2018 US Elections

Yep...we need polls in both. The big wildcard is of course enthusiasm and turnout on election day. If the Dems turn out en masse then it could push most of the toss up races over the finish line for them.


whats interesting about these polls is it is for Likely voters, which is always better than RV.
Also one of the polls has Guillam at 50%. The magic number. Of course we need other polls to support this.

Should the numbers move towards him, it would help Nelson too. You can see Berrnie and Ocassio-Cortez stumping for him and Nelson.
Looking to 2020 you can see a Democratic governor helping the Dems in terms of early voting, registration, more polling stations in highly populated areas which is usually Democratic in nature.

FL is a huge swing state which can pretty much gurantee the Presidency goes to Bernie ;)
That's actually an improvement over recent polls where Scott was ahead by a few points. If FL voters turn out bit or Gillum then Nelson will benefit.

I've seen Nelson ahead recently in some polls & have felt like he has been ahead up until recently. I hope that Gillium does help him some as he looks to need it now.
Kamala harris did a real good job questioning kavanaugh.

Wether it was a good job or not depends on the follow up. If it was all speculative and they’ve got nothing on him then it means nothing.

If she was trying to create a perjury trap for him and they’re going to release evidence that he’s been in discussions with a Trump lawyer for a while then that could be the only genuine obstacle that could stop the GOP from forcing this one through.

At worst for Trump it could ruin his quid pro quo by forcing a recusal.
What Liberal Organizers Are Seeing on the Ground in 2018
One grassroots group has knocked on 400,000 doors since President Trump’s election. Those conversations suggest a mixed outlook for Democrats in future contests.

Ronald Brownstein said:
The focus groups that provide the most revealing reactions to Donald Trump’s tumultuous presidency may be the thousands of front-door conversations held every month around the country by canvassers for the liberal organizing group Working America. Those encounters suggest Democrats could reap big gains in 2018—but are still facing big questions about their position against the president in 2020...

Working America was among the first liberal organizations to resurrect the old technique of contacting voters through door-to-door organizing, rather than using the direct-mail and television-advertising campaigns that had dominated activism after the 1970s. And it dispatched its organizers to working-class communities where few voters ever heard from liberal groups. Karen Nussbaum, the group’s founding director, says that when it compared its 3 million members with the membership lists of other major progressive organizations, it found that 90 percent of its people didn’t belong to any of the other groups. “No one is talking to these folks,” she says.

In more affluent and better-educated communities, he says, voters are heavily consuming news about the daily maelstroms engulfing Trump. The perpetual chaos and conflict, he says, is powerfully energizing the college-educated voters most repulsed by Trump, especially women. And that undertow is so strong that it is tugging others around them away from the GOP: “If you live in a college-educated community, you are moving with that overall community,” Morrison says.

The story is very different in the white working-class areas that powered Trump’s unexpected 2016 victory. There, amid daily economic strain, the drama filling cable news is like a distant shout in the wind. “In working-class communities, this whole thing still doesn’t fecking matter,” he says. “What’s happening with the [Pittsburgh] Steelers: That’s more top of mind than Trump’s latest tweet.”

This engagement deficit creates an opening for Democrats in November because they could tilt the electorate’s composition away from the GOP.


Senate Polls.
9 Toss Ups.
Dems look good for 3. IN , MT and AZ.That will give 47.
MO and FL are tied after being behind.
TN. Latest NBC poll has Bredesen ahead by 2
The Nevada poll is only July and the last one has Rosen behind by only 1. I think this will move towards Rosen in the latest.

ND is also only a June poll which has Heitkamp behind by 4. This a soybean state and China's retaliation to the tarrifs has affected ND farmers.
Good chance she will improve in the lastest polls.
The last one is Texas. Betos is very close but still behind by 1.

Even without the last two, the Dems should have 51.

They have a good chance to take the Senate.
Will be interesting to see how the numbers fare once Trump inevitably rolls into town to stump for Blackburn.

His core supporters he already has. But the Republican or we should say the Trump party is only about 25% of the voters. He is driving the Independents away. His attempt to rip up the ACA wont go down well. Beresden fought for Medicaid and many are now covered and he simply was a popular governor.

As you say this will be interesting.

This GE will be the most important in decades. There are so many scenarios and they all look very bleak for the Trump party and Mr. Trump himself.
Republicans will sweep the elections. You can quote me on that.
Would be massive for the Dems if they can steal Corker's seat in a deep red state.

Surprised by this. Thought the MAGA crew was running Corker out of town? That poll must mean Trump is not as popular as we think among Republicans.
Surprised by this. Thought the MAGA crew was running Corker out of town? That poll must mean Trump is not as popular as we think among Republicans.

