2018 US Elections

Er...I hate the whole ''call yourself a socialist with that iPad your holding'' argument but I think Cuomo got a point

She didn't seem particularly well prepared.
Yeah although I'm not sure how well you can be prepared when you've said your a socialist and still have a company(Saying your like a small business owner isn't going to help). At that point your sort of fecked.
Democratic socialism is small business friendly.
It's basically just rebranded social democracy right ?(The democratic part of Democratic socialism is only in there so to not scare people off)Which is fine and is what we need at the moment plus it's the only realistic goal in sight. But there's really not a lot that's socialist about it.
It's basically just rebranded social democracy right ?(The democratic part of Democratic socialism is only in there so to not scare people off)Which is fine and is what we need at the moment plus it's the only realistic goal in sight. But there's really not a lot that's socialist about it.
Democratic Socialism Isn’t Social Democracy
The Nordic countries — Finland, Norway, and Sweden — are social democracies. They have constitutional representative democracies, extensive welfare benefits, corporatist collective bargaining between labor and capital that is managed by the state, and some state ownership of the economy. These institutions would be much preferable relative to the ones in our neoliberal wasteland...

...Democratic socialism, on the other hand, should involve public ownership over the vast majority of the productive assets of society, the elimination of the fact that workers are forced into the labor market to work for those who privately own those productive assets, and stronger democratic institutions not just within the state but within workplaces and communities as well. Our characterization of democratic socialism represents a profound deepening of democracy in the economy.

Not sure I buy his argument of distinguishing between the two. There may be some subtle differences in terms of state control of resources but from a normative standpoint of people chatting about contemporary politics, there isn't going to be much of a difference and I seriously doubt that the Ocasio-Cortez's of the world would be able articulate the nuances the author of the article does.
Yeah I agree with that 100% but thats not what Nixon, AOC or Bernie are offering, I'm not even sure if the three mentioned would agree with the article. They are offering social democracy with the possible of something more radical.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

For me democratic socialism is the value that in a modern moral and wealthy society no person in America should be too poor to live. So what that means to me is Healthcare as a human right, that every child no matter where they are born should have access to collage or trade school education and no person should be homeless. To have public structures and public policy to allow people to have homes and food and live a dignified live in the United States.

Bernie Sanders

Democratic socialism means to me building on what franklin roosevelt said when he fought for guaranteed economics rights for all americans. And it builds on what Martin Luther King Jr said in 1968 and I quote ''This country has socialism for the rich and rugged individualism for the poor''. My view on Democratic socialism builds on the success of many other countries around the world. Who have done a far better job than we have in protecting the needs of their working families, their elderly citizens, their children, their sick and their poor. Democratic socialism means wee must reform a system which is corrupt. That we must create a economy that works for all and not just for the very wealthily

Cynthia Nixon

“Some more establishment, corporate Democrats get very scared by this term but if being a democratic socialist means that you believe health care, housing, education and the things we need to thrive should be a basic right not a privilege then count me in,” Nixon wrote. “As Martin Luther King put it, call it democracy or call it democratic socialism but we have to have a better distribution of wealth in this country. I have long stood in support of a millionaires tax, Medicare for all, fully funding our public schools, housing for all and rejecting all corporation donations — all of which align with democratic socialist principles.”

I don't think it's a problem but if they are going to call themselves socialists then they should be prepared to answer basic push back questions.
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Perhaps it is easier Cortez to answer these questions as she is not a rich person who had to be creative while paying taxes. Nixon is/was a successful actress and would have relied on her tax consultants and may have indulged in creative tax declaration. Only way to counter that would be to correct going forward but be forthcoming about it. I'm not even suggesting Cynthia Nixon of not paying taxes, she would have definitely paid what is due but would have taken advantage of some tax loophole. Pretty sure Bernie Sanders would be in the same boat, but that would again be speculation.
Yeah I agree with that 100% but thats not what Nixon, AOC or Bernie are offering, I'm not even sure if the three mentioned would agree with the article. They are offering social democracy with the possible of something more radical.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Bernie Sanders

Cynthia Nixon

I don't think it's a problem but if they are going to call themselves socialists then they should be prepared to answer basic push back questions.

This is why distinguishing between the two terms in a US context is futile. Most people will view them as interchangeable in a 'People's front of Judea vs Judean People's front' sort of way.
Yeah I agree with that 100% but thats not what Nixon, AOC or Bernie are offering
This is why distinguishing between the two terms in a US context is futile.
My point is that you shouldn’t use the people to define the ideology.

