2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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What baffles me is that Trump laid out his whole election night (week/month) strategy beforehand: cast doubt on legitimate votes in states where it looks close and he’s losing. How can people lead themselves to believe something that the perpetrator himself announced he would make up beforehand?

I guess seeing his supporters chant “count the votes” in Arizona and “stop the count” in Pennsylvania gives me a sort of answer, in that what matters to them is the victory rather than the process, which shouldn’t surprise me at this point. But I am still surprised by how genuinely convinced they all seem that there’s foul play when he’s been so transparent about fabricating this. Maybe this is just limited to the QAnon crowd or something.
I'll humour this.

1.Trying to reopen the country and end the lockdowns
For a country that's seen a quarter of a million people die to the virus, with around a thousand dying everyday and not looking like its slowing down, you really think its a good idea to reverse a lockdown? It also doesn't help that he's undermining the country's biggest expert on virology, cutting back the CDC all while suggesting people inject disinfectant.

2. Great for the economy, taking the economy to record highs, reducing unemployment and poverty to historic lows
3. Slashing taxes

He's also overseen a ballooning of national debt, and thanks to his tax bill the deficit is around $1 trillion. Wages are also at an all time low and unemployment had actually started to steadily decrease since 2010.

4. Dealing with China

What does 'dealing with China' mean? You mean starting a trade war that has led to detrimental economic effects on both sides?

5. Keeping Putin quiet

This is amusing considering his outright cowardice and reluctance to ever criticise Russia, opting to take Putin's word over his own intelligence regarding interference, and of course his deafening silence over Russia placing bounties on US servicemen/women in Afghanistan.

6. Dealing with Iran

Again, what does this mean? Unless you're referring to him undoing years of diplomatic strides garnered by the previous administration, or assassinating a high ranking Iranian official almost plunging the region into another regional war.

7. Demolishing ISIS

Trump deserves some credit here, but bear in mind his strategy was essentially a continuation of Obama's, who by the time he left office was responsible for liberating 50% of ISIS held territory.

8. Opening a dialogue with the North Korean clown

North Korea continues to carry out missile tests, so really all of Trump's posturing and buddying up with the rocket man has resulted in the square root of feck all.

9. Brokering historic peace agreements in the middle east
10. Being the most pro-Israel president probably in history

By brokering peace you mean gifting Israel all of Jerusalem, essentially killing off any prospect of a two-state peaceful solution, nevermind his green lighting of the hardline Israel's annexation and illegal settlement expansions. Giving the Israelis carte blanche to colonise Palestinian territory is hardly a win for any democracy.
why don't they all have the same process for counting there votes ? seems rather weird

Kushner is also apparently looking for a ‘James Baker-esque’ figure within the republican party to help guide the inevitable court battle as Baker did in 2000.

It just doesn’t appear that any such person who would do this for Trump actually currently exist in the party. Not with the same level of gravitas, anyway.
In the exact same way. It will make spoilers a little more interesting overall.
more like "socialism, abortion, gays"
Assuming the person can focus his anger at more than one thing per day.

Guy looks like he might have only months left. Nothing too socialist could possibly take hold in that time.

But it could easily be in the top three, however.

If he was from Florida, then easy.

I suspect someone that far gone would use “communism”.

And at that age, yes. Damn communists coming here and offering me universal healthcare. We got to stop this so all the jobs in the insurance industry does not get lost.
Trump deserves some credit here, but bear in mind his strategy was essentially a continuation of Obama's, who by the time he left office was responsible for liberating 50% of ISIS held territory.
With regards to this: Didn't the US essentially sell out their allies, the Kurdish fighters, who had been fighting ISIS on the ground to Turkey?
Kushner is also apparently looking for a ‘James Baker-esque’ figure within the republican party to help guide the inevitable court battle as Baker did in 2000.

