2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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At least he's honest

Though he potentially can back this up with polling.

"Eliminate private insurance"? What does this mean??? To forbid people from getting private insurance if they want to pay for it? Is there any country in the world that this happens? (Except for Cuba and N. Korea).
If Stacy Abrams knocks it out of the park should she be top contender to be vp on the democratic ticket?

Brilliant :lol:
Biden seems like that generic President they cast in movies when the film needs a President for a few scenes well besides Independence Day.
Kamala Harris does better among women ... white women
We hated the video of her getting all exhilarated about locking poor families up but there will have been a of shit head white soccer moms who would have loved Harris reaction and agree with her.

I can Harris doing quite in applying to the reactionary side of liberals, similar to what Bill Clinton did in the 90s. Although I don't think it will work this time.

Biden’s numbers will drop once he opens his mouth, they always do
Agree. Biden numbers are high at the moment due to Obama nostalgia but once his past gets brought up and the fact he will offer nothing in terms of policy, he will fall away.

And the award for worst article of the day. Hey Dems! Forget about caring about policies, just vote for someone who will focus on Trump's meanness. That's a guaranteed winner and definitely wasn't unsuccessfully tried in 2016!

The fact that they'll implement their own dreadful policies or kowtow to Republicans if they do manage to get into the White House is a problem for future you! Boyyy, I'd hate to be that guy.

Sure, the last 2 Dem primaries showed people suck at predicting 'electability' but don't let that stop you!

Bernie Sanders: Hey, I am not in the same party as this guy. However, I agree with him on a matter of policy here, so I am going to support how I can.

Neoliberal Democrats: cAn YoU bElIeVe ThIs, NeVeR vOtE fOr BeRnIe
1 thing that bodes well for Biden is that according to Monmouth, 54% of Democratic base prioritise electability over policies, so being an ex-VP, he has the edge.

That being said, it’s not even the primaries yet, and campaign season fever does strange things to people.
1 thing that bodes well for Biden is that according to Monmouth, 54% of Democratic base prioritise electability over policies, so being an ex-VP, he has the edge.

That being said, it’s not even the primaries yet, and campaign season fever does strange things to people.

What gets lost in all the fervor over policy is that people ultimately just want someone who can get Trump out of there. Once that happens, there's no expectation that any of the lofty progressive policies will get implemented given the current dynamics in congress.
What gets lost in all the fervor over policy is that people ultimately just want someone who can get Trump out of there. Once that happens, there's no expectation that any of the lofty progressive policies will get implemented given the current dynamics in congress.

We literally just had an election between Trump and "get a load of this trump guy folks". It doesnt work. That's why Hillary Clinton is walking her dog in the woods and reposting Facebook memes in books instead of holding cabinet meetings with Howard Schultz and Sheryl Sandberg. People want material improvements in their lives. They want a green jobs guarantee and they want to see a doctor when they are sick. It's only middle class professionals like you whose lives are only impacted by politics so far as the stock market who see politics as a game. It's only your class of people with the leisure time to watch cable news constantly who engage with politics by gleefully saying Drumpf and Basta. For the rest of us, single payer is literally life or death. Medicare for all means the difference between bankruptcies and having some savings. One of the only good things to come out of 2016 is that these opinions I've held were finally tested. These arent theories anymore. We know that poor blacks in Milwaukee wont show up just to send a message to Trump. We know that laid off auto workers in Hamtramck and Eastpointe dont think "America Is Already Great" and we know that people in Ohio and West Virginia dont respond to "Love Trumps Hate". Policy matters. Making peoples lives better matters.
We literally just had an election between Trump and "get a load of this trump guy folks". It doesnt work. That's why Hillary Clinton is walking her dog in the woods and reposting Facebook memes in books instead of holding cabinet meetings with Howard Schultz and Sheryl Sandberg. People want material improvements in their lives. They want a green jobs guarantee and they want to see a doctor when they are sick. It's only middle class professionals like you whose lives are only impacted by politics so far as the stock market who see politics as a game. It's only your class of people with the leisure time to watch cable news constantly who engage with politics by gleefully saying Drumpf and Basta. For the rest of us, single payer is literally life or death. Medicare for all means the difference between bankruptcies and having some savings. One of the only good things to come out of 2016 is that these opinions I've held were finally tested. These arent theories anymore. We know that poor blacks in Milwaukee wont show up just to send a message to Trump. We know that laid off auto workers in Hamtramck and Eastpointe dont think "America Is Already Great" and we know that people in Ohio and West Virginia dont respond to "Love Trumps Hate". Policy matters. Making peoples lives better matters.

I agree with the sentiment, I'm just not convinced that policy will change much among the various viable Dems who are running. They still would need a solid Dem supermajority in Congress to move the needle on healthcare, education, green new deal etc.
We literally just had an election between Trump and "get a load of this trump guy folks". It doesnt work. That's why Hillary Clinton is walking her dog in the woods and reposting Facebook memes in books instead of holding cabinet meetings with Howard Schultz and Sheryl Sandberg. People want material improvements in their lives. They want a green jobs guarantee and they want to see a doctor when they are sick. It's only middle class professionals like you whose lives are only impacted by politics so far as the stock market who see politics as a game. It's only your class of people with the leisure time to watch cable news constantly who engage with politics by gleefully saying Drumpf and Basta. For the rest of us, single payer is literally life or death. Medicare for all means the difference between bankruptcies and having some savings. One of the only good things to come out of 2016 is that these opinions I've held were finally tested. These arent theories anymore. We know that poor blacks in Milwaukee wont show up just to send a message to Trump. We know that laid off auto workers in Hamtramck and Eastpointe dont think "America Is Already Great" and we know that people in Ohio and West Virginia dont respond to "Love Trumps Hate". Policy matters. Making peoples lives better matters.

Hilary was hated for a lot more than that though. Indeed her personal polling numbers are awful and she still almost won, and would have won in most sensible electoral systems. If you've got someone who's immensely unpopular who can come close to that, then there's a decent chance a lot of other centrists like Biden and co would stand a strong chance of beating Trump comfortably. Irrespective of whether we're particularly keen on them or not.

Bernie Sanders: Hey, I am not in the same party as this guy. However, I agree with him on a matter of policy here, so I am going to support how I can.

Neoliberal Democrats: cAn YoU bElIeVe ThIs, NeVeR vOtE fOr BeRnIe

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