2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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I read it put well earlier on, he's running a nationalist campaign without the conservatism.

This is not a good thing, and has unflattering historical parallels.
Cruz would be socially regressive, as in, his views on abortion, gay rights, immigration, and a host of other topics are contrary to the direction the country is drifting in, which would cause all sorts of social upheaval since he would almost certainly appoint one or two Scalia type justices to the Supreme Court. I actually have a lot more confidence in Trump's capacity to govern than anyone else on the GOP side. As he often brags, he knows how to get deals done which is critical to breaking the endless cycle of gridlock governance.
Trump knows how to get deals done in the business world behind closed doors. That's very different to making political deals in Washington and lobbying for public support to persuade Congressmen. I suspect his brash public demeanor and extreme rhetoric would make it harder, not easier, to forge bipartisan agreement. Trump will do anything for the attention.

Ted Cruz may be the most hated man in US Politics, apart from Trump, how would he ever get anything done if elected?

Does it bother you that he shut down the government, costing the taxpayers billions for no real reason, or that he is in favour of building the wall on the border of Mexico while opposing the dream act? Lets not even get into this stance on climate change, the violence against women act or marriage equality. He is playing to a specific base in the GOP and could never be elected nationally. I actually think Trump would have a better chance in a national election.
Clinton's unfavourability ratings are significantly higher than Cruz. Cruz might be the second most hated man among Democrats right now, but certainly not nation-wide.

You can blame Cruz for being the one responsible for the shutdown or you can blame it on a government that refuses to scale back spending despite constantly increasing deficits. It depends on your preferred policy views. The Mexico border issue is one pretty much every Republican has to endorse in some way to get through the primaries, but it never comes to anything after elections. The social legislation that's really at stake is DOMA, and Cruz would be against that.

As for getting elected, it's hard to tell. I think he'd have a shot against both Clinton and Sanders for different reasons. Clinton because of her unfavorables and being the establishment candidate (with corruption concerns), and Sanders because he is more leftist. I'm no expert at calling elections though, I'm simply talking about who I'd like to see become President.
Yes, I think he would do ok, or possibly very well since he is actually a liberal masquerading as a right wing Republican. I'm willing to bet if he wins the nomination, he will go quite moderate in the general election.

The GOP playbook is to act crazy during the primaries then pivot to the centre for the election. Nothing new here.
It does make them look much less trustworthy in national debates when they have to backpedal on stuff like not voting for the violence against women act or wanting to ban all abortions even in the case of rape or incest.
They may or may not - the point is extreme candidates on the left or right aren't likely to get anything accomplished in a bifurcated government. The Dems are definitely not taking back the house anytime soon, so having Sanders in the White House trying to give people free health care, education etc would be a pointless exercise since the other side would simply set themselves up to thwart any policies he attempts. This is precisely why the Dems or GOP need to come up with an establishment candidate who can actually work across the aisle.

they hate the Clintons as much or more. It will be gridlock. Either Sanders or Clinton need to appoint left wing judges. That is the key.
The GOP playbook is to act crazy during the primaries then pivot to the centre for the election. Nothing new here.
It does make them look much less trustworthy in national debates when they have to backpedal on stuff like not voting for the violence against women act or wanting to ban all abortions even in the case of rape or incest.

Trump has too much video of him saying crazy things to pivot.
I'm also not sure why people think he's working an angle for his own gain now, but was being completely honest in the past. Seems far likelier to me that this is real Trump.
Trump has too much video of him saying crazy things to pivot.

True, I am not sure you can pivot from calling Mexicans rapists or banning all muslim immigrants.

There are at least 5 million muslims in the USA, what do you do with them... internment camps like what was done to the Japanese during WWII times?
they hate the Clintons as much or more. It will be gridlock. Either Sanders or Clinton need to appoint left wing judges. That is the key.

They hated Clinton the first time around and he still managed to get more than any other President in recent history done.
Trump knows how to get deals done in the business world behind closed doors. That's very different to making political deals in Washington and lobbying for public support to persuade Congressmen. I suspect his brash public demeanor and extreme rhetoric would make it harder, not easier, to forge bipartisan agreement. Trump will do anything for the attention.

Clinton's unfavourability ratings are significantly higher than Cruz. Cruz might be the second most hated man among Democrats right now, but certainly not nation-wide.

You can blame Cruz for being the one responsible for the shutdown or you can blame it on a government that refuses to scale back spending despite constantly increasing deficits. It depends on your preferred policy views. The Mexico border issue is one pretty much every Republican has to endorse in some way to get through the primaries, but it never comes to anything after elections. The social legislation that's really at stake is DOMA, and Cruz would be against that.

As for getting elected, it's hard to tell. I think he'd have a shot against both Clinton and Sanders for different reasons. Clinton because of her unfavorables and being the establishment candidate (with corruption concerns), and Sanders because he is more leftist. I'm no expert at calling elections though, I'm simply talking about who I'd like to see become President.

He would be quite effective in government imo, since he would be more or less able to bully Politicians into agreeing with him or else subject them to getting called out over social media. If he wins the Presidency, his mandate would be enormous and he would likely have more success than any other candidate since he doesn't really have a particular party loyalty.
They hated Clinton the first time around and he still managed to get more than any other President in recent history done.

I think the political landscape has changed considerably since then, the divisiveness, the rise of the tea party. Citizens United etc.
Now the corporations run everything....even more than they used to.

Its pretty much ok to shut down the government over the debt ceiling issue now.
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True, I am not sure you can pivot from calling Mexicans rapists or banning all muslim immigrants.

