2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Bush Sr. lost his second term because he raised taxes, which is a death sentence for a Republican. Trump's tax plan while in the GOP rule book has massively disappointed as an electoral gain in the mid term elections and from reports, it looks like more people are disappointed in their tax refund checks so far.
That'd actually be the worst outcome from all of this. A return to the pre-trump status quo. Like everything was fine until Trump came along.

Yes, because the dissatisfaction with that reality for people who arent upper middle class is why Trump found so much support. The elites didnt realize it then (see Haberman and Stephanopoulos laughing in Ellisons face for saying Trump had a chance) and they dont realize it now because they see completely out of touch. Trump was the first backlash to neoliberalism that failed ordinary people. The next will be even worse and the same professional managerial class will shake their heads and say "well duh, what's the matter Kansas?"
Beto compared to Robert Kennedy. That's like comparing the Mr Men books to Crime and Punishment.
Is it unfair of me to think that, once he was interviewed by Oprah, he had less substance (for me) as a politician?

It was the second apology O'Rourke made during the podcast. The first was for his writings as a teenager when he was a member of a group of activist hackers. Those writings, which came under the pseudonym "Psychedelic Warlord" and included a piece of fiction from a killer's point of view, were revealed in a Reuters report.
He said he was "mortified to read it now, incredibly embarrassed ... whatever my intention was as a teenager doesn't matter."
wtf ?
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Is it unfair of me to think that, once he was interviewed by Oprah, he had less substance (for me) as a politician?

He hasn't lost much in the way of substance since he was competing against Cruz. What has changed is the media and twitter coverage has exploded over the past month because of how he didn't announce when many thought he should've (namely during the Oprah interview). Now the various camps who are a bit nervy about him being in the race (ranging from Bernie to Trump fans) are starting to sharpen the knives because he is a threat to their core equities.
Wondering if Beto has perhaps jumped the gun a bit...
True progressives are merely asking for substance from Beto.
His past actions tells us that he cannot be trusted.
Trump supporters will hate anyone else.

In fairness, most candidates (spare perhaps Yang) don't even have full policy pages up on their web sites yet. Even Bernie's site has nothing more than Donate and Merchandise links. All of the campaigns are still in the process of hiring staff, building infrastructure, etc.
In fairness, most candidates (spare perhaps Yang) don't even have full policy pages up on their web sites yet. Even Bernie's site has nothing more than Donate and Merchandise links. All of the campaigns are still in the process of hiring staff, building infrastructure, etc.
Surely what is meant here is core policy ideas communicated clearly by the candidates ? Bernie and Warren have explained theirs numerous times already.
He hasn't lost much in the way of substance since he was competing against Cruz. What has changed is the media and twitter coverage has exploded over the past month because of how he didn't announce when many thought he should've (namely during the Oprah interview). Now the various camps who are a bit nervy about him being in the race (ranging from Bernie to Trump fans) are starting to sharpen the knives because he is a threat to their core equities.
This “people are sticking the boot in because they’re afraid” narrative is terribly incomplete. Plenty of people, myself included, would criticise him for his policy positions or lack thereof whether he had 1% chance or 100% chance of winning.
Surely what is meant here is core policy ideas communicated clearly by the candidates ? Bernie and Warren have explained theirs numerous times already.

They've also been in the race for more than two days and have been pushing their policies on the national stage for many years.
Wondering if Beto has perhaps jumped the gun a bit...

What's annoyed people is his wishy washy behavior. Beto has had so much media coverage since the midterms, yet we don't know what the stands for.

He comes across as an opportunist with no real convictions and beliefs.
They've also been in the race for more than two days and have been pushing their policies on the national stage for many years.
While that is true, I believe a wholesome presidential candidate is supposed to have formulated a set of beliefs and motivations prior to running of president. Not contrive something that people will find likable just because they are supposed to.
This “people are sticking the boot in because they’re afraid” narrative is terribly incomplete. Plenty of people, myself included, would criticise him for his policy positions or lack thereof whether he had 1% chance or 100% chance of winning.

