2018 US Elections

538 model for the senate published. 33% chance for Democrats to gain control.

Yeah, Dems aren't going to get the senate. They need to win all seats that look very likely, the wo lean Dems seats + all three toss up races in order to get 51. Almost impossible, which likely mean that the supreme Court would be 6-3 for conservatives by the time Trump leaves and probably that old Conservative judge is going to be replaced with some younger ones, so at least 4 relatively young Conservative scotus. US is fecked!
Surprised to see Nixon lost Occasio-Cortez' district by roughly 30 points....in a district that only a couple of months ago went distinctly progressive.
Surprised to see Nixon lost Occasio-Cortez' district by roughly 30 points....in a district that only a couple of months ago went distinctly progressive.

I don't know that exact district but my guess is its the Cuomo effect. Working class union residents trust the Cuomo name more than a rich former actress who doesn't really have the 'one of us' appeal of Ocasio. And Chris is on CNN every night attacking Trump from a NY Democrat perspective.
I don't know that exact district but my guess is its the Cuomo effect. Working class union residents trust the Cuomo name more than a rich former actress who doesn't really have the 'one of us' appeal of Ocasio. And Chris is on CNN every night attacking Trump from a NY Democrat perspective.

Also not far from Queens where the Cuomos are from originally. Name recognition in those parts is worth more than enough to move the needle.
Desperate Ted Cruz sending fake ‘summons’ to voters begging for money

With the details of the sexual allegations coming out, purely on a political angle the Republicans pushing through the scumbag's confirmation will help the Democrats.

It will help Dems in either case since if he is withdrawn it will buy them time to stall as much as possible in the hope that they win the Senate. That said, I would be surprised if Kavanaugh doesn't get confirmed.
With the details of the sexual allegations coming out, purely on a political angle the Republicans pushing through the scumbag's confirmation will help the Democrats.
Half of me wants the GOP to jam the nomination through. Would expose them for what they are.
Excuse my ignorance, but why is he called lying Ted. I know he's a detestable clown, but what we was lying about that caused him to be given that nickname?
Excuse my ignorance, but why is he called lying Ted. I know he's a detestable clown, but what we was lying about that caused him to be given that nickname?
Trump gave him the nickname cause according to Trump, Cruz lies every time he speaks. He even said something like 'he has known a lot of people who lie a lot, but no one who lies as much as Cruz'.
I do think the Senate is flipping. not just wishful thinking.

The anger is rising.

The numbers simply don't add up to flip the Senate imo. Heidtkamp will likely lose in ND and McKaskill and Nelson are on the ropes in MO & FL, so any gains the Dems make in AZ, NV etc will be mitigated by loses elsewhere.
The numbers simply don't add up to flip the Senate imo. Heidtkamp will likely lose in ND and McKaskill and Nelson are on the ropes in MO & FL, so any gains the Dems make in AZ, NV etc will be mitigated by loses elsewhere.

I agree about Heidtkamp.

But Mckaskill and Nelson will scrap through I feel.

Texas would be a surprise if Beto wins of course.

But I really do think the Dems will win all their other seats that are toss ups. That will give them the Senate...without Texas and ND.

Must watch the polls in the coming weeks.
Trump gave him the nickname cause according to Trump, Cruz lies every time he speaks. He even said something like 'he has known a lot of people who lie a lot, but no one who lies as much as Cruz'.

The sheer irony for that clown to bestow such a nickname on to someone else
That's his schtick....brand your opponents with something vaguely funny or damaging so the audience focus on them and no you.

It's infuriating yet the morons lap it up.

It reminds me of when the pious preachers who are against homosexuality, etc, get caught with make prostitutes and crack. They must think if they yell loud enough against such things no one will think they too are like that.
That's his schtick....brand your opponents with something vaguely funny or damaging so the audience focus on them and not you.
To be fair to Trump, Cruz is a lying cnut.

However I find the sheer irony on Trump actually calling him a pathetic liar, a few years ago saying that he doesn't understand Texas people voting for him to be their senator, accusing Cruz's father on assassinating John Kennedy, while now he is campaigning for Cruz.
To be fair to Trump, Cruz is a lying cnut.

However I find the sheer irony on Trump actually calling him a pathetic liar, a few years ago saying that he doesn't understand Texas people voting for him to be their senator, accusing Cruz's father on assassinating John Kennedy, while now he is campaigning for Cruz.

I don't think Cruz lies any more than the rest of them. Trump's branding certainly makes it appear as such though.
I don't think Cruz lies any more than the rest of them. Trump's branding certainly makes it appear as such though.
I dislike most Republicans, but found Cruz probably even more unbearable than Trump. Kasich was the only Republican candidate in 2016 who didn't make me vomit.
I dislike most Republicans, but found Cruz probably even more unbearable than Trump. Kasich was the only Republican candidate in 2016 who didn't make me vomit.

But Kasich's voting record would definitely make you vomit. Granted he's not Pence insisting on funerals for aborted fetuses but he still is a horrendous guy.
It is not maybe related with this exact topic but i must ask. In last 2 weeks I watched couple of movies about elections Gore- Bush. From those movies( especially M.Moore movie and recount with K.Spacey) elections were big fraud and bush stole that elections. How is that possible? How USA citizens and media accepted that?
Trump gave him the nickname cause according to Trump, Cruz lies every time he speaks. He even said something like 'he has known a lot of people who lie a lot, but no one who lies as much as Cruz'.

Which is ironic in that it was also Trump projecting in addition to telling the truth.
It is not maybe related with this exact topic but i must ask. In last 2 weeks I watched couple of movies about elections Gore- Bush. From those movies( especially M.Moore movie and recount with K.Spacey) elections were big fraud and bush stole that elections. How is that possible? How USA citizens and media accepted that?

Avoiding a ‘constitutional crisis’.
Blatant voter suppression by the then Governor of Florida - Jeb Bush.
Many didn’t accept it, but eventually had to relent after Gore conceded following the SC ruling. Then 9/11 happened and the question about the Dubya presidency’s legitimacy got swept under the rug in a wave of patriotism.
Depressing. Really dislike the fecker.

That region is ovewhelming Trumpland. Its remarkable its even a race to be honest - I'd expect Republicans to soundly win by 20% there