2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Wow. This is something...

The level of ignorance is beyond belief. He says: " ... my dad fought 76 years ago in Europe to free Europe of Socialism".

Dude, your dad fought to help free Europe of Nazi fascism.
The level of ignorance is beyond belief. He says: " ... my dad fought 76 years ago in Europe to free Europe of Socialism".

Dude, your dad fought to help free Europe of Nazi fascism.
Well, they had ‘Socialist’ in their name. That’s close enough.
Thought you’d appreciate this.

My in-laws lived in the same neighborhood as he did in Auburn. They moved in right after he slinked off to Texas. Anyways, no one in the neighborhood had anything good to say about him. He's obviously stupid, has no loyalty to anyone but himself, and is a piece of shit. Basically the dictionary definition of a Trump Republican.
For the non-Americans; this dude's entire qualification for running was being a (relatively) successful NCAA Football coach in Alabama - which probably explains why he's so goddamn stupid.

His other qualification was running as a republican and NOT being (supposedly) a pedophile.
For the non-Americans; this dude's entire qualification for running was being a (relatively) successful NCAA Football coach in Alabama - which probably explains why he's so goddamn stupid.
To be successful coaching at that level in Texas and the Deep South, he would’ve had to have been smart or else extremely charismatic. He was none of those things really, though to be fair you had the disclaimer of “relatively”.

Lord help us if a great football coach or QB decides to dip his toes in politics; he’d be a threat to turn states back red.
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To be successful coaching at that level in Texas and the Deep South, he would’ve had to have been smart or else extremely charismatic. He was none of those things really. Lord help us if a great football coach or QB decides to dip his toes in politics; he’d be a threat to turn states back red.

Been done by famous pros (Largent in Oklahoma), college coaching icons (Osborne in Nebraska) and college football icons (Heath Schuler in Tennessee)
Been done by famous pros (Largent in Oklahoma), college coaching icons (Osborne in Nebraska) and college football icons (Heath Schuler in Tennessee)
I don’t know how he’s viewed within the GOP ranks, but Anthony Gonzalez in Ohio might fit the bill. He seems wholesome and is articulate.
For some reason I can't shake the idea that Tom Brady will end up a senator at some point. I already hate him with every fiber of my being, but I imagine it can get worse.
That big OT for the Titans and Eagles as well - Jon Runyan - white Republican, of course.

JC Watts of OU, no clue why he went GOP.

The U just sent a couple of former coaches/athletes to Congress. Burgess Owens and Tommy Tubberville (Assistant Coach during the Jimmy Johnson era).
For some reason I can't shake the idea that Tom Brady will end up a senator at some point. I already hate him with every fiber of my being, but I imagine it can get worse.

Yeah, he’s already a Trump guy who believes in pseudo science, or at least has no problem peddling it to make a buck. He would have to run in MA of maybe MI? Everyone else pretty much hates him.
Massachusetts would probably elect him with 90%+ of the vote. Doesn't matter what party he's affiliated with or what his platform is.
I doubt Brady will get into politics, plus you ever heard him talk? I recently rewatched him in an episode of Entourage and he's about as wooden as a spoon.
Reminds me of the case in Michigan where they filed an appeal that was dismissed because they didn't attach the right documents. Bunch of amateurs.
Are they doing it on purpose? How incompetent can they be!

Election lawsuit filed in the wrong court. Trump team try to argue it was a glitch, multiple people point out the filing systems are completely separate logins.

Thank god for dumb legal/political teams.
They don't care. They just want to create the false narrative that they got cheated. Why do you think people still believe vaccines cause autism? Zombie lies, I call them zombie because you can kill one everyday and they still keep coming back, exist for a reason. It is amazing how easy it is to spread lies and manipulate people like this. As long as we don't hold liars accountable for their lies, it will continue to be a weapon of the far right and other charlatans.
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