2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Don't you think its a little suspicious he isn't releasing the number of donations and average donation figures? A lot of the other contenders released the additional figures after the 24 hour period ended.

Articles like the one below may suggest why the campaign is being secretive.


He seems to do whatever he wants. Just 48 hours ago he said he wasn’t releasing any numbers; this morning his campaign released them. The broader point is he has no incentive to conceal anything since everything will be public in less than two weeks.
He seems to do whatever he wants. Just 48 hours ago he said he wasn’t releasing any numbers; this morning his campaign released them. The broader point is he has no incentive to conceal anything since everything will be public in less than two weeks.
He could just be really stupid.
It's 4-horse race: Harris, O'Rourke, Biden, Sanders

But in actuality it's a three horse race, Sanders has no chance. The establishment will coalesce around one pick, and hammer them through like they did with Clinton.
It’s the only option at this point since the 100% solution is tantamount to no change at all given the current political climate. Small 20-30 percent changes, which gradually amount to 100% however, are entirely feasible.

The only option I see is abolishment. There will never be a conducive political atmosphere. Waiting for it change is pointless and stupid. We’ll be waiting forever.
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It's 4-horse race: Harris, O'Rourke, Biden, Sanders

But in actuality it's a three horse race, Sanders has no chance. The establishment will coalesce around one pick, and hammer them through like they did with Clinton.
It's far too early to make those calls. Other things to consider are that there is not juggernaut like an Obama or Clinton, the DNC have done away with superdelegates, and the debates are structured to have an even mix without putting the most popular in the middle of the stage every time (or so they say).
It's 4-horse race: Harris, O'Rourke, Biden, Sanders

But in actuality it's a three horse race, Sanders has no chance. The establishment will coalesce around one pick, and hammer them through like they did with Clinton.

If the Beto and Bernie fundraising totals are correct, that is bad news for the likes of Warren (390k) and Harris (1.5m). They won’t be able to compete with the aforementioned two in terms of funding a long, grueling primary campaign. Even worse for Harris, if Biden gets in (which he will), he will gobble up a significant chunk of former Obama coalition votes, which the likes of Harris and Booker are relying on. We could be looking at a three horse race rather quickly.
It's far too early to make those calls. Other things to consider are that there is not juggernaut like an Obama or Clinton, the DNC have done away with superdelegates, and the debates are structured to have an even mix without putting the most popular in the middle of the stage every time (or so they say).
The debates won’t prove much. Harris and Beto are well-spoken enough to share the stage with Bernie. Even outliers like Buttigieg and Yang are nothing to scoff at. This isn’t a Republican primary throwing out a cackle of morons we’re talking about.

The one person who would suffer is Biden, but his early polling numbers were destined to drop sharply anyways.
It’s the only option at this point since the 100% solution is tantamount to no change at all given the current political climate. Small 20-30 percent changes, which gradually amount to 100% however, are entirely feasible.

Actually, gradual changes are the only changes that work well in real life. Both for individuals and for complex social systems. Attempts for radical change usually lead to a worse situation, no matter how good the intentions are.
Actually, gradual changes are the only changes that work well in real life. Both for individuals and for complex social systems. Attempts for radical change usually lead to a worse situation, no matter how good the intentions are.
Our congressional system prevents radical change by default though? This can be seen with Trump who couldn’t get his radial solutions with a Republican Congress. We can at least have someone who keeps pushing the conversation in the right direction.
Our congressional system prevents radical change by default though? This can be seen with Trump who couldn’t get his radial solutions with a Republican Congress. We can at least have someone who keeps pushing the conversation in the right direction.

You are right. And in my opinion, it's a good thing. The founding fathers were quite smart. There are a lot of checks and balances, that actually work. And they will prevent radical changes. So yes, the best thing is to keep moving to a better direction (slowly!).

Perhaps the Democratic party should focus on a single issue, like health care, and really make it work for all. If in 4 years they are able to establish a universal medical insurance plan that works for all, with opt-out provisions for those who want to keep their current private insurance, this will lead to further wins in 2024.
I think Biden or O'Rourke appeals to a lot of center right Republicans who can't get with Trump owing to conscience. Someone like Sanders or Warren might not be the same.

Beto is not even a Democrat. Anywhere else in the world he would be right wing. He's a fecking fraud, a chancer piece of shit and he's most definitely not the answer. I just hope he keeps putting his foot in it like he has the last three or four days.

What a cnut.

Beto is not even a Democrat. Anywhere else in the world he would be right wing. He's a fecking fraud, a chancer piece of shit and he's most definitely not the answer. I just hope he keeps putting his foot in it like he has the last three or four days.

What a cnut.

