2018 US Elections

There's a guy running for a congressional seat here in CA that's a venture capitalist who outsourced jobs and made loads of money and put Americans out of work. He is being attacked for this by his opponent.

Thing is the guy is a Democrat called Josh Harder. All-American type. You'd think repubs would love him.
There's a guy running for a congressional seat here in CA that's a venture capitalist who outsourced jobs and made loads of money and put Americans out of work. He is being attacked for this by his opponent.

Thing is the guy is a Democrat called Josh Harder. All-American type. You'd think repubs would love him.

He looks like Johnny Weeks from The Wire on slightly less heroin



the fact that every democrat isnt running on this says all there is to say about the party. they are cowards and losers and care only about pleasing their corporate masters and the continued flow of money to affiliated think tanks and lobbyists and jobs for current party members.
This is why the Dems would be shrewd to continue floating the older candidates so they can receive a bulk of the coverage and ridicule (Biden, Sanders, Warren etc), which would then allow some younger candidates to emerge from the fray relatively unscathed by Trump and his media stooges. Ultimately the ideal candidate will be one who is younger and can galvanize the two factions within the party.

Yeah, the ideal candidate would need to build consensus. Too much division is not the way to get things done. The art of diplomacy needs to be reestablished.The my way or the highway approach will only lead to handing out advantage to the republicans. Need a candidate who everyone can get behind.
That is great news for Georgia. Wonder what other states Republicans are trying to gerrymander .

A white man from Texas raising the name of Dr. King and defending the right to take a knee.


Really hope he wins. even if he does not he should be one of the top picks for President in 2020.

Win or lose v Lyin’ Ted, he will definitely be in the mix for 2020.

A white man from Texas raising the name of Dr. King and defending the right to take a knee.


Really hope he wins. even if he does not he should be one of the top picks for President in 2020.

Brilliant response to that question.
Will be interesting to see the next Beto - Lyin' Ted poll after the video has gone uber-viral after being shared by other key influencer nodes.

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It’s amazing someone like Cruz could even get elected in the first place. He’s such a creepy looking bloke. :lol:

Good answer by Beto in the video above.
Even if Beto doesn't win, it is fun watching Cruz squeal.
If he wins in texas i suspect he will become the leading candidate for 2020... And therefore the target of trumps tweets... Be interesting to see if he engages with that or not

He would but I doubt Trump's tweets would pack the same power they did in 2016 by then. The fatigue of listening to him moan on twitter will have generally been fairly exhausted by then.
Looks like Nelson is messing up in the Florida senate race against Rick Scott. Dems are getting increasingly worried that they will lose the seat.
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Hilarious that voters would still vote an indicted man. And many of these voters probably pull the patriot card often and yet ignore Hunter's supposed "tell the Navy to go feck themselves."

That district has been held by someone named Hunter for nearly 40 years. Also doesn't help that the Dem alternative is a 29 year old with minimal experience or exposure, and unlike Ocasio, he is actually in a fairly conservative district.
He will probably lose. Both recent polls are trending towards Scott.

Here's another article that i read a few months ago. Nelson needs to get a grip and get things sorted out in the next few weeks.