It just doesn’t appear that any such person who would do this for Trump actually currently exist in the party. Not with the same level of gravitas, anyway.
They'll just have William Barr lead it unofficially.
With regards to this: Didn't the US essentially sell out their allies, the Kurdish fighters, who had been fighting ISIS on the ground to Turkey?
Absolutely, but to be fair to Trump, betraying the consistently loyal Kurds has been a cornerstone of US foreign policy dating as far back as Clinton.
I don't like him and I don't care about his mental issues, it's not a popularity contest. What I do like is things he had done such as
1.Trying to reopen the country and end the lockdowns
2. Great for the economy, taking the economy to record highs, reducing unemployment and poverty to historic lows
3. Slashing taxes
4. Dealing with China
5. Keeping Putin quiet
6. Dealing with Iran
7. Demolishing ISIS
8. Opening a dialogue with the North Korean clown
9. Brokering historic peace agreements in the middle east
10. Being the most pro-Israel president probably in history
1. Leading to a mishandling of Covid so that the US accounts for a quarter of the world's cases.
2. Great for the stock market.
3. Not a good thing.
4. Badly.
5. -
6. Badly. He ripped up an agreement that had been initiated by the US with multilateral agreement.
7. Russia demolished ISIS. At best the US helped the Kurds to turn the tide and then allowed the Kurds to be slaughtered by the Turks.
8. Achieved nothing. It was a photo opportunity.
9. Which agreements?
10. Following on from 9., these two are mutually exclusive. You can't have peace in the M.E. if you allow Israel to colonise large parts of it. The settlement program is a war crime.

11. You don't seem to know what you're talking about.
They'll just have William Barr lead it unofficially.
There has to be a palatable face to help guide the process through the media. Baker excelled at this. It will be a tougher slog without that person.
I still don't get how anyone is optimistic about the maths in GA so I'll just wait.

Desperate for PA to cross the threshold into celebration. Hopefully a few hours.
1. Leading to a mishandling of Covid so that the US accounts for a quarter of the world's cases.
2. Great for the stock market.
3. Not a good thing.
4. Badly.
5. -
6. Badly. He ripped up an agreement that had been initiated by the US with multilateral agreement.
7. Russia demolished ISIS. At best the US helped the Kurds to turn the tide and then allowed the Kurds to be slaughtered by the Turks.
8. Achieved nothing. It was a photo opportunity.
9. Which agreements?
10. Following on from 9., these two are mutually exclusive. You can't have peace in the M.E. if you allow Israel to colonise large parts of it. The settlement program is a war crime.

11. You don't seem to know what you're talking about.

Trump apologists are so full of shit, "I don't like him but..."
1. Leading to a mishandling of Covid so that the US accounts for a quarter of the world's cases.
2. Great for the stock market.
3. Not a good thing.
4. Badly.
5. -
6. Badly. He ripped up an agreement that had been initiated by the US with multilateral agreement.
7. Russia demolished ISIS. At best the US helped the Kurds to turn the tide and then allowed the Kurds to be slaughtered by the Turks.
8. Achieved nothing. It was a photo opportunity.
9. Which agreements?
10. Following on from 9., these two are mutually exclusive. You can't have peace in the M.E. if you allow Israel to colonise large parts of it. The settlement program is a war crime.

11. You don't seem to know what you're talking about.
It’s the total aggressive embracing of alternative facts that is so alarming here.
I still don't get how anyone is optimistic about the maths in GA so I'll just wait.

Desperate for PA to cross the threshold into celebration. Hopefully a few hours.
I think the outstanding votes are from Fulton County (Atlanta), which is expected to heavily favour the dems, so there's a reasonable (if not hopeful) chance that Biden could edge it at the end.
I've not been following for the last 10 hours or so and it seems hardly anything has progressed
I think the outstanding votes are from Fulton County (Atlanta), which is expected to heavily favour the dems, so there's a reasonable (if not hopeful) chance that Biden could edge it at the end.
But the latest I saw was that there are 25k votes left to count, and he's behind by like 22k. I mean, they'll lean left, but certainly not that far. Anyway, guess we'll find out soon.
I've not been following for the last 10 hours or so and it seems hardly anything has progressed

Don't say that. We've had a very thoughful discussion about how to tell time in the US as well as oogling Kayley Cuoco.
But the latest I saw was that there are 25k votes left to count, and he's behind by like 22k. I mean, they'll lean left, but certainly not that far. Anyway, guess we'll find out soon.
Potentially there’s some lag elsewhere.
Don't say that. We've had a very thoughful discussion about how to tell time in the US as well as oogling Kayley Cuoco.

has there been any meaningful progress on whether or not betting odds are useful, though?
But the latest I saw was that there are 25k votes left to count, and he's behind by like 22k. I mean, they'll lean left, but certainly not that far. Anyway, guess we'll find out soon.

30 min before this tweet, GA SoS briefed that there were 90,735 votes left to be counted.

Since then, 21,764 have been added to the count. There’s a big lag in reporting.
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