2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Charlatan, no-one knows him aside from politicos. Come back when you have ideas, opinions even, on how to run the country. Biden with less name recognition.
Charlatan, no-one knows him aside from politicos. Come back when you have ideas, opinions even, on how to run the country. Biden with less name recognition.

On the plus side, he's not 90 years old.
He is the knight in white shinning armour for neo liberals. He’s got his vanity fair profile, random buzz words as part of his announcement speech...what more do you need? Stop asking questions and just get onaboard already.
So.... i hear alot about this "white Obama" who looks like Hugh Laurie so im almost sure he's about to come up with some amazing ideas but really all along we find out it was his butler telling him what to do, so abit in the mould of Bill & Hillary.

Anywho, what's his position on anything?!
He needs to clarify his policy positions.
But some pundits are saying he is to the left of moderates, while not calling himself a Socialist.

He is going to be difficult to beat.

He will definitely live among the upper echelon of candidates. Now he will have to come up with an entirely new Presidential policy platform that extends far beyond the equities of being a Congressman in a far corner of Texas. How he handles that transition will inform how far he goes.
He will definitely live among the upper echelon of candidates. Now he will have to come up with an entirely new Presidential policy platform that extends far beyond the equities of being a Congressman in a far corner of Texas. How he handles that transition will inform how far he goes.

What I like about him is he does not simply take a 'safe' position when he answers questions.

Like the 'taking the knee' controversy.
Speaking out for African Americans in the shooting incident in a black church in Texas.

I will caucus for Bernie of course.
But I want to hear more from Beto.
So we have the black Hillary Clinton and the White Barrack Obama as the shining beacons of the party. fecking hell
Buttgig also seems a decent candidate. At least will provide support for better discussion during the debates.
He’s got the substance of a city council rep.

People with the substance of City Council reps typically don’t generate a tsunami of national level buzz to be the next President. He’s getting the attention because he has the star power to move the needle in the race and actually win, much as Obama did in 2007.
People with the substance of City Council reps typically don’t generate a tsunami of national level buzz to be the next President. He’s getting the attention because he has the star power to move the needle in the race and actually win, much as Obama did in 2007.
Star power, yes. Substance, I don’t think so. I hope he and the DNC realize that it’s gonna have to take a lot more than positivity-ing our way to making the big changes needed.
Star power, yes. Substance, I don’t think so. I hope he and the DNC realize that it’s gonna have to take a lot more than positivity-ing our way to making the big changes needed.

More or less like Obama then. He showed up on Oprah and gave feel good speeches to crowds who ate it up and eventually made him President....for 8 years. Beto does have to get his act together on policy as that will be the thing that either puts more wind into his sails or gets him stuck in the mud.
More or less like Obama then. He showed up on Oprah and gave feel good speeches to crowds who ate it up and eventually made him President....for 8 years. Beto does have to get his act together on policy as that will be the thing that either puts more wind into his sails or gets him stuck in the mud.
The formula for success in 2008 is not going to be the same as 2020. We’ll see if he puts forth real policy and addresses his Republican love in from his voting record. If not, he’ll get slaughtered in the debates considering we have multiple candidates who are adamant about policy.
The formula for success in 2008 is not going to be the same as 2020. We’ll see if he puts forth real policy and addresses his Republican love in from his voting record. If not, he’ll get slaughtered in the debates considering we have multiple candidates who are adamant about policy.

Beto will have to come up with a platform, but in the end I don't think this election will be about policy. It will be about beating Trump and having a feel good candidate in the White House after the past 4 years. There won't be any medicare for all, free state level college, green new deal etc., because the political dynamics in the Congress aren't quite there yet. What we can hope for is to undo what Trump has done in terms of Paris, deregulation, foreign policy with the Russians/Saudis etc. Basically a return to the normal pre-Trump construct with some incremental gains in the progressive direction on things like the war on drugs, interventionism, immigration, and about half dozen other issues.
Beto will have to come up with a platform, but in the end I don't think this election will be about policy. It will be about beating Trump and having a feel good candidate in the White House after the past 4 years. There won't be any medicare for all, free state level college, green new deal etc., because the political dynamics in the Congress aren't quite there yet. What we can hope for is to undo what Trump has done in terms of Paris, deregulation, foreign policy with the Russians/Saudis etc. Basically a return to the normal pre-Trump construct with some incremental gains in the progressive direction on things like the war on drugs, interventionism, immigration, and about half dozen other issues.
Yep, and the standard of living, wages, income inequality, job loss, climate are all going to be poorer. And then you’re just going to get another right wing extremist in the mix once the next centrist fails to deliver.
Yep, and the standard of living, wages, income inequality, job loss, climate are all going to be poorer. And then you’re just going to get another right wing extremist in the mix once the next centrist fails to deliver.

Things wouldn't change much even if Sanders is elected since he wouldn't be able to make any major systemic changes without supermajority support in Congress, which the Dems are pretty far off from right now.
Things wouldn't change much even if Sanders is elected since he wouldn't be able to make any major systemic changes without supermajority support in Congress, which the Dems are pretty far off from right now.
At least with a strong supporter of things like M4A in a president, we could do a better job of exposing reps and senators who fail to vote for it. And at the very least, it keeps that conversation hot.
Things wouldn't change much even if Sanders is elected since he wouldn't be able to make any major systemic changes without supermajority support in Congress, which the Dems are pretty far off from right now.
How many seats are at play in 2020? I presume the hope with Bernie is that he will energise support for the downballot candidates that share his ideas.
A few weeks/months ago, Beto was loved by many posters in this thread, but now he‘s ridiculed and almost hated as much as Kamala Harris, simply because he is not Bernie

Just an obversation by me
A few weeks/months ago, Beto was loved by many posters in this thread, but now he‘s ridiculed and almost hated as much as Kamala Harris, simply because he is not Bernie

Just an obversation by me

What's annoyed a lot of people is his wishy washy behavior in recent months.
Bad observation. Name some names who used to love beto and now hate him.
Obviously love and hate are strong words

Just read the thread and it is obvious that the sentiment regarding Beto is very sceptical right now, whereas it used to be much more enthusiastic. It coincides with lots of Bernie supporters commenting on here. Nothing wrong with that, of course people are allowed to like / dislike whoever they want.
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