2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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It would be great if Biden pushed for the full weight of the courts to go after him when he leaves office. Nail him with everything you can.

Only way to stop future presidential candidates from being like trump. Then again dems will go soft.

As someone famous said evil rises not because evil is more powerful but because good people dont do anything until its too late.
It's a close win for Biden and stats has no penalty if Electors vote for Trump.

The governors in both states (PA and WI) select and send the electors and both Govs are Dems. Even if the state legislatures tried to select their own electors (which the PA Republican Senate leader said he has no interest in), every article I can find says it would get tossed out of court. Quickly. I posted an article somewhere in the last few pages that addresses this.
There's a non-zero chance, yes.

Not much above zero, but it does exist.

@oates CNN just announced that Biden won the election.

It's a show where all the contestants take turns hosting one another for dinner one different nights. Afterwards the "guests" rate their night out of ten and the winner gets some money. The pompous twat was one of the contestants and obviously he didn't like that someone other than him won so he acted like a, well, pompous twat.
Ahhhhh gotcha. Thank you!
For those familiar with court decisions and the way they're phrased, that's a rough one :


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Should almost start a pinned tweet with batshit media sources, kind of like discredited ITKs or Twitter transfer idiots.
Seems to me that Trump is getting used to the idea that he's leaving, he's in "i did great" farewell tour mode.
Won bigly before - 19 judges are dirty libruls who are stealing the vote.

On a serious note : I would not want to be those judges. I presume they ll have some extra security for a while.
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