2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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The easiest way to diffuse Trump is to not confront him and stick to the value your policies will bring. Kasich seemed to do a decent job of it during the primaries in 15/16 and Trump didn't bother to go after him much, whereas Jeb, Rubio and Cruz thought they could go after Trump and he wound up torching them out of the race.

I agree.

Focus on policies. Its what affects voters. Not name calling.
This time around I think Health Care will still be a huge factor. Certainly the most important.
In fairness the bookies know nothing. Klobuchar is a total nobody in American politics, and Beto and Sanders haven't even announced. They are making assumptions based on things they don't know.
To be honest I think it's a reasonable assumption that beto and Sanders are likley to announce (especially Sanders who has basically staffed up a campaign team already)... I think it's also a reasonable assumption both have a better chance than her

I was surprised to see kloubchar there... She certainly has a very limited profile in Europe compared to the others.

Personally I think Harris beto and Sanders start the race as the three favourites and from the outside looking in it almost seems
Harris is the party pick
Beto potentially has the energy / momentum if he can replicate nationally the Texas campaign
And Sanders has the infrastructure / team and experience

Biden I think is too old, koubchar certainly to me an unknown and Warren I think will fade into the background (perhaps she should have run 4 years ago)
The easiest way to diffuse Trump is to not confront him and stick to the value your policies will bring. Kasich seemed to do a decent job of it during the primaries in 15/16 and Trump didn't bother to go after him much, whereas Jeb, Rubio and Cruz thought they could go after Trump and he wound up torching them out of the race.

Yeah, but Kasich was always seen as one of the least likely candidates to win - Jeb was the early favourite, many perceived Rubio as the most sensible choice, and Cruz ended up being his closest challenge. He never really had any real need to go after Kasich because he had multiple opponents, most of whom all posed a greater threat to his chances of securing the nomination.

It'll obviously be completely different when he's in a one-on-one race against any Dem candidate. Irrespective of how much they try to focus on policy. And while the Dems should emphasise policy, they should also pick a candidate who's able to handle those jibes from Trump without getting flustered. I'm not sure Warren could manage that.
To be honest I think it's a reasonable assumption that beto and Sanders are likley to announce (especially Sanders who has basically staffed up a campaign team already)... I think it's also a reasonable assumption both have a better chance than her

I was surprised to see kloubchar there... She certainly has a very limited profile in Europe compared to the others.

Personally I think Harris beto and Sanders start the race as the three favourites and from the outside looking in it almost seems
Harris is the party pick
Beto potentially has the energy / momentum if he can replicate nationally the Texas campaign
And Sanders has the infrastructure / team and experience

Biden I think is too old, koubchar certainly to me an unknown and Warren I think will fade into the background (perhaps she should have run 4 years ago)
She's 6th favourite wth the bookies
Harris, beto, Biden, koubchar, Sanders, Warren

Can't see her in the campaign after the California vote (which is earlier this time)

Perhaps a possible VP pick for beto?
Would give a balance to the ticket with gender experience /age
No one with any sense would bet on Klobuchar ahead of Warren and Sanders.
Klobucher has all the appeal of a dried up banana peel. No way is she a better bet than Warren and Warren isn't a strong bet either. Betting on Klobuchar is basically just flushing you money down the toilet.

But of course...

Yeah, but Kasich was always seen as one of the least likely candidates to win - Jeb was the early favourite, many perceived Rubio as the most sensible choice, and Cruz ended up being his closest challenge. He never really had any real need to go after Kasich because he had multiple opponents, most of whom all posed a greater threat to his chances of securing the nomination.

It'll obviously be completely different when he's in a one-on-one race against any Dem candidate. Irrespective of how much they try to focus on policy. And while the Dems should emphasise policy, they should also pick a candidate who's able to handle those jibes from Trump without getting flustered. I'm not sure Warren could manage that.

As were Rand Paul and Lindsey Graham - and yet they both still went after Trump and he responded with sufficient venom to boot them out of the race. He generally leaves people alone as long as they leave him alone. If he perceives someone as a threat he will of course go after them.
Should really be between sanders and Warren. Hopefully Biden and Harris take out each other and beto doesn't run in this crowded field.
I think most progressives are hoping Biden and Harris cancel each other out, so that neither runs away as the ‘electable’ centrist pick.

Still early days though
What do people see in Harris? She just represents more of the same neo-liberal garbage that got America where it is now.
What do people see in Harris? She just represents more of the same neo-liberal garbage that got America where it is now.

