2018 US Elections

If Bernie does not run, yes I can see it.

But Bernie certainly is running.

That's why a VP pick would be a perfect pick. Continuity.

I think Sanders' stock has petered out a bit in over the past year. He is still of course the standard bearer for the policies he has mainstreamed but it will be increasingly difficult for the country elect a 79 year old potus when there are younger candidates entering their respective political primes who are generally promoting similar issues. This is why I think if there is a viable younger candidate, they will likely take the mantle from the oldies.
I think Sanders' stock has petered out a bit in over the past year. He is still of course the standard bearer for the policies he has mainstreamed but it will be increasingly difficult for the country elect a 79 year old potus when there are younger candidates entering their respective political primes who are generally promoting similar issues. This is why I think if there is a viable younger candidate, they will likely take the mantle from the oldies.

His challenger will come from the middle not from the left. There will be no difference in policies between two left candidates.
Bernie's health will be the only factor I feel that will prevent him from running.
based on what?
He is likeable, young and energetic. He will have shown that he is very electable by becoming the first Democrat senator from Texas going against a very popular (and incumbent) Republican senator. He will also have a good chance on carrying Texas which will essentially give the Democrats the presidency even if they get only the states Hillary won.

If he wins Texas, he will have a good chance of becoming the next US president.
He is likeable, young and energetic. He will have shown that he is very electable by becoming the first Democrat senator from Texas going against a very popular (and incumbent) Republican senator. He will also have a good chance on carrying Texas which will essentially give the Democrats the presidency even if they get only the states Hillary won.

If he wins Texas, he will have a good chance of becoming the next US president.

i will give you excellent odds on him not being the next president
He is likeable, young and energetic. He will have shown that he is very electable by becoming the first Democrat senator from Texas going against a very popular (and incumbent) Republican senator. He will also have a good chance on carrying Texas which will essentially give the Democrats the presidency even if they get only the states Hillary won.

If he wins Texas, he will have a good chance of becoming the next US president.

I know Obama pulled it off, but I’m really not a fan of putting up people with such limited congressional experience. Beto will have had 5 years as a Rep and 2 years as a senator (if he wins of course) when 2020 comes around. He should see out his term and aim for 2024 really. He’s only 45, he has plenty of time. Even if Sanders wins, there’s no guarantee he’ll go 2 terms considering his age.
I know Obama pulled it off, but I’m really not a fan of putting up people with such limited congressional experience. Beto will have had 5 years as a Rep and 2 years as a senator (if he wins of course) when 2020 comes around. He should see out his term and aim for 2024 really. He’s only 45, he has plenty of time. Even if Sanders wins, there’s no guarantee he’ll go 2 terms considering his age.

I don't think this sort of thing matters. Obama had the formula and Beto seems to have a similar aura about him. If he has the right policy positions and temperament then that's all that matters. You don't get bonus points for being a career politician.
I don't think this sort of thing matters. Obama had the formula and Beto seems to have a similar aura about him. If he has the right policy positions and temperament then that's all that matters. You don't get bonus points for being a career politician.

There are concrete advantages to having the experience. Obama was terrible at connecting with congress, presumably because he hadn’t spent enough years there building relationships. That’s why Biden was so useful to him. A solid congressional/senate background and committee experience can also give a candidate a much stronger readiness for the various aspects of government.
I have little understanding of two-chambered parliamentary systems, as we have only one in Portugal.

If you (whatever your party is) could control only one of them, which would you choose? Senate or House?

What about in England? House of Lords, or House of Commons?
There are concrete advantages to having the experience. Obama was terrible at connecting with congress, presumably because he hadn’t spent enough years there building relationships. That’s why Biden was so useful to him. A solid congressional/senate background and committee experience can also give a candidate a much stronger readiness for the various aspects of government.

Some experience can be helpful, which the likes of Obama and Beto already had/have. The rest is policy which can't be done until you're on the job. At the end of the day, if a candidate has served a couple of tours in Congress then they will have all the relationships they need to move policy. You don't have to be some old fart who has been marinating in bureaucracy for 5 decades to do that.
Some experience can be helpful, which the likes of Obama and Beto already had/have. The rest is policy and relationship building which can't be done until you're on the job. At the end of the day, if a candidate has served a couple of tours in Congress then they will have all the relationships they need to move policy. You don't have to be some old fart who has been marinating in bureaucracy for 5 decades to do that.

5 decades no, but a single term in the senate doesn’t sound like too much to ask.
5 decades no, but a single term in the senate doesn’t sound like too much to ask.

As we saw with Obama, it really wouldn't make a difference. Some people just hit a perfect stride and are ready to move up the political ladder. You don't get any special wisdom by serving an entire tour in the Senate.
I have little understanding of two-chambered parliamentary systems, as we have only one in Portugal.

If you (whatever your party is) could control only one of them, which would you choose? Senate or House?

