2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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More likely Trump has quietly promised Palin a prominent spot in his government when he gets to the white house. Que Sarah Sarah, whatever will be will be, it's not time to start worrying yet.
More likely Trump has quietly promised Palin a prominent spot in his government when he gets to the white house. Que Sarah Sarah, whatever will be will be, it's not time to start worrying yet.

She just likes the limelight, Trump is not stupid enough to offer her a prominent spot in his government IMO. She is almost universally ridiculed.
Educate me cause I'm ignorant. But how the feck does Sarah Palin swing evangelical conservatives? Look at her family FFS!
I see that the establishment is going really hard to try and destroy Cruz. Getting quite nasty.

Surprising they haven't done the same for Trump.
I see that the establishment is going really hard to try and destroy Cruz. Getting quite nasty.

Surprising they haven't done the same for Trump.
The concensus seems to be...Trump is a blip but Cruz is a nasty bastard and would spell disaster for the establishment. Trump is right when he says no one in Washington likes Cruz, he really is a cnut.

Oh and he's canadian and shouldn't be eligible for the presidency.
I see that the establishment is going really hard to try and destroy Cruz. Getting quite nasty.

Surprising they haven't done the same for Trump.
perhaps the establishment think that with a good vp candidate (rubio perhaps as it may help their credentials with latino voters and in florida) they can back trump and have a shot of winning as he may appeal to a lot of independent voters - but they realise that outside his base of voters cruz has very little appeal and no chance?
Alternatively they may still hope trumps campaign implodes and if a strong establishment candidate is his main challenger (rubio for example for the reasons mentioned before) that they can hoover up enough of the votes when other candidates drop out to secure the nomination?
I don't know much about US politics at all, but feels like Trump is going to "Do a Corbyn" and go from a complete no-hope to head honcho before anyone really realises what has happened.
It would be similarly disastrous to Corbyn's leadership of labour if he actually became president surely?
Just wait till people realize he's proposing a middle class tax hike and things will not seem so rosy anymore.
except he is not though.

He is. He's just proposing people will save money in other places that will balance out the tax hike, which wont always be the case. So in effect, people in the middle class will see their taxes go up which won't fly once its laid out in political ads.
He is. He's just proposing people will save money in other places that will balance out the tax hike, which wont always be the case. So in effect, people in the middle class will see their taxes go up which won't fly once its laid out in political ads.

If you are talking of the payroll taxes for Medicare for All, people will save tons by not paying Health Insurance Premiums and Out of Pocket expenses. That is easily explained.
If you are talking of the payroll taxes for Medicare for All, people will save tons by not paying Health Insurance Premiums and Out of Pocket expenses. That is easily explained.
Then the health care would lose the quality we still get, how much more taxes he's expecting the middle class to pay? Why always the middle class? I live in New Jersey and we have the highest propriety tax in the country will the state give us a break? So who's going to pay for all that? Just the middle class is not enough. The rich always find a way to pay less, the poor pay almost nothing and the other "poor" gets paid to have kids.
Then the health care would lose the quality we still get, how much more taxes he's expecting the middle class to pay? Why always the middle class? I live in New Jersey and we have the highest propriety tax in the country will the state give us a break? So who's going to pay for all that? Just the middle class is not enough. The rich always find a way to pay less, the poor pay almost nothing and the other "poor" gets paid to have kids.

barros. Do you really believe you are getting quality health care now? Do you really think all the premiums you are paying is going towards your health care? Health Insurance companies are hugely profitable. Now think about that. Should your and my health care be a for profit business? I do not care about my premiums going towards doctors, nurses, hospitals and other such needs. But I resent even one penny going towards Health Insurance Companies who are raping the American people. CEOs who live like Kings on the blood of ordinary people.

Do you really think we have better health care than other developed countries like Germany or Sweden or so many others?

You talk of the poor. The party you support is killing the poor. You just don't see it. Open your eyes and research all this instead of drinking the Fox 'news' cool aid. No offence.