We are in the age of diversity so anytime someone can be a first of anything (especially President) they are going to get a lot of attention. This is imo the worst way to evaluate a POTUS next to the "he's a disrupter" or "he's a businessman" nonsense that was used to justify Trump in 16. Harris is little more than an establishment candidate masquerading as a progressive for the purpose of endearing herself to the base. She's basically a no-PAC version of Hillary.
As were Rand Paul and Lindsey Graham - and yet they both still went after Trump and he responded with sufficient venom to boot them out of the race. He generally leaves people alone as long as they leave him alone. If he perceives someone as a threat he will of course go after them.

Of course - and the moment a Dem wins the Primary they become a huge threat. Hence it won't matter if they leave him alone, they'll be targeted anyway.
Wow there are still so many Hillary fans out there. Will they go to Harris, Biden or Warren?

She's the most unpopular politician in the country, afaik. Maybe barring McConnell (the other contenders, Paul Ryan has quit and Pelosi is suddenly an online gif kween and crossed 40% approval after the shutdown and SOTU). But on twitter Hillary has a large, mobilised base.

Harris has a lot of her staffers and Biden will be the spiritual successor to her policy-free campaign. Hopefully they'll compete fiercely among themselves.
Warren is running a redistribution-based campaign centred around a wealth tax so she doesn't seem to be going for those votes.
She's the most unpopular politician in the country, afaik. Maybe barring McConnell (the other contenders, Paul Ryan has quit and Pelosi is suddenly an online gif kween and crossed 40% approval after the shutdown and SOTU). But on twitter Hillary has a large, mobilised base.

Harris has a lot of her staffers and Biden will be the spiritual successor to her policy-free campaign. Hopefully they'll compete fiercely among themselves.
Warren is running a redistribution-based campaign centred around a wealth tax so she doesn't seem to be going for those votes.

I see a collision between Warren and Bernie on the horizon
I must have them all blocked already. I only see a couple

I'm copy-pasting individual tweets because I care about you and your mental health so much

Wisconsin is the 23rd primary. It is a month after Super Tuesday. Not sure I’d take a gratuitous swipe at Hillary over a primary 3/4 of the candidates won’t even reach.

ok. i'm done with her. next!

haha thank ,u, next (same)

And I'm officially over Klobuchar's candidacy.

Anne Stalfort‏ @astalfort 2h2 hours ago
Replying to @KellyO @amyklobuchar
Advice: Don’t slam Hillary. We Hillary Voters will not vote for a candidate who goes after Hillary. Have already seen a complaint about this on Twitter.

Marcus, the Proud and Grateful Democrat‏ @nirvanafanclub 2h2 hours ago
Replying to @KellyO
I don't think that Amy realizes how much of the Democratic Party that the Hillary Nation occupies. It's not the smartest strategy to take a shot at her.

This next election will not be about personalities.....certainly not those who only sought to enrich themselves with lies.
It will be about policies.
It will almost certainly be about personality, even on the blue side. That’s the reason Beto is still in as a favorite despite stopping his fundraising campaign.
This next election will not be about personalities.....certainly not those who only sought to enrich themselves with lies.
It will be about policies.
You gotta stop thinking folks live by the standards you set yourself mate.

The Hillary brigade aren’t gonna care about policy, they’re all about picking a person and sticking with them, partisan hacks who treat it like a sports team.

I hope you’re right but I spend enough time in and around DC and New York these days to see people with their head up their ass and prioritising arbitrary nonsense over policy
You gotta stop thinking folks live by the standards you set yourself mate.

The Hillary brigade aren’t gonna care about policy, they’re all about picking a person and sticking with them, partisan hacks who treat it like a sports team.

I hope you’re right but I spend enough time in and around DC and New York these days to see people with their head up their ass and prioritising arbitrary nonsense over policy

Last year, the Corporate Liberal media try to bring up Hillary's name with candidates running.
None of them wanted any of it. They knew she was toxic.
If you watch the Corporate media you will notice how often they will push corporate candidates and find faults with candidates like Bernie and Warren.
Why? Because Bernie and Warren are for people. Not corporations.

People are brainwashed by media.
Many lack critical thinking.
Many others are simply too busy with their day to day lives.
But when Bernie speaks, people listen. Why? Because he speaks to the truth.
The standards I set myself are simple.
Honesty and decency.