Yeah but Bredesen is a popular centrist Dem (former Governor) and Blackburn is somewhat annoying, so he is benefiting from a bit of crossover appeal.
His core supporters he already has. But the Republican or we should say the Trump party is only about 25% of the voters. He is driving the Independents away. His attempt to rip up the ACA wont go down well. Beresden fought for Medicaid and many are now covered and he simply was a popular governor.

As you say this will be interesting.

This GE will be the most important in decades. There are so many scenarios and they all look very bleak for the Trump party and Mr. Trump himself.

I found this fascinating. The electorate is clearly moving towards independents, which is precisely why the Dems need to come up with a unified grand bargain for voters to buy into. Simply playing to the base alone won't get it done.

I found this fascinating. The electorate is clearly moving towards independents, which is precisely why the Dems need to come up with a unified grand bargain for voters to buy into. Simply playing to the base alone won't get it done.


You are right. But Health Care is a huge concern. Even among Repulicans a majority favour single payer or M4A.

Of course we already have Dems of different shades of blue running. Many of the Independents/former Republicans will happily vote Democrat.

Its clear there is a general movement away from the Trump party and towards the Democrats.

Trump's continued downward mental spiral and legal problems are causing general concern.
You are right. But Health Care is a huge concern. Even among Repulicans a majority favour single payer or M4A.

Of course we already have Dems of different shades of blue running. Many of the Independents/former Republicans will happily vote Democrat.

Its clear there is a general movement away from the Trump party and towards the Democrats.

Trump's continued downward mental spiral and legal problems are causing general concern.

True, but I don't see healthcare as a left wing issue. It affects everyone and whoever comes up with the appropriate solution will win a lot of independent votes. Its all about selling good ideas to independents that will win the election.
voters on both sides did not trust Hillary and she managed to anger voters on both sides.

Plus a big point. She did not offer anything new.

Every election is a change election.
More voters trusted Hillary than anyone in the history of the country except Obama.
She didn't appeal to enough independents.

if her bending over backwards to court the center and republicans nominating the biggest fecking idiot this country has ever seen didnt deliver the election to the democrats then no amount of shifting to the right will. because the independents in this country are an extremely small group. but the hundred million people who didnt vote because neither party cared even a little about their lives are a much larger group
“For every blue-collar Democrat we lose in western Pennsylvania, we will pick up two moderate Republicans in the suburbs in Philadelphia, and you can repeat that in Ohio and Illinois and Wisconsin.”

if that strategy didnt win against donald trump it will never ever ever win
if her bending over backwards to court the center and republicans nominating the biggest fecking idiot this country has ever seen didnt deliver the election to the democrats then no amount of shifting to the right will. because the independents in this country are an extremely small group. but the hundred million people who didnt vote because neither party cared even a little about their lives are a much larger group

Its not shifting to the right, its claiming the largest block of voters available to both parties (independents). The Dems only occupy about 35% of the pie, the GOP about 30 and the rest are independents. You can't win elections without getting enough of them. Base voters alone isn't enough.
Its not shifting to the right, its claiming the largest block of voters available to both parties (independents). The Dems only occupy about 35% of the pie, the GOP about 30 and the rest are independents. You can't win elections without getting enough of them. Base voters alone isn't enough.

how do you think they get claimed? independent voters are in between both parties. i.e., to the left of the republicans and the right of the democrats.
how do you think they get claimed? independent voters are in between both parties. i.e., to the left of the republicans and the right of the democrats.

By pitching them with good policies that appeal to most people. Sanders did it with healthcare and education and wound up nearly winning. The fact that he had a grand strategy that was akin to FDR's new deal connected with a lot of independents. Whoever runs next year will need to do the same while keeping the base on board. Hillary didn't do either well enough to win - she estranged the base a bit by not catering enough to Sanders voters and didn't connect with rust belt and beyond blue collar voters (who Trump managed to pick up enough of).
By pitching them with good policies that appeal to most people. Sanders did it with healthcare and education and wound up nearly winning. The fact that he had a grand strategy that was akin to FDR's new deal connected with a lot of independents. Whoever runs next year will need to do the same while keeping the base on board. Hillary didn't do either well enough to win - she estranged the base a bit by not catering enough to Sanders voters and didn't connect with rust belt and beyond blue collar voters (who Trump managed to pick up enough of).

ok...these people are in the middle ("available to both parties") because they are to the right of the democrats. if they were in step with the democrats, they wouldnt be independents. if they were left of the democrats, they wouldnt be available to republicans. any attempt to try and win them over is moving the democrats to the right.
ok...these people are in the middle ("available to both parties") because they are to the right of the democrats. if they were in step with the democrats, they wouldnt be independents. if they were left of the democrats, they wouldnt be available to republicans. any attempt to try and win them over is moving the democrats to the right.

Its not a directional left vs right issue, but rather a battle of selling ideas that resonate with as many people as possible. If you do that then you will get both base and independent voters. If your opponent does a better job of it then they are likely to win.