Highly doubtful imo. The closer you realistically get to the nerve center of power the more criticism you get from those who view you as a threat to what they aspire to. Otherwise bottomfeeders like John Delaney, Castro, Inslee and Hickenlooper would be getting comparable criticism. BTW, this doesn't just apply to the Beto example. It has played out repeatedly over the years for most candidates. Rise and you will get criticized. Fade and you will be forgotten. Not that there's anything wrong with that. It simply is what it is.
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While that is true, I believe a wholesome presidential candidate is supposed to have formulated a set of beliefs and motivations prior to running of president. Not contrive something that people will find likable just because they are supposed to.

I agree with that. There is something to be said for having been on the political stage for many decades where people automatically know what all your policies are in comparison for a relative newbie.
So this was a rant posted by a friend on Facebook:

"To all you supporters of Bernie Sanders,

A PSA...

We non-Trump supporters have an abundance of candidates to choose from in the upcoming primary. Each is eminently more qualified than Trump. Each will instill dignity back into the office. Each will bring with them liberal to progressive policies that will steer this country back to one which reflects individuals and groups as humans worthy of respect, equality, and an honest chance at leading successful, healthy lives. I'd be happy to have any of them in the White House and many of them I've been very happy to hear announce.

The only ones I haven't been thrilled with have been those I don't know well or Bernie Sanders, a senator I caucused for last presidential primary.

Why? Because it was his supporters, you or your compatriots, before he even announced he was running, that have been attacking the entire field. feck that. It's hard to get up excitement, let alone support, for someone whose vocal supporters are the worst mix of low-key passive aggressive patriarchy, misogyny, and racism all the while flaunting their and their candidate's progressive values.

I'm struggling to divorce them from him but it is a herculean trial.

Consider this the next time you feel the need to "criticize" another candidate rather than praise Sanders' record and proposals, that someone who was all in on Sanders in 2016 can't even muster an emotion more positive than apathy for him because of the actions and statements of a very vocal branch of adherents.

What can you do to counter them? Counter them. Point out that their tactics and language are divisive. Point out the inaccuracies of their attacks on other candidates (and yes most of the ones I've seen have been inaccurate, and yes, this means you'll probably need to do some research into the record of those candidates but isn't an informed vote what you want to cast?). Bring up their stated policies and platforms for THIS campaign and what you think they can bring to the table and then why you still choose Sanders. This is FAR more persuasive, though it may not be as viscerally satisfying as indulging in our baser instincts as slinging mud.

Let's flood this primary with so much positivity and unification that there is no place for the Russians or the GOP to go for their whisper campaigns and electoral shenanigans.

Let's do better. Let's be better."

I don't agree with the lad that posted this at all btw
So this was a rant posted by a friend on Facebook:

"To all you supporters of Bernie Sanders,

A PSA...

We non-Trump supporters have an abundance of candidates to choose from in the upcoming primary. Each is eminently more qualified than Trump. Each will instill dignity back into the office. Each will bring with them liberal to progressive policies that will steer this country back to one which reflects individuals and groups as humans worthy of respect, equality, and an honest chance at leading successful, healthy lives. I'd be happy to have any of them in the White House and many of them I've been very happy to hear announce.

The only ones I haven't been thrilled with have been those I don't know well or Bernie Sanders, a senator I caucused for last presidential primary.

Why? Because it was his supporters, you or your compatriots, before he even announced he was running, that have been attacking the entire field. feck that. It's hard to get up excitement, let alone support, for someone whose vocal supporters are the worst mix of low-key passive aggressive patriarchy, misogyny, and racism all the while flaunting their and their candidate's progressive values.

I'm struggling to divorce them from him but it is a herculean trial.

Consider this the next time you feel the need to "criticize" another candidate rather than praise Sanders' record and proposals, that someone who was all in on Sanders in 2016 can't even muster an emotion more positive than apathy for him because of the actions and statements of a very vocal branch of adherents.

What can you do to counter them? Counter them. Point out that their tactics and language are divisive. Point out the inaccuracies of their attacks on other candidates (and yes most of the ones I've seen have been inaccurate, and yes, this means you'll probably need to do some research into the record of those candidates but isn't an informed vote what you want to cast?). Bring up their stated policies and platforms for THIS campaign and what you think they can bring to the table and then why you still choose Sanders. This is FAR more persuasive, though it may not be as viscerally satisfying as indulging in our baser instincts as slinging mud.

