2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Surely says more about Duke than Gabbard

Gabbard received this bizarre, perhaps disingenuous trolling endorsement from the virulent anti-Semite Duke despite several moves signaling her potential support for Israel.
Guilt by association then ? :rolleyes:

At least Tulsi isnt sabotauging her base like evil mccnut Pelosi


16, corporate Democrats exploited the rising discourse of racial justice around police violence in black communities and the Black Lives Matter movement, combining antiracist language with ideologies of austerity and the evils of “big government” to undermine universal public programs like Medicare for All and free public higher education.

In the lead up to the South Carolina primary, for example, where black voters are the Democratic majority, Rep. James Clyburn told voters that Bernie’s free public college legislation would undermine historically black colleges and universities — even though black students would disproportionately benefitfrom it and despite the fact that Sanders did have targeted funding in his bill to support those historically black institutions. Rep. John Lewis, for his part, insulted Bernie’s civil rights activism and used austerity politics to delegitimize key elements of his agenda, including universal health care:

There’s not anything free in America. We all have to pay for something. Education is not free. Health care is not free. Food is not free. Water is not free. I think it’s very misleading to say to the American people, we’re going to give you something free.
I hear Bannon is a big fan as well. Must be from when Tulsi scampered over to Trump tower during the transition to audition for an administration job.
Could be her anti-Islamist rhetoric. Normally of course there’s a reason people like that like who they like and her list of conservative admirers is worrying but Duke’s “reasoning” is totally counterintuitive-the article you posted even points that out. So who knows what the others think or why they think it? She seems quite hawkish in some ways yet is consistently on record opposing US involvement overseas.
Isn’t Duke a huge Trump supporter, despite the fact Trump is arguably the GOP’s most zealous supporter of Israel and who’s own son in law is Jewish?

He’s either very confused or in perpetual troll mode.
Isn’t Duke a huge Trump supporter, despite the fact Trump is arguably the GOP’s most zealous supporter of Israel and who’s own son in law is Jewish?

He’s either very confused or in perpetual troll mode.

A lot of anti-semites have a weird relationship with Israel now. For as much as they despise Jewish people, they nevertheless often have a certain admiration for the Israeli approach to having a more religiously-inclined state etc. Bannon's similar to Duke in that he's known for being anti-semitic but happily supported Trump. I'd say that white nationalism is ultimately their larger goal above all else and they're willing to compromise on certain matters if they get a candidate who fits that criteria.
Isn’t Duke a huge Trump supporter, despite the fact Trump is arguably the GOP’s most zealous supporter of Israel and who’s own son in law is Jewish?

He’s either very confused or in perpetual troll mode.

Trump is completely transactional and will leverage any person, group, or country he can to advance his own power. If being pro-Israel means it consolidates his base support then so be it. If not strongly condemning Duke or Charlottesville consolidates the white identity vote in his favor then so be it.
Isn’t Duke a huge Trump supporter, despite the fact Trump is arguably the GOP’s most zealous supporter of Israel and who’s own son in law is Jewish?
Not really, he supported Trump as long as he thought he could serve the interests of white Americans (as Duke understands them) and differed from supposedly Zionist-controlled political mainstream politics (domestic and foreign). But like many White Nationalist supporters of Trump, he thinks Trump has largely failed and succumbed to the anti-white, multicultural, pro-Israel agenda of the all-powerful globalist Zionist elites.

He has not fully forsaken him yet, but states that he'll do so if Trump doesn't change his ways. A recent example is Duke's livestream response to Trump's SOTU address:

His message to Trump from 55:58 to 1:01:25. White nationalism and antisemitism are the non-negotiable core principles, Trump is just optional.

A lot of anti-semites have a weird relationship with Israel now. For as much as they despise Jewish people, they nevertheless often have a certain admiration for the Israeli approach to having a more religiously-inclined state etc. Bannon's similar to Duke in that he's known for being anti-semitic but happily supported Trump. I'd say that white nationalism is ultimately their larger goal above all else and they're willing to compromise on certain matters if they get a candidate who fits that criteria.
These types exist, and it's a curious phenomenon for sure. (Albeit not a new one - a certain awe for projected Jewish superiority has been inherent to earlier antisemitism as well.)