Pretty sure Bernie supports some gun ownership as well, especially in rural areas and for victims of abuse.

Beto is not even a Democrat. Anywhere else in the world he would be right wing. He's a fecking fraud, a chancer piece of shit and he's most definitely not the answer. I just hope he keeps putting his foot in it like he has the last three or four days.

What a cnut.

Sounds like he’s smart enough to know there’s no realistic way of removing millions of weapons from people who bought them legally, but instead favors not selling any more of them which is a realistic policy approach.

Beto is not even a Democrat. Anywhere else in the world he would be right wing. He's a fecking fraud, a chancer piece of shit and he's most definitely not the answer. I just hope he keeps putting his foot in it like he has the last three or four days.

What a cnut.

That’s what you got out of that? He just advocated for stopping the sale of AR-15s.

Beto is not even a Democrat. Anywhere else in the world he would be right wing. He's a fecking fraud, a chancer piece of shit and he's most definitely not the answer. I just hope he keeps putting his foot in it like he has the last three or four days.

What a cnut.

I am not absolutely certain, but I think you don't like him very much!
Bernie believes assault weapons, as well as magazines holding more than ten bullets, should be banned nationwide.

He said they should be banned from sale. He didn't say they should be confiscated. The devil is in the details not bold letters.
That’s what you got out of that? He just advocated for stopping the sale of AR-15s.

Great, but it's no way near enough is it? Sorry, I'm just not impressed at all. His ties to big energy and his awful environmental & healthcare comments just don't inspire me to believe he will help the USA or the majority of its countrymen and women.
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Quite honestly if I were a Republican in Trump era GOP, the last thing I would want is an endorsement from Biden.
Yes. Biden gave a paid speech to a business club a few weeks before the midterms essentially endorsing a Republican congressmen who he called a good guy along with his usual working across the aisle is some virtue spiel.



He called Pence a decent man...this is after he helped Trump walk back the Helsinki speech.

Biden will get raked over the coals for that.
He called Pence a decent man...this is after he helped Trump walk back the Helsinki speech.

Biden will get raked over the coals for that.

We need to be the ones to do that. And I don't just mean you and I but we the people since the corporate media is already shielding him an awful lot. Biden has been on the wrong side of just about every major issue in his time:
  • Opposed school busing for de-degregation
  • Voting to ban gay marriage
  • Supported Wall Street deregulation
  • Chaired Clarence Thomas' hearings and dismissed Anita Hill
  • Pacesetter for Clinton's ridiculous 'tough on crime' awful policies and prison privatization
  • Eulogized Storm Thurmond saying he "moved to the good side"
  • Enthusiastically supported the Iraq War to be "strong on terror"
  • Supported the Heritage Foundation plan for privatized health care instead of supporting the public option
Guy is really a PoS.
We need to be the ones to do that. And I don't just mean you and I but we the people since the corporate media is already shielding him an awful lot. Biden has been on the wrong side of just about every major issue in his time:
  • Opposed school busing for de-degregation
  • Voting to ban gay marriage
  • Supported Wall Street deregulation
  • Chaired Clarence Thomas' hearings and dismissed Anita Hill
  • Pacesetter for Clinton's ridiculous 'tough on crime' awful policies and prison privatization
  • Eulogized Storm Thurmond saying he "moved to the good side"
  • Enthusiastically supported the Iraq War to be "strong on terror"
  • Supported the Heritage Foundation plan for privatized health care instead of supporting the public option
Guy is really a PoS.

but but but he was Obama's VP
Great, but it's no way near enough is it? Sorry, I'm just not impressed at all. His ties to big energy and his awful environmental & healthcare comments just don't inspire me to believe he will help the USA or the majority of its countrymen and women.
Okay, but I don’t understand your reply in the context of what you quoted. Do you want him to proclaim he’s coming to take all our guns...?
Yes. Biden gave a paid speech to a business club a few weeks before the midterms essentially endorsing a Republican congressmen who he called a good guy along with his usual working across the aisle is some virtue spiel.



Is the congressman a good guy ? I'm sure there are some decent Republicans
Is the congressman a good guy ? I'm sure there are some decent Republicans
How about, as a party leader, make sure that your party nominate a good guy and help elect him?

The Republican in question is a businessman and prominent member of said club btw (could even be president, I’m not bothered to check). Biden was paid 200k+ to make said speech.
just saw Beto being ripped apart on MSNBC.

No gloves have been laid on Harris.
You can see the Corporate media's choice already.
Biden who they see as getting the Trump blue color voters.He is now the 2020 Anointed One.
Harris as VP to satisfy the Women/Black voters.

It's hard enough finding decent democrats. The parties in the US are so right-skewed it is unreal.
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