Let's flood this primary with so much positivity and unification that there is no place for the Russians or the GOP to go for their whisper campaigns and electoral shenanigans.

Let's do better. Let's be better."

I don't agree with the lad that posted this at all btw

A pretty astute post imo. I tend to find Sanders far more impressive than his online flock who go on the attack on his behalf.
Question for someone who wasn’t following this thread: Does Trump have a realistic chance of getting re-elected?
Due the nature of the electoral system, most votes are already baked in. It may be as simple as winning a couple swing states, or possibly just Pennsylvania in the end.

So the unfortunate answer is yes, though midterm trends show mostly blue momentum in the states in question.
A pretty astute post imo. I tend to find Sanders far more impressive than his online flock who go on the attack on his behalf.

Ironically a lot of the responses were bitter establishment Dems simply slinging mud at 'Bernie's Brats'
So this was a rant posted by a friend on Facebook:

"To all you supporters of Bernie Sanders,

A PSA...

We non-Trump supporters have an abundance of candidates to choose from in the upcoming primary. Each is eminently more qualified than Trump. Each will instill dignity back into the office. Each will bring with them liberal to progressive policies that will steer this country back to one which reflects individuals and groups as humans worthy of respect, equality, and an honest chance at leading successful, healthy lives. I'd be happy to have any of them in the White House and many of them I've been very happy to hear announce.

The only ones I haven't been thrilled with have been those I don't know well or Bernie Sanders, a senator I caucused for last presidential primary.

Why? Because it was his supporters, you or your compatriots, before he even announced he was running, that have been attacking the entire field. feck that. It's hard to get up excitement, let alone support, for someone whose vocal supporters are the worst mix of low-key passive aggressive patriarchy, misogyny, and racism all the while flaunting their and their candidate's progressive values.

I'm struggling to divorce them from him but it is a herculean trial.

Consider this the next time you feel the need to "criticize" another candidate rather than praise Sanders' record and proposals, that someone who was all in on Sanders in 2016 can't even muster an emotion more positive than apathy for him because of the actions and statements of a very vocal branch of adherents.

What can you do to counter them? Counter them. Point out that their tactics and language are divisive. Point out the inaccuracies of their attacks on other candidates (and yes most of the ones I've seen have been inaccurate, and yes, this means you'll probably need to do some research into the record of those candidates but isn't an informed vote what you want to cast?). Bring up their stated policies and platforms for THIS campaign and what you think they can bring to the table and then why you still choose Sanders. This is FAR more persuasive, though it may not be as viscerally satisfying as indulging in our baser instincts as slinging mud.

Let's flood this primary with so much positivity and unification that there is no place for the Russians or the GOP to go for their whisper campaigns and electoral shenanigans.

Let's do better. Let's be better."

I don't agree with the lad that posted this at all btw
I can see the point and I can see the cultish vibe among Sanders supporters. However, it should be understood that because of Clinton’s bullshit, and the past two years of Trump, people are quick to have the knives out. Hard to blame them for being this passionate. Hard not to be frustrated when some of the other candidates are trash.
Any candidate needs to be able to articulate his or her policy on specific issues, before he or she runs.
This is basic.
Only Corporatists attack Bernie or his supporters. Oh. And this person who claims to have been a Bernie supporter must have learned nothing while listening to him or more than likely is just a Hillary hack who is lying.
Sure. Behind a hack like Hillary?

People lose sight of what this is all about.
Its not about getting rid of Trump.
Its about representing the views and needs millions who have been betrayed by both Republican and Democratic administrations.

If anyone other than Bernie can come forward with concrete ideas about how to change the current direction, I will listen.

Was thinking about the phrase "Retire with Dignity"

What should be said is "To prevent people retiring into poverty"

Anyone not supporting Universal Health Care in one form or another does Not represent the American people.
Yes, because the dissatisfaction with that reality for people who arent upper middle class is why Trump found so much support. The elites didnt realize it then (see Haberman and Stephanopoulos laughing in Ellisons face for saying Trump had a chance) and they dont realize it now because they see completely out of touch. Trump was the first backlash to neoliberalism that failed ordinary people. The next will be even worse and the same professional managerial class will shake their heads and say "well duh, what's the matter Kansas?"

