2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Possibly - but what he would do instead is anybody's guess...

Probably start WWIII and if not, he will definitely piss off and alienate most of the world and certainly will set the US back decades in terms of Foreign relations. It always amuses me how Fox and other right wing news outlets always say the world is laughing at the US and Obama when in truth it's the opposite. I bet the world (like myself) has slept a lot safer at night knowing Obama is in charge and not warmongering, flag waving, gun toting numpties like Bush and Cheney.
He has been socially liberal all his life. He's just putting on an act and saying whatever is necessary to win the GOP vote. He'd be quite moderate in a general election imo.

Is he similar to Clint Eastwood in that regard? Socially liberal and economically conservative. Maybe more on the right side of conservatism though because as a Scot I can categorically state that he was a massive arsehole when building his golf resort near Aberdeen.
You aren't socially liberal when you propose banning a religion from entering the country. You also can't pivot away from that kind of race-baiting.
Is he similar to Clint Eastwood in that regard? Socially liberal and economically conservative. Maybe more on the right side of conservatism though because as a Scot I can categorically state that he was a massive arsehole when building his golf resort near Aberdeen.

We shipped an order there the other day, I felt like cancelling it.
Horrible planning by the democrats. I completely forgot there was even a debate yesterday. Seems like they are doing their best to give as little publicity to their candidates as possible.
Horrible planning by the democrats. I completely forgot there was even a debate yesterday. Seems like they are doing their best to give as little publicity to their candidates as possible.

Its perfectly planned by the DMC...ie Hillary and her minnion Wassermen Shultz so there is as little publicity as possible. They don't want anyone to know what Sanders has to say which is all true. Hillary is owned by the banks.
If you get a chance, try and listen to the entire debate. You will realise what I am saying. If she is the nominee, I will vote for her. Come out of the voting booth and spit on the ground to clear my throat.

These people, both the Dems and certainly the GOP are screwing the people.
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Is he similar to Clint Eastwood in that regard? Socially liberal and economically conservative. Maybe more on the right side of conservatism though because as a Scot I can categorically state that he was a massive arsehole when building his golf resort near Aberdeen.

In a way - although I think he's closer to Bloomberg in his politics. A New Yorker who is basically a Republican because of financial markets and socially liberal on most other issues.
Cruz would be worse.

Trump won't do 75% of the things he says. Cruz on the other hand is truly evil.

Cruz shut down the government, costing the US economy billions and for what? Not even he knows why.
The man is a domestic terrorist.
I cannot stand that phoney, entitled woman.
After seeing this interview with Elizabeth Warren regarding Hillary I went from disliking her to disdain:

I saw that ages go. Sadly, that's politics these days. Politicians take positions out of a combination of principle and public acceptance/polling.
My dislike of Hilary is also growing. Did not like her style of attack yesterday. I was laughing about Bernie having a chance several months back. Now I think I'll be voting for him. Sad selection of choices on both sides, frankly.
My dislike of Hilary is also growing. Did not like her style of attack yesterday. I was laughing about Bernie having a chance several months back. Now I think I'll be voting for him. Sad selection of choices on both sides, frankly.

There are simply no good candidates around these days, which is why some may vote less, which in turn will favor the GOP. Cruz would do well in such a scenario - weak and uninspiring Dem candidate vs well versed Conservative.
My dislike of Hilary is also growing. Did not like her style of attack yesterday. I was laughing about Bernie having a chance several months back. Now I think I'll be voting for him. Sad selection of choices on both sides, frankly.

There are simply no good candidates around these days, which is why some may vote less, which in turn will favor the GOP. Cruz would do well in such a scenario - weak and uninspiring Dem candidate vs well versed Conservative.

I must respectfully disagree with you, I feel that Bernie Sanders is the best candidate I have ever seen in a very very long time. I feel that all politicians are full of shit except for Bernie and Elizabeth Warren. The good people of the USA have a great option, they just have to push for it and choose it.

As for the GOP, perhaps Kasich is a decent candidate, but there is no way he can make it through the crazy Repub primaries.
I must respectfully disagree with you, I feel that Bernie Sanders is the best candidate I have ever seen in a very very long time. I feel that all politicians are full of shit except for Bernie and Elizabeth Warren. The good people of the USA have a great option, they just have to push for it and choose it.

As for the GOP, perhaps Kasich is a decent candidate, but there is no way he can make it through the crazy Repub primaries.

