2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Biden will announce this week.
Realistically it will be Biden, Bernie and Harris fighting it out.
In the end it will be policies that decide.
People have had enough of the same centrist nonsense.

I think it will be Biden, Beto, Bernie, with Harris straggling within striking distance.
I think it will be Biden, Beto, Bernie, with Harris straggling within striking distance.

If the Clinton machine gets behind Harris (as some suspect it will) then she may stand a chance. Unlikely though.

I can only see one of Biden/Beto running. Although Biden running with Beto as his popular VP to make him seem more in-touch with younger voters seems like a possibility.
Probably as long as he can since he’s seeing that other than Sanders, nearly everyone who has already announced aren’t really gaining any advantage over having announced so early. Also, Beto has a documentary coming out soon, so he and his campaign staff are likely going to time their announcement to get a maximum bump from that.
Pretty remarkable to see the GOP's posse attacking someone who isn't even in the race yet.

Republicans would be at risk of losing Texas if O'Rourke is the Democratic standard bearer, said Club for Growth President David McIntosh.

McIntosh said his organization recently conducted a survey of battleground states and found O’Rourke running narrowly behind the president. An O’Rourke nomination, he warned, could complicate the electoral fortunes of Republicans up and down the ballot in 2020.

“We watched what he did in Texas in the race against Cruz and realized his potential within the Democratic primary system is enormously larger than what people are giving him credit for right now. We realized, here is a real potential threat because if he is the nominee then Texas suddenly is in play,” McIntosh said.
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Does Biden have a base though? He is notorious for being a poor campaigner and his speeches are uninspiring at best. Once the debates start I think Biden is done. Beto and Harris will be the centrist choices especially with California so early. Biden has zero chance in California. Newsom will endorse Harris or Bernie and will probably actively work against Biden in CA. Biden causes no enthusiasm among the people here.
Once Biden articulates his policy positions, he will start losing support.
His old kumbaya style is not going to work in the current atmosphere either.

Beto will be interesting. Once again policy positions he articulates will have to resonate.
@Raoul if the vote was tomorrow who of the dem candidates would you pick?

I have no idea as we don’t have a full field of candidates yet and even the ones who are in don’t all have fully developed policy positions yet. Once Biden & Beto are in and we are in full campaign mode, we should know a bit more.
Does Biden have a base though? He is notorious for being a poor campaigner and his speeches are uninspiring at best. Once the debates start I think Biden is done. Beto and Harris will be the centrist choices especially with California so early. Biden has zero chance in California. Newsom will endorse Harris or Bernie and will probably actively work against Biden in CA. Biden causes no enthusiasm among the people here.

Hilary was never a particularly strong debater but nevertheless managed to edge the primary. I think Harris (or potentially Beto) would dent his base massively but he might be seen as the centre-ground as a recognisable safe pair of hands to many. Although does feel like momentum has moved away from him as key campaign issues start to emerge.
Hilary was never a particularly strong debater but nevertheless managed to edge the primary. I think Harris (or potentially Beto) would dent his base massively but he might be seen as the centre-ground as a recognisable safe pair of hands to many. Although does feel like momentum has moved away from him as key campaign issues start to emerge.

I don't think anyone needs to re-hash the 2016 primaries. Completely different circumstances. I think Biden is going be the 2020 Democrat version of Jeb Bush. Popular because of name recognition early on but once the race heats up he simply doesn't have what it takes.
Biden has no passion for any specific issue.
He is your perfect centrist. He also has this annoying 'lets all get along' attitude which is really hollow.
When he has to face the challenges of Health Care, education and Social Security, he will have little or no specifics.
Biden has no passion for any specific issue.
He is your perfect centrist. He also has this annoying 'lets all get along' attitude which is really hollow.
When he has to face the challenges of Health Care, education and Social Security, he will have little or no specifics.
i think people like Biden because of the Obama nostalgia
i think people like Biden because of the Obama nostalgia

Which is relevant early on but once real campaigning and debates start, it recedes in relevance.

That was basically the argument Republicans were using for Jeb Bush - nostalgia for the Bush years (which conservatives view positively compared to Obama).

Are we meant to be surprised people are googling to find out who ‘relative unknowns’ are compared to very well known entities in the political sphere?