It’s one thing to say Nixon is a misnamed social democrat (which I would agree with), but it is another thing entirely to say that democratic socialism itself is misnamed social democracy. It is the same faulty generalization as assuming the USSR was communist.
Doesn't monkey something up mean to make it go tits up? Mess it up? I've heard that expression used.

Not surprised this coming from you.
States can set up their own exchange and have single payer or a public option. All you need are the votes and their own rules.

We have a State Exchange in Minnesota. We hope to move on to the next step after November elections.

What's the point of states setting it up if the federal government doesn't have it set up nationwide ? It would seem that having it in one state would simply incentivize people from other states moving to that state and putting too much pressure on its healthcare system. That wouldn't be the case if it was national.
What's the point of states setting it up if the federal government doesn't have it set up nationwide ? It would seem that having it in one state would simply incentivize people from other states moving to that state and putting too much pressure on its healthcare system. That wouldn't be the case if it was national.

single payer came to Canada because one state did it. The rest followed.
having single payer is a huge cost saving to companies. Not having to provide health care to employees.
It would in fact attract companies into the state and therefore improve investments and employment.

Of course rules can be established about eligibility.

I have spoken to legislators who are trying to expand what we call MNCare which is heavily subsidized health care. We have non profit insurance companies which work with the State Exchange.

Of course ideally we need to eliminate all insurance companies from Health Care.
It will happen.
Its all about getting the votes.
Cynthia Nixon did well in the debate. She called him out when he kept lying.
Several of Cuomo's people are going to prison.
He should follow soon hopefully.
And I would not place too much into polls.
So many potential voters are not even in the overall range.
She has a good chance.

Similar to the FL Gov. primary.
single payer came to Canada because one state did it. The rest followed.
having single payer is a huge cost saving to companies. Not having to provide health care to employees.
It would in fact attract companies into the state and therefore improve investments and employment.

Of course rules can be established about eligibility.

I have spoken to legislators who are trying to expand what we call MNCare which is heavily subsidized health care. We have non profit insurance companies which work with the State Exchange.

Of course ideally we need to eliminate all insurance companies from Health Care.
It will happen.
Its all about getting the votes.

This is a classic example that matches up the vast majority of the population would benefit more from one solution (universal healthcare) but that benefit is a little more abstract against a narrow special interest that profits greatly (drug companies and for-profit HMOs). It should be an easy issue to win but the special interest has effectively used the propaganda of fear (Socialism = the world would end). I think the expiration date on that fear mongering has come due now. I think pushing for universal health care is very feasible at this point in time. The Democrats that truly champion universal healthcare seem to be the ones creating the excitement and momentum for the Nov. elections. If people like Gillum, O'Rourke can win in Nov. that would be really important sign that times are a changing.
This is why distinguishing between the two terms in a US context is futile. Most people will view them as interchangeable in a 'People's front of Judea vs Judean People's front' sort of way.
I image most people will just be confused(I know I am). I get the appeal of wanting to separate away from liberalism as I remember hearing one activists say that in parts of the US it's easier to organise if people know your socialist than if you were a democratic. But to me anyway it would seem far better to just focus on single policies, which in fairness is what mostly Bernie, AOC and Nixon do.

My point is that you shouldn’t use the people to define the ideology.
But if we do that then there's really nothing to get excited about when it comes to Democratic Socialism. Take away the people who identify with the ideology and all we left with is a couple of Jacobin articles.

My main issue is that term is just so open that it can mean many things and that good intention people like Nixon see it (And could be completely wrong here about Nixon by the way)as well can't we all just nice to each other which ends up meaning the contractions are flying all over the place. When Andrew Cumo has to point out that working men and women don't own companies or you openly say that your company is just like a small business then strategically as a socialist you've fecked up. Don't act just think.

My point is that you shouldn’t use the people to define the ideology.

It’s one thing to say Nixon is a misnamed social democrat (which I would agree with), but it is another thing entirely to say that democratic socialism itself is misnamed social democracy. It is the same faulty generalization as assuming the USSR was communist.

I'm one of those odd lefty that would say the USSR was a type of communism. A completely failed and disturbed form of communism but communism none the less. The Soviet Union many other failures are the failures of the left and socialism, we have to as people on the left accept this, learn from it and not to discard it as ''the wrong type of communism/socialism''.
I'm one of those odd lefty that would say the USSR was a type of communism. A completely failed and disturbed form of communism but communism none the less. The Soviet Union many other failures are the failures of the left and socialism, we have to as people on the left accept this, learn from it and not to discard it as ''the wrong type of communism/socialism''.
Hence my point about faulty generalizations... State Capitalism isn't misnamed Communism.

For what it is worth, Ocasio-Cortez is a registered member of the Democratic Socialists of America.