Universal Health Care is not a lofty idea.
It is a basic need. Like clean air and water in a civilized society.
Its the Will.
Politicians sell their souls so easily.
They do not understand that to lead, you have to serve first of all.
I am not speaking of the Forces alone. There are so many ways.

If you see obstacles, there Will be obstacles.
The great leaders in history did not see obstacles.
They sought to do what was Just and Right.

Do unto others....
It will almost certainly be about personality, even on the blue side. That’s the reason Beto is still in as a favorite despite stopping his fundraising campaign.

2016 was a rejection of the Clintons and the Bushs.

Both families derided Trump. But they may as well been slapping themselves.They created him.
Decades of lies upon lies.

They caught up with them.
Last year, the Corporate Liberal media try to bring up Hillary's name with candidates running.
None of them wanted any of it. They knew she was toxic.
If you watch the Corporate media you will notice how often they will push corporate candidates and find faults with candidates like Bernie and Warren.
Why? Because Bernie and Warren are for people. Not corporations.

People are brainwashed by media.
Many lack critical thinking.
Many others are simply too busy with their day to day lives.
But when Bernie speaks, people listen. Why? Because he speaks to the truth.
The standards I set myself are simple.
Honesty and decency.

Universal Health Care is not a lofty idea.
It is a basic need. Like clean air and water in a civilized society.
Its the Will.
Politicians sell their souls so easily.
They do not understand that to lead, you have to serve first of all.
I am not speaking of the Forces alone. There are so many ways.

If you see obstacles, there Will be obstacles.
The great leaders in history did not see obstacles.
They sought to do what was Just and Right.

Do unto others....
I agree with you on all those policy positions.

But those who supported Hillary will switch to someone like Harris-that they won’t bring up the toxic Clinton brand in doing so is a separate matter. But there’s a large body of people who continue to worship Hillary-look at the tweets above.

Bernie in my opinion beats Trump. If he runs, he’s my #1 pick for the dem nominee. There’s gonna be a lot of shit thrown at him before that though. And it’s the people who as you say are brainwashed or lacking in critical thought that I’m concerned about
I can't understand this hero worship of Hilary Clinton to be honest. I can understand it with Ronaldo or Messi ffs

There's a contingent of women in the Democratic party who want above else, a woman President and feel like they were cheated out of it last time. They vote gender first, which is why they are obviously not going to take kindly to anyone criticizing Hillary. They don't see the world through the prism of PAC money vs people funded, Medicare for all, Green New Deal etc. They simply wanted a female President and saw Hillary as the only option to get them to the promised land. Another one of many problems of seeing the world through the prism of identity politics.

This is not coincidentally why Harris is getting so much unjustified buzz this early. Instead of evaluating her on policy, she is instead viewed as someone who "checks all the boxes" in terms of diversity, gender, etc.
There's a contingent of women in the Democratic party who want above else, a woman President and feel like they were cheated out of it last time. They vote gender first, which is why they are obviously not going to take kindly to anyone criticizing Hillary. They don't see the world through the prism of PAC money vs people funded, Medicare for all, Green New Deal etc. They simply wanted a female President and saw Hillary as the only option to get them to the promised land. Another one of many problems of seeing the world through the prism of identity politics.

This is not coincidentally why Harris is getting so much unjustified buzz this early.

That definitely explains why @Cal? Supports her then.
Females all plumping for Harris is so dumb. Surely you'd want an inspirational figure as the first woman president? Why settle for someone who no young female will want to aspire to be.

Warren's native American thing is really fecking weird, but at least she has morals. Damn side more respectable a figure than Kamala.
I agree with you on all those policy positions.

But those who supported Hillary will switch to someone like Harris-that they won’t bring up the toxic Clinton brand in doing so is a separate matter. But there’s a large body of people who continue to worship Hillary-look at the tweets above.

Bernie in my opinion beats Trump. If he runs, he’s my #1 pick for the dem nominee. There’s gonna be a lot of shit thrown at him before that though. And it’s the people who as you say are brainwashed or lacking in critical thought that I’m concerned about

Bernie Trounced Hillary in MN and WI.
He beat her in MI too.

He would have won those states with ease.
Those who want a woman president without seeing if that person actually supports their views are few.
As for being cheated. It was Hillary who cheated Bernie. She lost to a pussy grabber because she had nothing to offer.

Those tweets are not a poll tbh. Its simply the views of her rabid supporters.

Bernie has not announced yet. When he starts campaigning, his policies which affect all Americans will resonate.
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