What about in England? House of Lords, or House of Commons?

the senate is more powerful than the house
As we saw with Obama, it really wouldn't make a difference. Some people just hit a perfect stride and are ready to move up the political ladder. You don't get any special wisdom by serving an entire tour in the Senate.

Well as I said, it certainly didn’t do Obama any favors when it came to working with congress. Although in fairness, maybe he just wasn’t great at that side of the business.
In the video posted he calls Cruz out on prioritising national ambitions ahead of the Texans that he represents. All his rhetoric would ring so hollow if he started campaigning for the White House a mere few months after being sworn in as a Senator.
In the video posted he calls Cruz out on prioritising national ambitions ahead of the Texans that he represents. All his rhetoric would ring so hollow if he started campaigning for the White House a mere few months after being sworn in as a Senator.

Unless of course the people who elected him to the Senate would also want him to run for Prez.
Unless of course the people who elected him to the Senate would also want him to run for Prez.
How do you actually measure that?

Always expect the worst, if 2016 taught us anything. If he runs and lost it’ll be hugely damaging for his career going forward, whereas if he can establish himself as a Senator it’ll be very beneficial both for him and for the party, similar to the way Collins has constantly been irritating to Dems occupying a seat from Maine.
How do you actually measure that?

Always expect the worst, if 2016 taught us anything. If he runs and lost it’ll be hugely damaging for his career going forward, whereas if he can establish himself as a Senator it’ll be very beneficial both for him and for the party, similar to the way Collins has constantly been irritating to Dems occupying a seat from Maine.

Its subjective. I know that if I lived in a particular state and strongly supported my Senate candidate then I wouldn't mind if they ran for prez a couple of years later, especially in a world where Trump is in charge. It would obviously be a case by case situation, but in Beto's case, I doubt Texans would mind if he ran, in fact I'm fairly confident they would want him to.
I have little understanding of two-chambered parliamentary systems, as we have only one in Portugal.

If you (whatever your party is) could control only one of them, which would you choose? Senate or House?

What about in England? House of Lords, or House of Commons?

Always the Senate, everything (laws) have to pass through there for the tick of approval.
If Beto wins, he wont run for president I'm sure of it. He wants to serve his state. The guy is a solid decent man who wants to serve.

But if he does not win, yes. I can see him being a VP pick for Sanders.

Either way we have a very good man in the Democratic party. He should be the one other Democrats aspire to be. Not your wanna be Obama's like Booker.
I have little understanding of two-chambered parliamentary systems, as we have only one in Portugal.

If you (whatever your party is) could control only one of them, which would you choose? Senate or House?

What about in England? House of Lords, or House of Commons?

From what I've seen, Senate and House both are needed to pass laws, but you can appoint judges (lifetime appointment!) and other positions (like secretary of state) through the senate alone.
If Beto wins, he wont run for president I'm sure of it. He wants to serve his state. The guy is a solid decent man who wants to serve.

But if he does not win, yes. I can see him being a VP pick for Sanders.

Either way we have a very good man in the Democratic party. He should be the one other Democrats aspire to be. Not your wanna be Obama's like Booker.

He would be serving his state far more extensively as President than Senator.
Wasn't there some kind of deal involving the Murdoch's getting on the board at Disney in return to selling parts of their Sky empire to them? Where does that stand now that Comcast are buying Sky instead?
I have little understanding of two-chambered parliamentary systems, as we have only one in Portugal.

If you (whatever your party is) could control only one of them, which would you choose? Senate or House?

What about in England? House of Lords, or House of Commons?
On US, house controls the money. While senate can veto their bills, they cannot initiate financial bills. Senate is more powerful in other aspects though, especially considering that they vite for Scotus and president cabinets. Most of bills need to pass in both houses.

Being a senator is more prestigious than a representative in the house, considering that there are just 100 senators (2 for state) and 450 or so congressman.
He's really a piece of work. I'd think about my life if my sisters were compelled to tell everyone that I was a fraud.
Even at the last election the GOP didn’t get 50% of the vote despite winning both houses, so that’s hardly a surprise.
Even at the last election the GOP didn’t get 50% of the vote despite winning both houses, so that’s hardly a surprise.

What is ominous for the Republicans is they have in recent cycles relied on low Dem voter turnout to squeak out election wins. Since only about 55% of voting age citizens actually vote, it suggests once baby boomers continue to die off and younger, more politically mobilized voters get dumped into the system, that the Dems should have a massive advantage going forward, especially as the GOP has completely imploded under Trump.
I have been thinking of the Beto speech at the black church. He was betting on appealing to the decency in all of us, not just the people in the church.
Cruz was appealing to the fear in many. The fact the polls are so close says Beto's message is having an affect.

Also only Beto a white candidate could have made that speech effectively.

Of all the races, this will be the one that will give a good picture of where we are as a country after two years of Trump.