2018 US Elections

This could backfire horribly . Can he just go back to being Stormy's lawyer again.
He could be, I don't think anyone knows which is why its a good idea to see how things unfold.

The amount of self-promotion by tv appearances is pretty telling. He's considering running because of what he can get out of it rather than what he can do for America.
The amount of self-promotion by tv appearances is pretty telling. He's considering running because of what he can get out of it rather than what he can do for America.

That could be. Another interpretation is he's using the publicity to springboard into a political career, which wouldn't be surprising given he worked for Rahm Emmanuel in the past.
Isn't it a bit clear now that attacking him back is a good way to make sure people know there is another side? I mean all we hear is his base and his shit all the time.

Where do people get with being nice, respectful and passive with this dude? Being aware is not enough at all at this point.
He's working with Claude Taylor on this project. Taylor's a con artist and a fraud who is using the Anti-Trump movement for personal gain and to enrich himself.

Yeah Taylor is a huckster. Hogg should have plenty of resources to work with professionals to get this done without resorting to Taylor's help.
The enthusiasm gap also explains the General favourability of Dems over the GOP.

The Dems are lot more likely to vote.
Also health Care is a huge motivator.

If the Dems hold serve in MO and FL then they definitely have a chance at taking the Senate. Manchin and Tester look pretty good to hold serve as well.

The Repubs are probably going to lose seats in AZ and NV.....so that would be enough to tip the Senate.

Then you also have Beto and Cruz being a tossup and Bredesen and Blackburn in TN being very close.

Heidtkamp is still a concern to lose though.
If the Dems hold serve in MO and FL then they definitely have a chance at taking the Senate. Manchin and Tester look pretty good to hold serve as well.

The Repubs are probably going to lose seats in AZ and NV.....so that would be enough to tip the Senate.

Then you also have Beto and Cruz being a tossup and Bredesen and Blackburn in TN being very close.

Heidtkamp is still a concern to lose though.

florida is where it's at. There is no way to win the senate without florida. I hate relying on florida
Think FL will come through for Nelson if Gillum wins.

This will be the real test.

TN and ND we need to see polls in a couple of weeks.

Yep...we need polls in both. The big wildcard is of course enthusiasm and turnout on election day. If the Dems turn out en masse then it could push most of the toss up races over the finish line for them.
Yep...we need polls in both. The big wildcard is of course enthusiasm and turnout on election day. If the Dems turn out en masse then it could push most of the toss up races over the finish line for them.

cant remember when I have seen the Generic polls double digits in favour of the Dems.

That will be the driver.

This guy is unraveling as we speak.

absolutely nuts.