2018 US Elections

Shameless prick Cruz linking that black church video in his twitter account. He's clearly trying to get the white vote. That's his strategy but to be so blatant about it, fecking hell.
If Beto wins, this he could be set for better things in the near future. Kind of reminds me of Clinton in Arkansas.
If Beto wins, this he could be set for better things in the near future. Kind of reminds me of Clinton in Arkansas.

Beto has a promising career ahead of him regardless of the outcome of the senate race. He'll be on the radar for whoever wins the Dem nomination and reckon he'll be a leading contender(If he loses the senate race) as a VP candidate in 2020.

If he wins the senate race, then i think he will run for the presidency in 2024/2028.
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He's nailed on for some gig in the White House. The Dems have a lot going their way but very few inspiring leaders that aren't approaching 80.
I mean, Mike Huckabee has played guitar in benefit concerts, so being a wannabe rock star doesn't make you cool by default, but this guy O'Rourke projects an air of calm coolness.
I mean, Mike Huckabee has played guitar in benefit concerts, so being a wannabe rock star doesn't make you cool by default, but this guy O'Rourke projects an air of calm coolness.

He’s got a similar aura to Obama imo. Calm and measured.
Yeah it's pretty whiny but his point is fair.
Nah not with Fox News, Sinclair, and hundreds of far right talk radio shows in existence. Also, he’s the extremist whereas Gillum comes off normal so of course the extremist is going to have more scrutiny.
Nah not with Fox News, Sinclair, and hundreds of far right talk radio shows in existence. Also, he’s the extremist whereas Gillum comes off normal so of course the extremist is going to have more scrutiny.

His greater point is that there are some nutty dems too. I'd agree with that.
His greater point is that there are some nutty dems too. I'd agree with that.
Yes that’s true. Though I bet deep down, he just can’t stand that he is losing to a black man — the real reason he’s acting like a whiny brat. My opinion.
What's the story with The Who and Whataburger? Also I don't know anything about this guy, but is this the guy who defended taking a knee at football games at a town hall meeting? Because that speech was awesome.

Yep, same guy.

The Who and Whataburger thing aren't related other than he was jamming to Baba O'Reilly while making his way to a Whataburger drive through.
Yep, same guy.

The Who and Whataburger thing aren't related other than he was jamming to Baba O'Reilly while making his way to a Whataburger drive through.

Ah fair, I thought when someone said it was after the debate and all the laughing at Ted Cruz that he'd made some kind of joke that Beto was poking fun at. This guy has a lot of passion, seems to know his facts and comes across very articulate, genuine and caring. It's the kind of person we need in politics, but don't seem to want or vote for.

Beto defended him and his wife.

Classy as usual.

Cruz will respond by posting another video of Beto condemning another unarmed black person being killed.

Cruz is pretty desperate at this point. His entire political career has gotten squeezed over the past couple of years. First, Trump completely pissed all over his Presidential aspirations and now Beto looks like he's going to come very close to booting him out of the Senate.
Nelson has finally been putting out TV ads, if that counts for anything.

That's good as there isn't much time to change minds at this point. He's also probably benefiting from DeSantis' idiocy against Gillum to where fence sitting independents are breaking for Gillum and by extension Nelson.