I'm moving away from Hillary because she does not have the belief we can change things...or she just wants to be President. That is Not enough. We need to fight for ordinary people. You say this too. So look into all this.
Not so sure about that. Neither the DNC nor the Clinton/Sanders campaign will file a lawsuit but there will be Dems who bring forth that issue. If McCain couldn't escape that particular scrutiny then Cruz won't.

Cruz is toxic to the GOP. So that should give the Dems hope. He is universally hated. If a lawsuit comes, it will come from the Republicans. He is simply not eligible to run. Its crazy he is even in the primaries.
barros. Do you really believe you are getting quality health care now? Do you really think all the premiums you are paying is going towards your health care? Health Insurance companies are hugely profitable. Now think about that. Should your and my health care be a for profit business? I do not care about my premiums going towards doctors, nurses, hospitals and other such needs. But I resent even one penny going towards Health Insurance Companies who are raping the American people. CEOs who live like Kings on the blood of ordinary people.

Do you really think we have better health care than other developed countries like Germany or Sweden or so many others?

You talk of the poor. The party you support is killing the poor. You just don't see it. Open your eyes and research all this instead of drinking the Fox 'news' cool aid. No offence.

I'm moving away from Hillary because she does not have the belief we can change things...or she just wants to be President. That is Not enough. We need to fight for ordinary people. You say this too. So look into all this.


"With limitations on how much they can charge, German doctors and hospitals instead try to pump up their earnings by performing as many procedures as possible, just like American providers do.

“Is the system good?” Schlette said. “Well, maybe, but there is a lot of oversupply of care and poor care coordination.”

With few resource constraints, healthcare systems like America's and Germany's tend to go with the most expensive treatment option possible. An American might find himself in an MRI machine for a headache that a British doctor would have treated with an aspirin and a smile.

Similarly, “In Germany, it will always be an operation,” Göpffarth said. “Meanwhile, France and the U.K. tend to try drugs first and operations later.”"

The doctor here will not send you to a MRI if the headache is not persistent, actually my doctors are anti-drug they even tell me to get natural medicine like herbs, for example I have high cholesterol and my doctor told me to buy red rice yeast.
Cruz is toxic to the GOP. So that should give the Dems hope. He is universally hated. If a lawsuit comes, it will come from the Republicans. He is simply not eligible to run. Its crazy he is even in the primaries.
Republicans are not going to file a lawsuit against their own :lol:. Especially since such a suit would fail spectacularly in court. Whoever wins the nomination is going to end up with the establishment GOP's support, that's just how it works.
Educate me cause I'm ignorant. But how the feck does Sarah Palin swing evangelical conservatives? Look at her family FFS!

It's simply because she bangs the bible drum loud and proud. The vast majority of Republican voters have voted Republican since they were allowed to vote. It's ingrained in them almost as much as their faith in God is. They vote based on certain factors such as pro-life, anti gay marriage, the idea of small government, pro gun and how religious the candidates are, or how important God is in their lives. They simply ignore everything else as they are the most important factors when deciding who to vote for. They will either ignore Palins faults and look at her positives or they will think the faults are the left leaning press just trying to discredit her.

On a whole, Palin would be far more damaging than positive if chosen as a running mate, but when used just to swing votes in certain states it's actually a pretty smart move. It will just be interesting to see how quickly Trump drops her and how she takes it, as I honestly don't think he's stupid enough to have her along for the full ride.
He may not be one of their own to the establishment, but he is to the base. And no Republican wants to be seen as 'destroying the party' by launching a lawsuit. If they can find a way to egg one on without being attributed, then of course, all bets are off.

The law is the law. He was not born in the United States. He is not entitled to run.

A lawsuit can be brought on by any citizen and would have to be heard because it addresses a matter of constitutional law.
Tump is playing the right like a harp, at this point he must really feel everyone is stupid except for him.
When I lived in FL, Jeb! was the governor there and was disliked by pretty much everyone I knew, he just isn't suited to national politics in this day and age IMO.

