2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Beto will have to come up with a platform, but in the end I don't think this election will be about policy. It will be about beating Trump and having a feel good candidate in the White House after the past 4 years. There won't be any medicare for all, free state level college, green new deal etc., because the political dynamics in the Congress aren't quite there yet. What we can hope for is to undo what Trump has done in terms of Paris, deregulation, foreign policy with the Russians/Saudis etc. Basically a return to the normal pre-Trump construct with some incremental gains in the progressive direction on things like the war on drugs, interventionism, immigration, and about half dozen other issues.

Any Democratic President that does take realistic steps to address these polices will not get a second term.
If he is opposed by Republicans all the way, that is a different story.
The key is make strides towards the ultimate goal.

Bernie will certainly do that.
Obviously love and hate are strong words

Just read the thread and it is obvious that the sentiment regarding Beto is very sceptical right now, whereas it used to be much more enthusiastic. It coincides with lots of Bernie supporters commenting on here. Nothing wrong with that, of course people are allowed to like / dislike whoever they want.

I still dont think that the case. The warm reception he got previously was when he seemed like he might unseat Ted Cruz. Now that he lost and is still running for president for no particular reason it's clear why people are reacting different and it has nothing to do with Bernie.
I still dont think that the case. The warm reception he got previously was when he seemed like he might unseat Ted Cruz. Now that he lost and is still running for president for no particular reason it's clear why people are reacting different and it has nothing to do with Bernie.
There is a particular reason.

His political career is toast if he runs against Cornyn and loses. By running for Prez he can aim to be Veeps at worst, while maintaining his profile.
A few weeks/months ago, Beto was loved by many posters in this thread, but now he‘s ridiculed and almost hated as much as Kamala Harris, simply because he is not Bernie

Just an obversation by me
I said I would have voted for him if Sanders wasn't a choice, but that was back when I thought he was in the progressive camp and wasn't someone who voted so often for Republican agendas. Now with better candidates who I can stick, he just sounds like a bag of air and such a typical politician. The Hope/Change mantra is dead and people who have been marginalized since Obama's terms aren't gonna fall for that any more...hopefully.
Thanks man, i thought I was the only one who thought that. :lol:

Beggar's belief that Yang is not higher up in the order. Cory fecking Booker is higher than Yang ffs
We'll see how it all lays out once the first debates finish. Yang already got his 65,000 unique donations and is guaranteed a spot for the two debates in June and July.
Thanks man, i thought I was the only one who thought that. :lol:

Beggar's belief that Yang is not higher up in the order. Cory fecking Booker is higher than Yang ffs

Still early days and Yang is still an outsider who's quite new - plenty of time for him to gain traction.
Obviously love and hate are strong words

Just read the thread and it is obvious that the sentiment regarding Beto is very sceptical right now, whereas it used to be much more enthusiastic. It coincides with lots of Bernie supporters commenting on here. Nothing wrong with that, of course people are allowed to like / dislike whoever they want.

He would have been great as a Senator from Texas. As President though its a different game
We'll see how it all lays out once the first debates finish. Yang already got his 65,000 unique donations and is guaranteed a spot for the two debates in June and July.
Still early days and Yang is still an outsider who's quite new - plenty of time for him to gain traction.

Some of his ideas are really good and it may well be co-opted by someone else. Imagine crying about Clinton not having any policy worth interesting the common man and one of them comes with a really great one to give 1000 dollars to everyone and all we could be excited about his game of thrones free pass. feck this world man
A few weeks/months ago, Beto was loved by many posters in this thread, but now he‘s ridiculed and almost hated as much as Kamala Harris, simply because he is not Bernie

Just an obversation by me
No one had any idea who is him, and he had charisma and talked well. Plus, everyone hates Lying Ted.

When people started digging deeper into his history, it was clear that he is just a centrist democrat masqueraded as progressive in order to get votes from the left side of the party (which is gaining territory in US). What he says and what he does seems very different. Just look in the debate against Cruz, he said everything right about climate change and how we should reduce the usage of fossil oil. Then later it was shown that he has been one of the most beneficiary of oil and gas companies while he was in Congress.

He is a white Obama. Talks the talk, is very likeable, manages to get people from different sites of the spectre. And ultimately does feck all.


Warren is not Bernie too, but she is liked here (despite the Indian controversy). People here seem to want someone who plans to do real change, not someone who smiles and talks well, but doesn't change anything.

O’Rourke voted twice to lift longstanding restrictions on crude oil exports. The decision was a boon to the world’s most dangerous industry, making the reckless exploration of reserves in the Permian and Appalachian Basin profitable and helping to set the US on the path to becoming a net exporter of fossil fuels; two years after the vote, exports had tripled.

