So this was a rant posted by a friend on Facebook:
"To all you supporters of Bernie Sanders,
A PSA...
We non-Trump supporters have an abundance of candidates to choose from in the upcoming primary. Each is eminently more qualified than Trump. Each will instill dignity back into the office. Each will bring with them liberal to progressive policies that will steer this country back to one which reflects individuals and groups as humans worthy of respect, equality, and an honest chance at leading successful, healthy lives. I'd be happy to have any of them in the White House and many of them I've been very happy to hear announce.
The only ones I haven't been thrilled with have been those I don't know well or Bernie Sanders, a senator I caucused for last presidential primary.
Why? Because it was his supporters, you or your compatriots, before he even announced he was running, that have been attacking the entire field. feck that. It's hard to get up excitement, let alone support, for someone whose vocal supporters are the worst mix of low-key passive aggressive patriarchy, misogyny, and racism all the while flaunting their and their candidate's progressive values.
I'm struggling to divorce them from him but it is a herculean trial.
Consider this the next time you feel the need to "criticize" another candidate rather than praise Sanders' record and proposals, that someone who was all in on Sanders in 2016 can't even muster an emotion more positive than apathy for him because of the actions and statements of a very vocal branch of adherents.
What can you do to counter them? Counter them. Point out that their tactics and language are divisive. Point out the inaccuracies of their attacks on other candidates (and yes most of the ones I've seen have been inaccurate, and yes, this means you'll probably need to do some research into the record of those candidates but isn't an informed vote what you want to cast?). Bring up their stated policies and platforms for THIS campaign and what you think they can bring to the table and then why you still choose Sanders. This is FAR more persuasive, though it may not be as viscerally satisfying as indulging in our baser instincts as slinging mud.
Let's flood this primary with so much positivity and unification that there is no place for the Russians or the GOP to go for their whisper campaigns and electoral shenanigans.
Let's do better. Let's be better."
I don't agree with the lad that posted this at all btw