2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Real systemic change can't happen by electing just a President. It will take both a President and Congress to be not just of the same party but rigidly committed to changing the system. We are pretty far away from that at the moment since neither the House or Senate are anywhere near that sort of galvanized state.

Has anything along these lines happened during your lifetime?
Has anything along these lines happen during your lifetime?

Nope. The US system isn't setup for this sort of thing, even less so in an era where a group of overlapping political tribes are constantly pulling against one another. That's not to say its impossible in the future, but the likeliest of scenarios is gradual, incremental change. If the Dems get an amenable President and 60% in both houses then things could happen fairly quickly, although right now we are pretty far off from that.
Nope. The US system isn't setup for this sort of thing, even less so in an era where a group of overlapping political tribes are constantly pulling against one another. That's not to say its impossible in the future, but the likeliest of scenarios is gradual, incremental change. If the Dems get an amenable President and 60% in both houses then things could happen fairly quickly, although right now we are pretty far off from that.

Don't think it will happen with the electoral college system.
Thought we were over this reaching out to the Republicans bullshit after 2016. :wenger:

Most Democrats are Republicans who find smoking pot cool (or want to get the votes of people who find smoking pot cool), especially the older generations like Biden, Clinton etc.

What was in your pocket at the time, Joe?

Biden vs Bernie would be Clinton vs Bernie all over again, as far as divisions in Democratic party are concerned. Obama would probably campaign a lot for Biden too which will really open fault lines within the party.
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  • Opposed busing
  • Presided over Clarence Thomas/Anita Hill hearing as Senate Judiciary Cmte. Chair.
  • Voted for 1994 Crime Bill
  • Voted for Iraq.
Stellar progressive record right there.
Don't think it will happen with the electoral college system.

Very true. As long as states like Wyoming, Alaska, and North Dakota have identical Senate represtation to California, the GOP will continue to have a platform to block substantial progress since we are more or less in a situation where it will require supermajorities in both houses of Congress to move the needle in terms of systemic change.
Is there a chance for Drump getting primaried?
If he did... When would that start

Just a thought but in the run up to the mid terms the Meuller investigation basically had to come to a bit of a stop so it wasn't seen to be influencing an election.

So if trump had to face a primary could that be a reason to stop it's publication... Presumably till after the election in November 2020 As pretty much straight after the primarys the full election campaign starts?

It also gives him more media attention and an excuse to go on nationwide rallies whipping up hate

Could even give him the chance to get a VP he thinks might help him more (Ivanka?)
Nope. The US system isn't setup for this sort of thing, even less so in an era where a group of overlapping political tribes are constantly pulling against one another. That's not to say its impossible in the future, but the likeliest of scenarios is gradual, incremental change. If the Dems get an amenable President and 60% in both houses then things could happen fairly quickly, although right now we are pretty far off from that.

Gradual incremental change will never work for us. It’ll only excacerbate the issues while offering short term solutions without fundamentally addressing the issues at hand.
Gradual incremental change will never work for us. It’ll only excacerbate the issues while offering short term solutions without fundamentally addressing the issues at hand.

It’s the only option at this point since the 100% solution is tantamount to no change at all given the current political climate. Small 20-30 percent changes, which gradually amount to 100% however, are entirely feasible.
I probably would have voted for Biden in 2016.
But now he is a no vote for me.
Democrats need to be careful not to run solely as the anti trump. Biden is the most suseptable of all the candidates to fall in to this trap. When trump spouts his bullshit the dem candidates must counter with facts and a clear plan instead of a group hug and collective dick sucking on how we are better than that. They need to fight back and show up so that struggling people in red and purple states pay attention.
If trump goes low just spend the day on media talking about his relationship with the Russian mob. Better yet, find the multiple people that trump has screwed over and turn them in to Joe the plumbers.
Make Flint the issue and not your native American heritage. Bring champions of social democracy from other countries to town halls to talk about the benefits instead of allowing the label to be used as mud to throw at you.
If the Dems allow this guy to even get close to a 2nd term they have utterly failed in their lives and I hope history spits at their cowardice.
Democrats need to be careful not to run solely as the anti trump. Biden is the most suseptable of all the candidates to fall in to this trap. When trump spouts his bullshit the dem candidates must counter with facts and a clear plan instead of a group hug and collective dick sucking on how we are better than that. They need to fight back and show up so that struggling people in red and purple states pay attention.
If trump goes low just spend the day on media talking about his relationship with the Russian mob. Better yet, find the multiple people that trump has screwed over and turn them in to Joe the plumbers.
Make Flint the issue and not your native American heritage. Bring champions of social democracy from other countries to town halls to talk about the benefits instead of allowing the label to be used as mud to throw at you.
If the Dems allow this guy to even get close to a 2nd term they have utterly failed in their lives and I hope history spits at their cowardice.

"We go high when they go low" bullshit did not work with Hillary because everyone knew she was always Low.

