2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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But anything is still possible, no ?
Well, not anything. But Trump can still win. It's like 2016 when Hillary's only remaining path to the victory was somehow winning Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan. For a while, she still had a chance in all of them but it was always going to be a long shot to win all.

It's the same here: Trump will win NC in all likelihood; he can still win Georgia, he might still somehow win Arizona, he can still win PA, he might even find the extra votes in Nevada... it's just very unlikely that he wins FOUR of these - and even four might not be enough if PA happens to be the one where he loses. Everything has to go right for him and everything has to go wrong for Biden, who only needs two of these five, or just one if that one is PA.
@WI_Red, hello, we missed you. I'm glad you finally got some sleep!


Going to be over 3% in the end in Michigan. Also shows that the margins shouldn't slack off as more Pennsylvania stuff comes in.
It seemed like a great way to make a rather large country manageable in the late 18th century. Even just the 13 original states were larger than any European countries at the time, no? But yeah, it does seem like an unnecessary arrangement in the 21st century.
We tend to venerate members & decisions of the quasi-medieval time in the history of this country a bit too much while the world is changing at an virtually exponential rate compared to then.
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Here's a question: is the failure of Trump to disenfrancise enough Democrats in the right places to win (like W Bush did) a case of the incompetence of his team/a lack of support from Republicans in positions of power at state level, is it because the voter coalitions behind the main parties have changed so the same tactics wouldn't disenfranchise the right voters, or is it just that Trump is so unpopular that the tried-and-tested dirty tricks just weren't enough and he's having to resort to more blatant ones (delegitimising mail-in ballots) to stay in the race?

I mean, imagine if PA and MI had Republican governors. Look at the feckery in Texas.

Having Democrats in gubernatorial positions of power go a long way towards ensuring fairness in elections at the state/federal level.

Going to be over 3% in the end in Michigan. Also shows that the margins shouldn't slack off as more Pennsylvania stuff comes in.

CNN reported only 120k votes left in Philly, but by the current count that brings it short of 2016 total, which is impossible.

Biden will probably net another 180-200k out of the county.
What do you think of the argument that Democrats have to reach out religious conservatives now? Because no matter how immoral Trump is the Republican party continue to get their vote. Biden has cut into it better for Dems compared to elections going back many years and according to some conservative pundits it is because he evokes being Catholic and how faith affected his life on a personal level like after his wife and daughter died. But in the south abortion is a single issue vote clincher for many voters so Trump's stances on the issue negate his personal moral failings.
Don’t think democrats could sway any real
number of religious conservatives. Such people basically all have evangelical leanings that the party platform cannot pierce right now.
R Congressman basically laying into Trump on CNN.

Looks like someone is being ditched. Fox did the same to fascist Barbie a couple hours ago.
That debate they had where the question was 'What would you say to someone who didn't vote for you'. Biden said he would do his best for everyone no matter if they voted for him or not. Trump basically called them all stupid. Trump is a loose cannon.
It was a while back.
Yeah, I sort of figured that - I assume they're talking about Ilhan Omar? - but still, it should be every bit as famous as surprised Pikachu. Absolutely brilliant facial expression.
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