But at the same time I feel this is becoming a trope that overcasts the simple truth that most antisemites hate Israel and think it is part of a Jewish plot for world domination. If we're talking about David Duke and his crowd, it's certainly true for them. As I tried to show above, there is no will to compromise on that matter. If you look at the live chat & comment sections of that youtube stream, practically all of the comments that refer to Israel or Zionism are viciously hostile. Trump is universally dismissed as a stooge of Zionist interests by Duke's followers, and, a bit more carefully, by Duke himself.

Some examples from the chatroom, because it pays to read that stuff in the original. Just quotes on Trump and Israel, there's lots more of other antisemitic drivel.

Trump is jewish mafia


Trump loves those Jews

trump is an israel shill

trump is disgusting fat zionist crypto jew pig

Get the ADL out of here

the issue with Trump that he trapped in the hands of the jews ,he has done a lot for them and yet those jews are after him, pushing him to do more for them yet keep denouncing him so the blame go on you

Zionists worship Satan

Trump is part of the (((Swamp)))

I couldn't believe Trump said "I want more immigration than ever before" but has to be legal. disgusting

State of the jewnion

He’s a Zionist Slave

Israel is a Rothschild state and the DNA test is modern. It’s all a farce. Ask the anti Zionist Jews.

TRUMP is ISRAHELL first !!

Trump is just a larp, set up by ZOG to subvert the patriotic semi woke people.

Trump's ZioJesuit political correctness reeks with pure pro-Jew propaganda that is anti-white Christian to the core.



israel owns america

Goyim Defense League

The Zionists blacklisted Roger Waters for having an opinion and boycotting Israel

Open borders for Israel

richard is a fecking shill, he praises israel


there's some speculation that the Saudi Royal family are ctually Jewish converts to Islam... kind of like how Jews became "Catholic," in Spain.

exactly, name the jew, call out the zionists.


(((ben Shapiro)))


... and so on and so forth

This is representative for the chat. Longer elaborations can be found in the comment section. It's my impression that this is the mainstream among US White Nationalists/Neonazis. The Pittsburgh shooter has spelled out that particular anti-Trump agenda in ideal-typical fashion, btw.

@Raoul - Duke has stated on his website that he never actually endorsed Tulsi Gabbard.
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These types exist, and it's a curious phenomenon for sure. (Albeit not a new one - a certain awe for projected Jewish superiority has been inherent to earlier antisemitism as well.)

But at the same time I feel this is becoming a trope that overcasts the simple truth that most antisemites hate Israel and think it is part of a Jewish plot for world domination. If we're talking about David Duke and his crowd, it's certainly true for them. As I tried to show above, there is no will to compromise on that matter. If you look at the live chat & comment sections of that youtube stream, practically all of the comments that refer to Israel or Zionism are viciously hostile. Trump is universally dismissed as a stooge of Zionist interests by Duke's followers, and, a bit more carefully, by Duke himself.

Some examples from the chatroom, because it pays to read that stuff in the original. Just quotes on Trump and Israel, there's lots more of other antisemitic drivel.

Trump is jewish mafia


Trump loves those Jews

trump is an israel shill

trump is disgusting fat zionist crypto jew pig

Get the ADL out of here

the issue with Trump that he trapped in the hands of the jews ,he has done a lot for them and yet those jews are after him, pushing him to do more for them yet keep denouncing him so the blame go on you

Zionists worship Satan

Trump is part of the (((Swamp)))

I couldn't believe Trump said "I want more immigration than ever before" but has to be legal. disgusting

State of the jewnion

He’s a Zionist Slave

Israel is a Rothschild state and the DNA test is modern. It’s all a farce. Ask the anti Zionist Jews.

TRUMP is ISRAHELL first !!

Trump is just a larp, set up by ZOG to subvert the patriotic semi woke people.

