2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Do they know something CNN doesn't know?

No, CNN is just more cautious. AP and Fox also called Arizona quite early, which now looks like a mistake. Not saying Biden won't win it, but Trump is definitely still in the game.
Do they know something CNN doesn't know?
CNN has been extremely conservative in making any sort of prediction because they don't want to seem biased. I've been pulling my hair out because they keep saying anything is possible in their coverage.
MSNBC is reporting that Kenosha County, Wisconsin, a Trump county by 4%, played a late role in pushing the state to Biden.

That is a bit of delicious irony.
You could, especially when discussing the ignorant batshittery. But, what, it’s 80/20 religious v. not currently?
Probably closer to half if you‘re counting people who count religion as a deep part of their lives. It is hazardous exercise to make such broad statements like ‘deeply religious’ regarding a country as heterogeneous as the US though.
Is Trump going to have a military coup? He certainly doesn't come across as a good loser.
I think a lot of high-ranking military men in the US detest Trump. He's been shitting on the entire military his entire life. If he loses a democratic election and refuses to leave the White House the military will go in and drag him out kicking and screaming.
“States’ rights”

Sometimes the US having many different ways of doing everything seems perfectly understandable, it being (at least originally) a union of sort of separate entities and all. Mostly it just feels wasteful. I'm sure more traditional proud Americans will feel very attacked by this, but I feel the US really suffers from its federal origins.
When are we expecting PA to be called?
Tomorrow. Might happen today, but an extra day gives Trump more potential to foul up the process. It was also broadcast by the state that Friday was most likely. All depends on what republicans thought could help them the most.
Here's a question: is the failure of Trump to disenfrancise enough Democrats in the right places to win (like W Bush did) a case of the incompetence of his team/a lack of support from Republicans in positions of power at state level, is it because the voter coalitions behind the main parties have changed so the same tactics wouldn't disenfranchise the right voters, or is it just that Trump is so unpopular that the tried-and-tested dirty tricks just weren't enough and he's having to resort to more blatant ones (delegitimising mail-in ballots) to stay in the race?
Trump's tweets and speeches insistence on the election being rigged is pathetic and alarming.

I'd love a House Of Cards episode where you can see what would happen behind the scenes if the president is flat out accusing his own nation's election processes as corrupt.

I hate you.
I think a lot of high-ranking military men in the US detest Trump. He's been shitting on the entire military his entire life. If he loses a democratic election and refuses to leave the White House the military will go in and drag him out kicking and screaming.
I pay to watch that.
Sometimes the US having many different ways of doing everything seems perfectly understandable, it being (at least originally) a union of sort of separate entities and all. Mostly it just feels wasteful. I'm sure more traditional proud Americans will feel very attacked by this, but I feel the US really suffers from its federal origins.
It seemed like a great way to make a rather large country manageable in the late 18th century. Even just the 13 original states were larger than any European countries at the time, no? But yeah, it does seem like an unnecessary arrangement in the 21st century.
Trump's tweets and speeches insistence on the election being rigged is pathetic and alarming.

I'd love a House Of Cards episode where you can see what would happen behind the scenes if the president is flat out accusing his own nation's election processes as corrupt.
At this stage, he is just barking at the moon.
What do you think of the argument that Democrats have to reach out religious conservatives now? Because no matter how immoral Trump is the Republican party continue to get their vote. Biden has cut into it better for Dems compared to elections going back many years and according to some conservative pundits it is because he evokes being Catholic and how faith affected his life on a personal level like after his wife and daughter died. But in the south abortion is a single issue vote clincher for many voters so Trump's stances on the issue negate his personal moral failings.

Conflicts with night sticks
Illegal sales districts
Hand-picked lunatics, keep poli-TRICK-cians rich
Heretics push narcotics amidst its risks and frisks
Cool cliques throw bricks but seldom hit targets
Private-DIC sell hits, like porno-flicks do chicks
The 666 cut W.I.C. like Newt Gingrich SUCKS DICK
R Congressman basically laying into Trump on CNN.

Looks like someone is being ditched. Fox did the same to fascist Barbie a couple hours ago.
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