They’ve had a surge of publicity, people don’t know who they are and google it. There I’ve solved it.
I have no idea as we don’t have a full field of candidates yet and even the ones who are in don’t all have fully developed policy positions yet. Once Biden & Beto are in and we are in full campaign mode, we should know a bit more.
Fair enough.
Listened to the Freakonomics podcast by Yang and I was genuinely impressed. I'm not all that clued up on money matters for the country, but it did look like he was stretching with his plan for funding the UBI but the man is driven to help. He has no problems with someone taking his ideas and running it too. Many idiots were bitching about 'no solid policy' and here's a guy with detailed policies in his website and the thing that got him into the politico weekly roundup podcast was his announcement that he'll give a free HBO pass for everyone to watch Game of Thrones.

Surely expect Bernie to pick up a few of his policies. The guy sounded sincere.
i thought i hated harris the most but its nothing compared to beto. at least with kamala harris she is a high profile senator and she is a black woman and there is some limited value in representation at high levels. she would be a terrible president but it at least makes sense why she is running. but beto has none of that. he has no platform, no natural constituency, is more conservative than his district, wont even call himself a progressive and he feckin lost to ted cruz. if he cared even a little bit about the country instead of himself he would be running against cornyn. its incredible that anyone is even taking him seriously. stacey abrams has far more right to run in 2020 than he does.
i think people like Biden because of the Obama nostalgia
I like Biden because he seems to be one of the few intellectuals capable of getting down into the mud with a cretin like Palin and come out victorious. While not a very good reason as a whole- I d honestly get my popcorn out for any debates between Biden and Trump. Unlike Hillary - I believe Joe will know how to properly handle Donnie on live TV. Don't understand the sentiment expressed above that once debates start Biden is done - imho he was the far better debater in all the primary debates than Obama.
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i thought i hated harris the most but its nothing compared to beto. at least with kamala harris she is a high profile senator and she is a black woman and there is some limited value in representation at high levels. she would be a terrible president but it at least makes sense why she is running. but beto has none of that. he has no platform, no natural constituency, is more conservative than his district, wont even call himself a progressive and he feckin lost to ted cruz. if he cared even a little bit about the country instead of himself he would be running against cornyn. its incredible that anyone is even taking him seriously. stacey abrams has far more right to run in 2020 than he does.
Since when was this feeling? I could have sworn you said you'd have voted for him not that long ago.
i thought i hated harris the most but its nothing compared to beto. at least with kamala harris she is a high profile senator and she is a black woman and there is some limited value in representation at high levels. she would be a terrible president but it at least makes sense why she is running. but beto has none of that. he has no platform, no natural constituency, is more conservative than his district, wont even call himself a progressive and he feckin lost to ted cruz. if he cared even a little bit about the country instead of himself he would be running against cornyn. its incredible that anyone is even taking him seriously. stacey abrams has far more right to run in 2020 than he does.
What's incredible is you not taking a Democrat nearly unseating a Texas Senator seriously.
What's incredible is you not taking a Democrat nearly unseating a Texas Senator seriously.

He's a threat to each of Biden, Sanders, and Trump so I would expect a lot of blowback against him from the political fringes since he is a threat to "their guy". The Trumpsters will in particular be a bit nervy since he is a legitimate threat to carry Texas (where Trump is polling fairly poorly at the moment), which would almost certainly suffocate all plausible paths to a Trump reelection.

He's a threat to each of Biden, Sanders, and Trump so I would expect a lot of blowback against him from the political fringes since he is a threat to "their guy". The Trumpsters will in particular be a bit nervy since he is a legitimate threat to carry Texas (where Trump is polling fairly poorly at the moment), which would almost certainly suffocate all plausible paths to a Trump reelection.

I've explained my reasoning on this multiple times but you refuse to accept it. Sanders isnt my guy because I threw in my lot with him or anything. Hes the best candidate because of his platform and his genuine belief in the policies he espouses. If he changed his platform to things I dont agree with, he would no longer be the best candidate. You might not judge politicians on platforms and policies and convictions but some of us do.
What's incredible is you not taking a Democrat nearly unseating a Texas Senator seriously.

He lost. By more than Stacey Abrams lost even. Hes never won anything more than a very blue district in the house. If he defeated Cruz it would have been different but if he can't beat Cruz hes not going to beat Trump in Texas. Hes an empty suit.
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