Yup. And anyone who votes along the lines of half thought bs like "as long as we get trump out of office" is only going to exacerbate the problems further.
:lol: Jeb Bush is like the side villain that gets taken out by the main villain to prove a point
Henry Wallace would have been President after FDR.
He was a man very much like FDR and would have continued his policies.
The Corporatists rigged the VP nomination and picked Truman when it was clear FDR was very ill.
Things would have proceeded uninterrupted with the corporate baton being passed until JFK.
His father made the deals to get the presidency for him, except he did not follow through.
With his refusal to swallow the poison pill of the Bay of Pigs, his fate was sealed. All his subsequent actions including support for Civil Rights showed he wanted to serve the people rather than take orders.
With another minor interruption of the ineffective Carter, we have had reliable corporate presidents until now.

This is why we have almost all the current nominees except Bernie eating out of Corporate hands.

If we want real change, we must elect someone who is not beholden to corporations.
Henry Wallace would have been President after FDR.
He was a man very much like FDR and would have continued his policies.
The Corporatists rigged the VP nomination and picked Truman when it was clear FDR was very ill.
Things would have proceeded uninterrupted with the corporate baton being passed until JFK.
His father made the deals to get the presidency for him, except he did not follow through.
With his refusal to swallow the poison pill of the Bay of Pigs, his fate was sealed. All his subsequent actions including support for Civil Rights showed he wanted to serve the people rather than take orders.
With another minor interruption of the ineffective Carter, we have had reliable corporate presidents until now.

This is why we have almost all the current nominees except Bernie eating out of Corporate hands.

If we want real change, we must elect someone who is not beholden to corporations.

Real systemic change can't happen by electing just a President. It will take both a President and Congress to be not just of the same party but rigidly committed to changing the system. We are pretty far away from that at the moment since neither the House or Senate are anywhere near that sort of galvanized state.
Real systemic change can't happen by electing just a President. It will take both a President and Congress to be not just of the same party but rigidly committed to changing the system. We are pretty far away from that at the moment.

I would agree about the commitment to changing the system.
It is very difficult because corporations pick the nominees. Whoever wins, corporations win.
A candidate like Bernie is a major problem for them. You can see how the corporate media seek to destroy him.
The only way to overcome this is for voters to remain well informed.
As we keep talking here for example. Informing each other.
With greater participation of voters, we will prevail against corporate greed.

We must believe and keep fighting.
Never giving in.
Because when we give in to their false choices, we lose.
Real systemic change can't happen by electing just a President. It will take both a President and Congress to be not just of the same party but rigidly committed to changing the system. We are pretty far away from that at the moment since neither the House or Senate are anywhere near that sort of galvanized state.

Real systemic change can't happen without trying to make it happen. People like Clinton, Biden won't/didn't even try to make any systemic changes. We already are seeing more progressive candidates, if that trend continues in 2020 all they need is a majority of the democrats to force it through. Republicans never worry about the naysayers they just keep hammering their push through. Liberals need to do the same not play this ridiculous "Im friends with Republicans" angle Biden is selling that is only going to calcify the push to the right.
Biden by reaching out to the Republicans is showing where his priorities are.
The passion to serve the people is not there.

What I am saying is as voters we need to do what is right.

We need to accept the reality that until the least of us is free none of us is free because we are all connected.
What happens to one affects all...even if we cannot see it.

When we fight for others, we are in reality fighting for ourselves.
I would agree about the commitment to changing the system.
It is very difficult because corporations pick the nominees. Whoever wins, corporations win.
A candidate like Bernie is a major problem for them. You can see how the corporate media seek to destroy him.
The only way to overcome this is for voters to remain well informed.
As we keep talking here for example. Informing each other.
With greater participation of voters, we will prevail against corporate greed.

We must believe and keep fighting.
Never giving in.
Because when we give in to their false choices, we lose.

Biden by reaching out to the Republicans is showing where his priorities are.
The passion to serve the people is not there.

What I am saying is as voters we need to do what is right.

We need to accept the reality that until the least of us is free none of us is free because we are all connected.
What happens to one affects all...even if we cannot see it.

When we fight for others, we are in reality fighting for ourselves.

Alright, Batman.
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