The question is where will his Super-PAC (aka Koch and co) money go when they finally realize he isn't a viable candidate, the party pretty much all hate Cruz and Carson is over so my guess is Rubio will be their man.

Hope its Rubio and not Cruz. Please god.
It's simply because she bangs the bible drum loud and proud. The vast majority of Republican voters have voted Republican since they were allowed to vote. It's ingrained in them almost as much as their faith in God is. They vote based on certain factors such as pro-life, anti gay marriage, the idea of small government, pro gun and how religious the candidates are, or how important God is in their lives. They simply ignore everything else as they are the most important factors when deciding who to vote for. They will either ignore Palins faults and look at her positives or they will think the faults are the left leaning press just trying to discredit her.

On a whole, Palin would be far more damaging than positive if chosen as a running mate, but when used just to swing votes in certain states it's actually a pretty smart move. It will just be interesting to see how quickly Trump drops her and how she takes it, as I honestly don't think he's stupid enough to have her along for the full ride.
Palin would look an idiot even among idiots but she was one of the first political figures to back the Tea Party movement when it first started. It was a smart move, politically, and has kept her relevant after the failed McCain ticket. I can understand Tea Party-ers wanting to support her despite her faults just because of that.

The law is the law. He was not born in the United States. He is not entitled to run.
The law says 'natural born citizen' which is understood by most to mean you must be a citizen by birth, which Cruz is due to his mother's citizenship. You don't have to be born in the US, that's just the most common way.
The law is the law. He was not born in the United States. He is not entitled to run.

A lawsuit can be brought on by any citizen and would have to be heard because it addresses a matter of constitutional law.

Ironically, if Scalia sticks to his literal interpretation of the Constitution when this issue is brought to court, this will be the logical outcome.

"With limitations on how much they can charge, German doctors and hospitals instead try to pump up their earnings by performing as many procedures as possible, just like American providers do.

“Is the system good?” Schlette said. “Well, maybe, but there is a lot of oversupply of care and poor care coordination.”

With few resource constraints, healthcare systems like America's and Germany's tend to go with the most expensive treatment option possible. An American might find himself in an MRI machine for a headache that a British doctor would have treated with an aspirin and a smile.

Similarly, “In Germany, it will always be an operation,” Göpffarth said. “Meanwhile, France and the U.K. tend to try drugs first and operations later.”"

The doctor here will not send you to a MRI if the headache is not persistent, actually my doctors are anti-drug they even tell me to get natural medicine like herbs, for example I have high cholesterol and my doctor told me to buy red rice yeast.


good reading...and true.
The law is the law. He was not born in the United States. He is not entitled to run.

A lawsuit can be brought on by any citizen and would have to be heard because it addresses a matter of constitutional law.

This. Plus, he was born to one American Citizen in Canada, and that citizen was not serving the US overseas. I could read the INA and file a lawsuit against the greaseball.
Palin would look an idiot even among idiots but she was one of the first political figures to back the Tea Party movement when it first started. It was a smart move, politically, and has kept her relevant after the failed McCain ticket. I can understand Tea Party-ers wanting to support her despite her faults just because of that.

The law says 'natural born citizen' which is understood by most to mean you must be a citizen by birth, which Cruz is due to his mother's citizenship. You don't have to be born in the US, that's just the most common way.

This is not so. It means he or she must be born in the USA. Why then all the nonsense about where Obama was born. The GOP cannot have it both ways.

EDIT: His mother was born in the United States.
The law says 'natural born citizen' which is understood by most to mean you must be a citizen by birth, which Cruz is due to his mother's citizenship. You don't have to be born in the US, that's just the most common way.

Yeah, but the wording was amended 4 years later and the words "natural born" were removed, so legally it is uncertain because it has never been challenged in court. I would think Cruz would be allowed to run, but saying that, you know what some Americans are like about their amendments to the constitution.
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