It wont work for Biden this time because he is an empty suit. He offers nothing but Kumbaya.
You win as you say by attacking your opponent.
Make Trump defend his crimes and treason.
Let's be honest any semi-decent candidate that manages to remain big scandal-free will beat Trump. Question that Dems need to asks themselves is , is this the only priority now, or actual progress needs to be made on social issues.
So this was a rant posted by a friend on Facebook:

"To all you supporters of Bernie Sanders,

A PSA...

We non-Trump supporters have an abundance of candidates to choose from in the upcoming primary. Each is eminently more qualified than Trump. Each will instill dignity back into the office. Each will bring with them liberal to progressive policies that will steer this country back to one which reflects individuals and groups as humans worthy of respect, equality, and an honest chance at leading successful, healthy lives. I'd be happy to have any of them in the White House and many of them I've been very happy to hear announce.

The only ones I haven't been thrilled with have been those I don't know well or Bernie Sanders, a senator I caucused for last presidential primary.

Why? Because it was his supporters, you or your compatriots, before he even announced he was running, that have been attacking the entire field. feck that. It's hard to get up excitement, let alone support, for someone whose vocal supporters are the worst mix of low-key passive aggressive patriarchy, misogyny, and racism all the while flaunting their and their candidate's progressive values.

I'm struggling to divorce them from him but it is a herculean trial.

Consider this the next time you feel the need to "criticize" another candidate rather than praise Sanders' record and proposals, that someone who was all in on Sanders in 2016 can't even muster an emotion more positive than apathy for him because of the actions and statements of a very vocal branch of adherents.

What can you do to counter them? Counter them. Point out that their tactics and language are divisive. Point out the inaccuracies of their attacks on other candidates (and yes most of the ones I've seen have been inaccurate, and yes, this means you'll probably need to do some research into the record of those candidates but isn't an informed vote what you want to cast?). Bring up their stated policies and platforms for THIS campaign and what you think they can bring to the table and then why you still choose Sanders. This is FAR more persuasive, though it may not be as viscerally satisfying as indulging in our baser instincts as slinging mud.

Let's flood this primary with so much positivity and unification that there is no place for the Russians or the GOP to go for their whisper campaigns and electoral shenanigans.

Let's do better. Let's be better."

I don't agree with the lad that posted this at all btw
Sorry but I hate your friend.
I know it's a way out but Sanders Harris and beto seem to be the most likley people to face trump.

Cant help but think that trump would fancy the match up against "crazy" Bernie Sanders rather than the other other two

This...was actually quite good. Where the feck has this come from?
I know it's a way out but Sanders Harris and beto seem to be the most likley people to face trump.

Cant help but think that trump would fancy the match up against "crazy" Bernie Sanders rather than the other other two

If Biden runs it will likely come at the expense of Harris, which would make it a three horse race between (from left to center) Bernie, Beto, and Biden .
If Biden runs it will likely come at the expense of Harris, which would make it a three horse race between (from left to center) Bernie, Beto, and Biden .
Beto to the left of Biden? Beto's voting would suggest otherwise surely?
Beto to the left of Biden? Beto's voting would suggest otherwise surely?

His current Presidential platform when its released as well as what he has been saying in his campaign against Cruz over the past 8-12 months would be the indicator. If he adheres to no PAC money, closing private for-profit prisons, legalizing weed, eliminating mandatory minimums for non-violent offenders, and some form of Universal health care (even if its not M4A) then he will be well to the left of Biden although not as far left as Sanders.
You really didn't need to even say that. He's not anywhere near as left as Sanders.

Based on what he's both said and done, he's probably to the left of Biden, but not by much. He's essentially one of the most moderate candidates.

We don't know that yet since O'Rourke hasn't released an official Presidential platform yet and Biden hasn't even declared yet. If Biden runs on an Obama style platform then they will be quite close. If on the other hand Biden is PAC funded and wants to (among other things) simply strengthen the ACA then there will be significant separation between them to where Beto will simultaneously leech considerable amounts of votes from both the Obama coalition and progressives, which would be very bad for both Bernie and Biden.
I don't think there's much danger of Beto taking votes from Bernie. The only time I'd see that becoming an actual issue is if he starts getting enough votes where he's actually winning. Otherwise he's going to take votes from most other candidates before Bernie.

I definitely think Biden and Beto are running roughly in the same lane. Not necessarily policy wise, but as you say Biden has a strong connection to Obama, which is the image Beto no doubt wants to run on himself.
I don't think there's much danger of Beto taking votes from Bernie. The only time I'd see that becoming an actual issue is if he starts getting enough votes where he's actually winning. Otherwise he's going to take votes from most other candidates before Bernie.

I definitely think Biden and Beto are running roughly in the same lane. Not necessarily policy wise, but as you say Biden has a strong connection to Obama, which is the image Beto no doubt wants to run on himself.

If you want to know who is concerned about taking votes from who then just look at who is attacking who. The bulk of the early attacks on O'Rourke are coming from Sanders and Trump supporters and not from anywhere near the political center.
If you want to know who is concerned about taking votes from who then just look at who is attacking who. The bulk of the early attacks on O'Rourke are coming from Sanders and Trump supporters and not from anywhere near the political center.
Klobuchar and Gillibrand are attacked as well and no one is afraid of losing to them.
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