Trump's ZioJesuit political correctness reeks with pure pro-Jew propaganda that is anti-white Christian to the core.



israel owns america

Goyim Defense League

The Zionists blacklisted Roger Waters for having an opinion and boycotting Israel

Open borders for Israel

richard is a fecking shill, he praises israel


there's some speculation that the Saudi Royal family are ctually Jewish converts to Islam... kind of like how Jews became "Catholic," in Spain.

exactly, name the jew, call out the zionists.


(((ben Shapiro)))


... and so on and so forth

This is representative for the chat. Longer elaborations can be found in the comment section. It's my impression that this is the mainstream among US White Nationalists/Neonazis. The Pittsburgh shooter has spelled out that particular anti-Trump agenda in ideal-typical fashion, btw.

@Raoul - Duke has stated on his website that he never actually endorsed Tulsi Gabbard.

Fair enough - a lot of informative stuff there I was quite unaware of. Would it probably be correct to say they've perhaps cooled on Trump a bit over time as he's increasingly pandered to the neocon-type Republican that most of us are used to? He was obviously never going to be anti-Israel but he's ended up being a lot less anti-establishment in his actions than a lot of them would have hoped for him to be.
Fair enough - a lot of informative stuff there I was quite unaware of. Would it probably be correct to say they've perhaps cooled on Trump a bit over time as he's increasingly pandered to the neocon-type Republican that most of us are used to? He was obviously never going to be anti-Israel but he's ended up being a lot less anti-establishment in his actions than a lot of them would have hoped for him to be.
Can't say for sure, but my guess is they saw Trump's rise more as a sign of growing "white consciousness" in general than him being 100% their man. So they waited what he would deliver, and Duke's little rant (and some WN forums/websites I've browsed) suggests they're not pleased.

(All this under the assumption we're still talking about the explicitly white nationalist far right scene here. Trump's supporters were a pretty heterogeneous and contradictory right wing movement.)
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She seems to have outflanked Sanders by declaring before he did. The pressure is on him now.
Nah, Sanders and Biden can bide their time. If anyone the pressure is on Beto, especially since he would have to restart a fund-raising campaign.
Very good speech .She threw down the gauntlet to those taking corporate pacs and lobbyists money. Cory may struggle there.

It was a pretty good speech. Appropriately focused on the economics and light on the usual identity politics. She is the strongest candidate in the race from a pure policy perspective imo.
If America had any sense, they would elect this woman. She's a terrible politician but just having her in the White House in charge of the executive will take America off this path where it seems to be trying to convert itself into a third world country.
She'd make a good president, but I'd be absolutely terrified watching her go into a GE campaign against Trump.
She'd make a good president, but I'd be absolutely terrified watching her go into a GE campaign against Trump.
I think she'd do well, he'd just be screaming Pochahantas while she talks aboout healthcare, cost of college, wages, infrastructure, antitrust legislation etc. I think her message would really resonate in those states that matter.
She'd make a good president, but I'd be absolutely terrified watching her go into a GE campaign against Trump.

The easiest way to diffuse Trump is to not confront him and stick to the value your policies will bring. Kasich seemed to do a decent job of it during the primaries in 15/16 and Trump didn't bother to go after him much, whereas Jeb, Rubio and Cruz thought they could go after Trump and he wound up torching them out of the race.
She's 6th favourite wth the bookies
Harris, beto, Biden, koubchar, Sanders, Warren

Can't see her in the campaign after the California vote (which is earlier this time)

Perhaps a possible VP pick for beto?
Would give a balance to the ticket with gender experience /age
She's 6th favourite wth the bookies
Harris, beto, Biden, koubchar, Sanders, Warren

Can't see her in the campaign after the California vote (which is earlier this time)

Perhaps a possible VP pick for beto?
Would give a balance to the ticket with gender experience /age

In fairness the bookies know nothing. Klobuchar is a total nobody in American politics, and Beto and Sanders haven't even announced. They are making assumptions based on things they don't know.
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