it shouldn't be.
The Nazi symbol and Swastika are different. Swastika is the one in that Buddha statue and means something like "well-being" in Buddhism and Hinduism, whereas the Nazi symbol is a version rotated by like 45 degrees. I understand why the Nazi symbol is referred to as a Swastika but it shouldn't be.

It's the original image completely reversed - so that if the Nazi symbol was rotating clockwise you could imagine the arms snagging on an external surround, unlike the original.
The Nazi symbol and Swastika are different. Swastika is the one in that Buddha statue and means something like "well-being" in Buddhism and Hinduism, whereas the Nazi symbol is a version rotated by like 45 degrees. I understand why the Nazi symbol is referred to as a Swastika but it shouldn't be.

It's the original image completely reversed - so that if the Nazi symbol was rotating clockwise you could imagine the arms snagging on an external surround, unlike the original.

The Nazis mostly used the tilted one, but they used plenty of non-tilted ones as well. They also "directed" them both ways, but I think the vast majority went the opposite direction to the traditional Swastika.
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The Nazis mostly used the tilted one, but they used plenty of non-tilted ones as well.
I wasn't aware they used that version as well. Oh well, feckin racist cnuts ruining good things for all.
Postcard sent in June 1910. This card was among those made by the Stanford Card Co. in Brooklyn, New York:

Left-facing swastika from a 1911 edition of Kipling's Puck of Pook's Hill:

British national savings stamp, 1916:

Other surprising examples, as well as meanings explained and millennia long history of use:



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I was shocked when I saw this in Hong Kong about 10 years ago:


I did a search and found out the original Buddhist meaning of the symbol. I’m quite glad people still use it tbh. It was in use for centuries before it was subverted.
I think is/was used by a Hindu sect and it has nothing to do with Hitler. He stole it and tarnished its true meaning with his tyranny.
I was shocked when I saw this in Hong Kong about 10 years ago:


I did a search and found out the original Buddhist meaning of the symbol. I’m quite glad people still use it tbh. It was in use for centuries before it was subverted.
It also points left. Lefty, likey; righty, reichy.

(Unfortunately that rule isn’t actually overwhelmingly true but it’s a fun rhyme)

Find it hard to believe this isn't related to the lack of a ground campaign from Biden.
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