2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Anyone watching this townhall on CNN with Howard Schultz? I thought he was doing well until the question about Alexandra Cortez' 70% top tax rate proposal was raised. Im surprised he wasn't ready for that one with a more detailed response. He was simply asked to propose what rate he would deem fit.

In a thread complaining about Jill Stein voters costing Hillary the election. Couldn’t make this up
I've watched it and wasted an hour of my life, this guys is so empty... nothing to offer.

That's serious shit right there, she should have just told them something a little less controversial like the state of Virginia taking newborn swaddled babies from their parents arms and executing them, like trump at his knuckle dragging rally. The dumb American voter, chopping off their heads to spite their face.
By lying (or misremembering), Harris has now opened the door for her drug use to be topic going forward. How hard is it to be prepared for a basic question like that.
By lying (or misremembering), Harris has now opened the door for her drug use to be topic going forward. How hard is it to be prepared for a basic question like that.

She's not lying or misremembering. She's answering two questions at once partially in jest and it's now being misreported.

It's pretty clear in the video. (links to exact moment)

Warning - if you decide to watch the whole thing it's pretty cringeworthy.
Seeing that clip of Beto in El Paso, you can see he clearly has the charisma and grasp of history.

I can see a Sanders /Beto ticket being solid.
They both enhance each other.
Sanders age question will be negated by Beto being on the ticket.
Beto's inexperience will be negated by Sanders. He will be the perfect President in waiting.

But Beto is a Democrat and the machinery will get behind him if he is one of the top 2.
It's sorted alphabetically, and it's not really clear whether high favourability is a better indicator than low unfavourability, so it's not too bad.
Could've done with a strongly/somewhat split as well. Still, interesting. Would love to know the overlap of the Sanders/Warren numbers.
It's sorted alphabetically, and it's not really clear whether high favourability is a better indicator than low unfavourability, so it's not too bad.

Good man you, I only checked first name but it's clear it's sorted by the last name. At least, I'm happy that t is sorted by something.
Put this here because...I guess? But anyway, weird.

You sure about Warren? She has been consistently for regulations all her life. At least to my little knowledge.

She's been for these policies for a fairly long time.

She is still a capitalist who fully believes in American institutions and their role in shaping the social and economic playing field. She doesn’t acknowledge how broken these institutions are. I also don’t think she is gojng to break up the big banks either. Regulation is only the bare minimum if you ask me. To usher in change and allow social mobility for population that have been neglected for decades, one needs to dig deeper than just regulation. I also think it is fecking stupid to trust a politician who says shite like “I’ll make sure the markets work for the working population”.
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