There are at least 5 million muslims in the USA, what do you do with them... internment camps like what was done to the Japanese during WWII times?
A lot of them are converts and hes talking mostly about refugees from Syria.
I read it put well earlier on, he's running a nationalist campaign without the conservatism.

This is not a good thing, and has unflattering historical parallels.

Yes, I also saw an article about this (his campaign is authoritarian rather than conservative), and another on a right-wing magazine saying that they had overestimated the conservatism of the voters they won under Reagan. (who are now jumping ship to trump)
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Trump/Palin 2016.

For the sake of all that is holy, let this happen.
Thinking of the unthinkable: Trump could either not be as crazy a President as we currently think (although being a good one still seems near impossible to me), or if he is full-on crazy could end up in some sort of constitutional crisis. You guys are thinking about some nuclear strike scenario, either SecDef could refuse to confirm, or even if we consider SecDef is a loon too, the Joint Chiefs could refuse (not prescribed, but in practical terms they could step in and inform Congress or its leaders. Don't imagine they wouldn't find support). In any case, he likely gets impeached due to the fallout.
Thinking of the unthinkable: Trump could either not be as crazy a President as we currently think (although being a good one still seems near impossible to me), or if he is full-on crazy could end up in some sort of constitutional crisis. You guys are thinking about some nuclear strike scenario, either SecDef could refuse to confirm, or even if we consider SecDef is a loon too, the Joint Chiefs could refuse (not prescribed, but in practical terms they could step in and inform Congress or its leaders. Don't imagine they wouldn't find support). In any case, he likely gets impeached due to the fallout.

Palin endorses Trump.


Kay Burley (the silly cnut) is in Iowa interviewing people queueing outside the arena waiting for his latest rally. It's hilarious for two reasons, firstly because it is -14 and she is moaning about the cold, and secondly because she has asked 8 people so far and all of them are trolls just attending to see what batshit statements he comes out with this time. None of them like Palin either. :lol: Priceless!
Is there anywhere I can watch the shitfest that is Trumps rally?

Edit, just found it on You Tube, if anyone is interested.

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Kay Burley (the silly cnut) is in Iowa interviewing people queueing outside the arena waiting for his latest rally. It's hilarious for two reasons, firstly because it is -14 and she is moaning about the cold, and secondly because she has asked 8 people so far and all of them are trolls just attending to see what batshit statements he comes out with this time. None of them like Palin either. :lol: Priceless!

I found it funny that everyone kept saying 'I don't know' to her very basic question about their views on Palin endorsing Trump. They had absolutely nothing to say...it was bizarre. Normally at these sorts of events you can't get people to shut up.
Thinking of the unthinkable: Trump could either not be as crazy a President as we currently think (although being a good one still seems near impossible to me), or if he is full-on crazy could end up in some sort of constitutional crisis. You guys are thinking about some nuclear strike scenario, either SecDef could refuse to confirm, or even if we consider SecDef is a loon too, the Joint Chiefs could refuse (not prescribed, but in practical terms they could step in and inform Congress or its leaders. Don't imagine they wouldn't find support). In any case, he likely gets impeached due to the fallout.

Trump isn't crazy, he's just a troll. Okay, he is a bit crazy, but only insofar as he's a megalomaniac. I also don't buy that he's an anti-intellectual...he's a smart guy and definitely stands out from the pack (isn't he the only one of the GOP candidates who believes in evolution?). He just knows his audience and as a GOP candidate it is required of him to say stupid things and talk dumb most of the time...whereas Palin is a genuine anti-intellectual and a natural modern GOP candidate.
I found it funny that everyone kept saying 'I don't know' to her very basic question about their views on Palin endorsing Trump. They had absolutely nothing to say...it was bizarre. Normally at these sorts of events you can't get people to shut up.

The first few weren't Trump supporters, no way, the only one you could tell actually was, was the lady with the Trump hat, t-shirt, and flag, but even she wouldn't comment on Palin, you could see she wasn't impressed. It could backfire spectacularly, I don't think Trump realises how negatively many people see her.

John Wayne's daughter just got more cheers and applause for mentioning her father than when she asked if the crowd was ready to vote for Trump. :lol: (not sure if that was a live clip though)
:lol: According to Trump, Iran has its eyes on taking control of Saudi Arabia once it takes over Yemen.
She's just spouting pure bollocks.

Trump is the master of saying lots yet actually saying nothing at all. I've yet to hear him say anything about policies or how he will implement them. Palin is the perfect match because she has made a living out of speaking yet saying feck all, while also having feck all clue about what she is talking about.
Jesus Christ she is embarrassing...even more of a caricature than she was in 2008. Talking about Iran as if they are bad guys in some crappy 80s Hollywood movie and now asking the crowd to give her a 'hallaluja' to kicking ISIS's ass. What is Trump thinking!?
lol @ hearing Palin go on an anti-establishment rant. She sounds like she's up Chomsky's alley for a tiny portion of her speech :lol:
that makes no sense. Is your argument that we have one crazy person that has nukes. so why not two?
Surely we want reponsible people heading our government. btw I don't think Putin will simply resort to nukes.
and you think the president of the US has the power to use nukes just because? From the prez goes to secretary then goes to NCA and then goes to the join chiefs, too many "goes to" but is a way this country has to make sure a crazy prez won't trip and falls on top of the red button with a sign saying "do not push or we all fecked"
Watch Trumps face, several times he has looked aghast at what she is saying, especially when she said she had endorsed some of the other candidates earlier in the race, she then quickly backtracked :lol:
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