2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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This event is a microcosm of Trump's campaign. Free publicity to the extent that the bloody Guardian UK has it as their lead story ("live!") at the moment.
:lol: The first Palinism of the night.

"Squirmishes" instead of 'skirmishes'.
Trump isn't crazy, he's just a troll. Okay, he is a bit crazy, but only insofar as he's a megalomaniac. I also don't buy that he's an anti-intellectual...he's a smart guy and definitely stands out from the pack (isn't he the only one of the GOP candidates who believes in evolution?). He just knows his audience and as a GOP candidate it is required of him to say stupid things and talk dumb most of the time...whereas Palin is a genuine anti-intellectual and a natural modern GOP candidate.

I find nothing intellectually impressive about Donald Trump. His business track record is mediocre (inherited a lot from his dad, would've been more successful investing in the S&P 500), its his media track record that is better. But there's nothing intellectual about mainstream media, quite the contrary. He knows what the people want to see/hear, that's a specific talent that has made many people rich, but has never been the sole base of successful leadership or management in any field.

I just honestly don't think that Donald Trump has deep thoughts, because nothing he has ever said has convinced me. Quite the contrary.
I don't know much about American politics but Trump is an abomination. I literally don't know anyone who would vote for him yet there he is, riding high in the polls. At least right now.

What explains his apparently popularity in the US? It can't just be ignorant, racist Republicans. His reality shows have clocked great ratings for years. What's up with that?
he's a smart guy and definitely stands out from the pack (isn't he the only one of the GOP candidates who believes in evolution?)

While I don't consider believing in evolution as a barometer for intelligence, if that's true then Trump should be the nominee and the GOP should be ashamed.
Bernie gets a lot of love for not being 'a typical politician', and he probably should. But it should be noted that in terms of their willingness to do shitty things, his campaign is right up there with the Clintons of this world. They're now trying to legally intimidate Wikipedia, of all things, for violating their copyright on 'Feel the Bern' stickers (which I understand to be classic fair use as political commentary) - presumably with an eye to a shakedown.

and you think the president of the US has the power to use nukes just because? From the prez goes to secretary then goes to NCA and then goes to the join chiefs, too many "goes to" but is a way this country has to make sure a crazy prez won't trip and falls on top of the red button with a sign saying "do not push or we all fecked"

I'd imagine there are people just as powerful that are involved in this kind of thing (and everything else for that matter), if not more so, in that they can decide whether to actually go ahead with what the President says?

I've always wondered if there is information held by their various security services etc. that would be kept from the President too, because at the end of the day these guys are only in office for a relatively short time.
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"I wash born here, an' I wash raished here, and dad gum it, I'm gonna die here!
An' no sidewindin', bushwackin', hornswagglin' cracker croaker is gonna ruin' me bishen cutter!
and you think the president of the US has the power to use nukes just because? From the prez goes to secretary then goes to NCA and then goes to the join chiefs, too many "goes to" but is a way this country has to make sure a crazy prez won't trip and falls on top of the red button with a sign saying "do not push or we all fecked"

ok. you are not making sense.

I'm saying the President cannot simply hit the nuke button. There are so many protocols.

Rest easy. If we survived Bush, we will survive a Trump...god forbid.
So I've been hearing a lot lately about Hillary Clinton using her private mail for state secrets. Is this going to bite her back?
what .Trump or Palin?
Both. Palin with her cringe worthy speech and Trump for standing there with that insincere grin on his face.Both are phonies with sound bites but dig deeper and they haven't got a clue.Tbh you don't have to dig that deep.
Trump is holding a rally in Iowa. I tuned in for a few min but he's so full of shit it's hard to listen to. Christianity under siege, 65000 refugees etc.. :rolleyes:
Latest Florida GOP polls shows Bush at the bottom and Rubio not much above him.

Trump is killing everyone.

It will be Trump. If Sanders overcomes Hillary.....Trump v Sanders. Monumental election.

Those debates will be the most watched debates ever. Man that would be incredible.

Sanders is beating her 2-1 in NH and is neck and neck in Iowa. Her firewall is the black vote. But everyone will sit up should Sanders win both IA and NH.

I believe that the black population just doesn't know Bernie that well yet, they are voting for Hillary based on name recognition and Bill's achievements.
Every millennial I know is voting for Sanders.

I really feel that Bernie can win this.
Sanders is better than Hillary for the world, but he will not win a general election (imo). Hilary is the least of the evils
I find nothing intellectually impressive about Donald Trump. His business track record is mediocre (inherited a lot from his dad, would've been more successful investing in the S&P 500), its his media track record that is better. But there's nothing intellectual about mainstream media, quite the contrary. He knows what the people want to see/hear, that's a specific talent that has made many people rich, but has never been the sole base of successful leadership or management in any field.

I just honestly don't think that Donald Trump has deep thoughts, because nothing he has ever said has convinced me. Quite the contrary.

40 million in 1974, today he has billions can't say his business record is mediocre.
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