2018 US Elections

:lol: Cruz blaming Texas pecan tariffs on India

My favourite part is when he accused Beto of having changed his opinions from nine years ago, "not that long ago", a few minutes after the segment where he tried to explain how he could go from harsh feuding with Trump to supporting him in just a few months.
What a scumbag Ted Cruz is. He somehow managed to directly insult his opponent on a segment very nearly literally called "Don't be an asshole for thirty seconds, just say something nice about your opponent".

It's like he's in one of those SNL skits about Jeopardy, where the category is "write any number", and he still fails.
What a scumbag Ted Cruz is. He somehow managed to directly insult his opponent on a segment very nearly literally called "Don't be an asshole for thirty seconds, say something nice about your opponent".

Yep....Beto got that last "true to form" dig in as well.

All things said, Cruz looked pretty shaky. Beto looked on form.
I’ve never participated in a debating competition, mind, but every time I see Ted Cruz debate I can’t help but feel that Harvard debate prep is just pure bollocks.
‘Dr. King would’ve sided with me because he respects the flag’


‘We can never be satisfied as long as Negro are still the victims of the unspeakable horrors of police brutality’

Well played, Lyin’ Ted.
One thing I never got and will never get - 9/10 democrats are much more likely to be likeable to the average Joe schmoe if someone had no idea what their party affiliation is, and would try to get out of the room in disgust if they had to hang out with characters like Donnie, Cruz, McConnell etc. They d think of them as stuck up rich bastards with no concept of the working man's life. Beto seems to be one of the first to truly recognize that imho.
Cruz like Trump running to racists for votes is speaking to the 'converted'.

Have to say Beto is a brave and decent man to speak to such truths.

That will get the votes out from non -white as well as decent white people who are just sick of the ugliness from Cruz and Trump.

Just think he is neck and neck in TEXAS.

Good on Beto.
I watched this debate on Youtube. Cruz is a good example of why university debates/debate teams are more about Bernays style bullshit than actual debate and discussion about the facts. Beto did a great job coming across as genuine and relatable to the average citizen. But he does need to polish his responses a little bit to elevate his oratory.
I watched this debate on Youtube. Cruz is a good example of why university debates/debate teams are more about Bernays style bullshit than actual debate and discussion about the facts. Beto did a great job coming across as genuine and relatable to the average citizen. But he does need to polish his responses a little bit to elevate his oratory.

The challenge for Beto was to draw a discernible contrast between him and Cruz without going too negative, which I think he successfully managed to pull off. The post debate reaction seems fairly in sync that Cruz looked pretty weak while Beto came across as energetic, focused, and generally effective on most of his points.
The challenge for Beto was to draw a discernible contrast between him and Cruz without going too negative, which I think he successfully managed to pull off. The post debate reaction seems fairly in sync that Cruz looked pretty weak while Beto came across as energetic, focused, and generally effective on most of his points.

Reaction from who?
If O'Rourke wins this (and now looks quite likely), he'll be the next president of US is he decides to run for it. If not, Bernie or Biden or whoever wins Democrat primaries should get him in ticket as VP.

Have to say though, Cruz hold his positions very well. I totally disagree with him and thinks that he is a cnut, but he is a very good debater. I think that there was no clean winner in the debate, both did a very good job.
It'll be interesting to see if that is reflected in the polls. I'm not optimistic, Cruz is a dirty debater but fear sells.

They apparently have something like 5 debates in total so I wouldn't expect any significant movement in the polls....maybe one or two points here and there but nothing substantial.