2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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What do people here think of Andrew Yang? Seems to also talk a lot of sense and has, imo, good plans to tackle unprecedented challenges in the coming future.

His birthday is a day after mine :)
That's actually the first video I saw, and I found it in the UBI thread (did you post it?). However, I didn't see his name brought into this thread? At least not recently.
tbh i hadn't heard of Andrew Yang until you mentioned him.
His slogan is Humanity First
Interesting .Will keep an eye on him.Thanks for bringing him to my attention.
I know he's new on my radar as well but I'd honestly have him over Bernie as president because in addition to his way of presenting his ideas, he can be more a uniter than someone like Bernie. Him and Buttigieg would be the dream team :drool: Both Capricorns too :drool:
Its not about Young or Old or Black or White.
Its about who represents the everyday family.

No one else speaks to the Truth as Bernie does.

I'm ready to caucus for him.

There is a small chance I will be in Iowa for the year of 2020. I'd love the opportunity to caucus for Bernie in Iowa (although living there might be disaster)
There is a small chance I will be in Iowa for the year of 2020. I'd love the opportunity to caucus for Bernie in Iowa (although living there might be disaster)

Remember caucusing for Bernie in 2016. It was bloody freezing. There were hundreds of us. We braved it. Because Bernie was worth it.

I would have voted for Hillary especially after the ridiculous Benghazi hearings. But seeing her use John Lewis to attack Bernie showed me what a person without scruples she was.
Someone who could do such a thing can never be trusted with the Presidency.
What I saw was the depth of evil she was willing to sink to.

In many ways Obama's soaring call to believe and hope and his subsequent actions as President tore the heart out of many who wanted to turn the page.

But I still look back at what actually can be done by men who thought first of people rather money.
Delano Roosevelt and John F Kennedy continue to inspire me.
It Is possible to put people first.

We must continue to Believe.
I would have voted for Hillary especially after the ridiculous Benghazi hearings. But seeing her use John Lewis to attack Bernie showed me what a person without scruples she was.
Someone who could do such a thing can never be trusted with the Presidency.
What I saw was the depth of evil she was willing to sink to.

Perhaps true, but the end result is still that you got someone as president who did far more damage than Clinton ever could. On top of all the rest of it, he's grabbed the Supreme Court for a generation.
Just read his wikipedia. Didn't realize he's just 37 (looks it but you never know from TV interviews), certainly an interesting biography with all the hallmarks. Trying to get my head around the fact that he went to Afghanistan after being elected Mayor... admirable.

I know it shouldn't play a role, but going from the first black president to trump to the first openly homosexual president would also be delightful.
George W Bush to 1st black president to donald trump. Who the feck would the Republicans run after a 1st openly gay democratic president, there candidates are getting scary.
for the love of god

so once again, there will be precisely one candidate running on M4A. Amazing. Astonishing. where is the democratic trump? willing to abuse every rival and give the base what it wants?
for the love of god

so once again, there will be precisely one candidate running on M4A. Amazing. Astonishing.

She's Obama 2.0. All the right talk but when it comes down to it there's really nothing. The signs where there when she never turned up to the pipeline protest. The only postive out of this is it 100% forces Bernie to run.
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Warren or Beto.

I'm leaning towards Beto just because he is inspiring and looks well capable of taking over.

I think he and Bernie help each other in the areas there may be questions.

Age for Bernie and Inexperience for Beto.

If it unfolds that way and Bernie somehow becomes the nominee, I'd say that Beto would be the way to go.

Modern Presidents need a degree of star power and populism to propel them into office and if you look at the Dems this cycle, there are literally only two people with star power behind them - Bernie and Beto, so if you were to combine them into one ticket, it would be very difficult for Trump or anyone else to beat them.
If it unfolds that way and Bernie somehow becomes the nominee, I'd say that Beto would be the way to go.

Modern Presidents need a degree of star power and populism to propel them into office and if you look at the Dems this cycle, there are literally only two people with star power behind them - Bernie and Beto, so if you were to combine them into one ticket, it would be very difficult for Trump or anyone else to beat them.

It wont be Trump. And there is no Republican platform as such anymore.
Trump was a rejection of the Republican platform.....unless the new Nominee adopts current Corporate Democratic ideas.

They are in a corner.
Although Mr trump would do anything to full fill his campaign promises even though some of them may be as stupid as it gets, I really don't get whats the problem in building a wall with the other half of the people who do not feel the need for one.
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Although Mr trump would do anything to full fill his campaign promises even though some of them may be as stupid as it gets, I really don't get whats the problem in building a wall with the other half of the people who do want feel the need for one.

Its been discussed over various threads. Most illegals come here legally through official ports of entry and overstay their visas. Also, a majority of the land where a wall would be built on is currently private, and often not amenable building due to the topography. Once you get the facts out of the way, you then have to deal with the fact that Trump is doing this for cynical, political reasons and not to protect anyone, so giving in to his demands would be a sort of capitulation to his dog whistle race baiting, which would be terrible policy. In essence, this would be the mother lode of bad ideas.
Its been discussed over various threads. Most illegals come here legally through official ports of entry and overstay their visas. Also, a majority of the land where a wall would be built on is currently private, and often not amenable building due to the topography. Once you get the facts out of the way, you then have to deal with the fact that Trump is doing this for cynical, political reasons and not to protect anyone, so giving in to his demands would be a sort of capitulation to his dog whistle race baiting, which would be terrible policy. In essence, this would be the mother lode of bad ideas.

only it is no longer a 'dog whistle'
its down right racism. Not surprising since he is a racist.
Warren or Beto.

I'm leaning towards Beto just because he is inspiring and looks well capable of taking over.

I think he and Bernie help each other in the areas there may be questions.

Age for Bernie and Inexperience for Beto.
The dems also need to look for the best candidate for each department. Steve Bannon gave the idiot a list of specific people to head up and destroy each department. A Democrat president should be as aggressive with nominees that will turn each department on its head for the better. Warren at treasury for example.
The dems also need to look for the best candidate for each department. Steve Bannon gave the idiot a list of specific people to head up and destroy each department. A Democrat president should be as aggressive with nominees that will turn each department on its head for the better. Warren at treasury for example.

no doubt.

A president will not know everything. But he must appoint people who follow their lead on issues. There are many good people who can help Bernie.
Although Mr trump would do anything to full fill his campaign promises even though some of them may be as stupid as it gets, I really don't get whats the problem in building a wall with the other half of the people who do not feel the need for one.
Because it costs money. Like a whole lot of money. It does not solve a lot of the “problems” it tries to address-like people staying in the US beyond their visa. It could have environmental or ecological impacts locally. What do you do with all the private land he wants to build on? Eminent domain? Republicans are suddenly supporting that now? Seems ironic.

Immigrants commit fewer crimes than Americans by the way
His UBI would be 3 trillion per year. Good luck with that.
He explains the cost trades offs though (most comprehensively in the Joe Rogan podcast). People are going to lose their jobs anyway, that’s a fact. Even if people can’t get behind UBI, they damn well need to be aware of the effects of automation. Imagine 25% of the population being rendered obsolete. Will be fecked.
He talks a good game. A bit too intelligent for US politics imo.
Possibly. But he’s worthy of being on the debate stage at least. I think the average working person can warm up to guy with real plans as opposed to the plastic personalities that most other politicians exhibit. If anything, his warnings about the changing economy should be heard by others.
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