As Oil Change International has found, the continued expansion of these reserves – including in the US – is flatly incompatible with averting catastrophic levels of global warming. Allowed to continue on the path they’re currently on, fossil fuel companies would turn the US into the world’s largest new sources of oil and gas extraction by 2030 – outranking the next biggest producer, Canada, by a factor of four to one. The results for the climate would be devastating, releasing an amount of greenhouse gases equivalent to the lifetime emissions of nearly 1,000 coal-fired power plants.

He voted with the Republican party as well to encourage more natural gas exports, and to stop a Democratic bill to ban drilling in the Gulf of Mexico. And as recently as October, O’Rourke voiced his support for an all-of-the-above energy policy that’s out of step with scientific reality, repeating a fossil fuel industry talking point that indefinitely continued oil and gas production is a way to “help us meet some of the challenges of climate change”.
Yup, all this about Beto has been posted here before, it just seems that many have poor memories or didn't pay attention. He's a fraud.
Another good reminder that platforms mean feck all if the candidate isnt going to stand by them. Hillary's "most progressive platform ever" that some on here have crowed about wasnt worth the paper it was printed on.

Just truly a huge huge huge piece of shit

He's a fecking fraud. He's the lefts version of Trump. Obama at least believed in his ideals but put them aside to try to repair bridges. Yes he was naive and yes he was a coward, but Beto is just a fecking conman.

I agree he's a massive improvement from Ted Cruz and a great candidate for the Senate, but he's not Presidential material and he would be considered right wing in Europe.
Beto will have to come up with a platform, but in the end I don't think this election will be about policy. It will be about beating Trump and having a feel good candidate in the White House after the past 4 years. There won't be any medicare for all, free state level college, green new deal etc., because the political dynamics in the Congress aren't quite there yet. What we can hope for is to undo what Trump has done in terms of Paris, deregulation, foreign policy with the Russians/Saudis etc. Basically a return to the normal pre-Trump construct with some incremental gains in the progressive direction on things like the war on drugs, interventionism, immigration, and about half dozen other issues.

Yes, that's the truth.
I'll be peeved if mayor Pete gets milkshake ducked as well.
I'll be peeved if mayor Pete gets milkshake ducked as well.

He was doing so well ("m4a is the moderate position between ACA and anhs" , court packing, end the filibuster) he he had a bad take recently -he opposed the commutation of Chelsea Manning's sentence. :(
Question for someone who wasn’t following this thread: Does Trump have a realistic chance of getting re-elected?
Question for someone who wasn’t following this thread: Does Trump have a realistic chance of getting re-elected?

Sitting presidents usually get re-elected, especially if the economy is strong. From 1932 to today, I can think of only 2 who were removed after their first term in normal circumstances - Carter and Bush Sr. The others who were kicked out were Ford, who was never elected in the first place, and LBJ who had taken over the last bit of JFK's term and pulled out in the next primaries itself. Everyone else (FDR 3 times, Truman, Eisenhower, Nixon, Reagan, Clinton, Bush, Obama) has got re-elected.

On the other hand, Trump does have disappointing approval numbers and poor polling against potential candidates. What makes him a little more unique is that he of course lost the popular vote last time - so a small shift of about 80k votes (out of millions) in 3 states will sink him. And his numbers in those states (Michigan, Penn, Wisconsin) do not look promising.

There is history on his side and unpopularity against him. It will depend on the opposing candidate and the strategy, basically. A good operation and outreach in those 3 states should be enough, withou needing to rely on Florida or Ohio, which will be tougher, or Georgia/Texas/Arizona, which will be impossible.
Sitting presidents usually get re-elected, especially if the economy is strong. From 1932 to today, I can think of only 2 who were removed after their first term in normal circumstances - Carter and Bush Sr. The others who were kicked out were Ford, who was never elected in the first place, and LBJ who had taken over the last bit of JFK's term and pulled out in the next primaries itself. Everyone else (FDR 3 times, Truman, Eisenhower, Nixon, Reagan, Clinton, Bush, Obama) has got re-elected.

On the other hand, Trump does have disappointing approval numbers and poor polling against potential candidates. What makes him a little more unique is that he of course lost the popular vote last time - so a small shift of about 80k votes (out of millions) in 3 states will sink him. And his numbers in those states (Michigan, Penn, Wisconsin) do not look promising.

There is history on his side and unpopularity against him. It will depend on the opposing candidate and the strategy, basically. A good operation and outreach in those 3 states should be enough, withou needing to rely on Florida or Ohio, which will be tougher, or Georgia/Texas/Arizona, which will be impossible.

Good post. Safe to say Trump is an extreme outlier in all of this since he has never had more than about 42% support (whereas Bush for instance was at 90% after invading Iraq in the early 90s), so the only way Trump can win is another improbable juggernaut involving low Dem turn out in key swing states because the candidate is so uninspiring that people would rather stay home than risk another four years of Trump. This is why I think it may ultimately turn into a two or three horse race between Bernie, Biden, and Beto.
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