He's unelectable though and frankly I think he would make a horrible President because of his positions on financial markets and foreign policy. He would never get any policies passed because Congress would be set up to thwart anything he proposed, so in a sense it would be twice the gridlock as under Obama. At least under the Clinton regime, there would be more collaboration just as under Bill, and therefore more movement on governance.
He's unelectable though and frankly I think he would make a horrible President because of his positions on financial markets and foreign policy. He would never get any policies passed because Congress would be set up to thwart anything he proposed, so in a sense it would be twice the gridlock as under Obama. At least under the Clinton regime, there would be more collaboration just as under Bill, and therefore more movement on governance.
I would generally agree but if the election gets particularly nasty (which seems plausible) it may be more difficult than expected (particularly at the start) to get anything working.
Though if the nominee is trump then perhaps some of the republicans will somewhat distance themselves from the inevitable outright personal attacks - though i wouldnt be too hopeful as I expect a very nasty campaign
You aren't socially liberal when you propose banning a religion from entering the country. You also can't pivot away from that kind of race-baiting.

He's saying that for the extreme right-wing vote.
He's unelectable though and frankly I think he would make a horrible President because of his positions on financial markets and foreign policy. He would never get any policies passed because Congress would be set up to thwart anything he proposed, so in a sense it would be twice the gridlock as under Obama. At least under the Clinton regime, there would be more collaboration just as under Bill, and therefore more movement on governance.

I would generally agree but if the election gets particularly nasty (which seems plausible) it may be more difficult than expected (particularly at the start) to get anything working.
Though if the nominee is trump then perhaps some of the republicans will somewhat distance themselves from the inevitable outright personal attacks - though i wouldnt be too hopeful as I expect a very nasty campaign

Bernie is not unelectable and quite frankly he is the only choice Americans have to get themselves out of the mess that they are in. Citizens United and Gerrymandering have almost killed democracy and with Hillary its going to be more of the same shit.

... and don't kid yourself about the right working with Hillary more than they would work with Bernie. At this point they will oppose anything that doesn't suit their corporate interests.
He's saying that for the extreme right-wing vote.
Right, and when you go for the extreme rightwing vote you tend to forfeit everyone else. He's a reactionary more than anything else, and not particularly intelligent with it.
There are simply no good candidates around these days, which is why some may vote less, which in turn will favor the GOP. Cruz would do well in such a scenario - weak and uninspiring Dem candidate vs well versed Conservative.

Shit. Crus scares the shit out of me. And he's the only one.
Bernie is not unelectable and quite frankly he is the only choice Americans have to get themselves out of the mess that they are in. Citizens United and Gerrymandering have almost killed democracy and with Hillary its going to be more of the same shit.

... and don't kid yourself about the right working with Hillary more than they would work with Bernie. At this point they will oppose anything that doesn't suit their corporate interests.

You're superimposing wishful thinking over reality. The GOP would win about 35-40 states if Sanders becomes the Dem choice. Its simply a numbers game at that point where Trump or Cruz would take nearly all the key swing states and sail to the Presidency (OH, VA, NC, FL, CO, NV, NM, etc).
Anyone think we're heading towards a four-party system?

Progressives, Dems, Republicans, Tea party.
Anyone think we're heading towards a four-party system?

Progressives, Dems, Republicans, Tea party.

I don't think we are, because whenever a movement within a party rises up, the party gobbles up the movement by taking platform positions that assuage those voters. The Reform Party of the early 90s was an interesting case, but in the end would up just being the cult of Perot.
You're superimposing wishful thinking over reality. The GOP would win about 35-40 states if Sanders becomes the Dem choice. Its simply a numbers game at that point where Trump or Cruz would take nearly all the key swing states and sail to the Presidency (OH, VA, NC, FL, CO, NV, NM, etc).

Dems need to vote D just to have liberal SC justices imo.
Imagine if Bernie runs against Cruz and Trump runs as an independent. :drool:

He needs to win one of Iowa or NH first. If he does, he will live to fight another day. If Hillary wins, his campaign will probably not recover since most of the subsequent states are more conservative.
I genuinely think Cruz would have less chance than Trump, he's obnoxious.

Rubio is the worry.
I was more referring to who was worse - rather than 'electability'. I think Trump is behaving in this manner because he and his team made a conscious decision. It is a calculated move, a strategy.

Whereas Cruz is simply evil - this is him.
You're superimposing wishful thinking over reality. The GOP would win about 35-40 states if Sanders becomes the Dem choice. Its simply a numbers game at that point where Trump or Cruz would take nearly all the key swing states and sail to the Presidency (OH, VA, NC, FL, CO, NV, NM, etc).

Fivethirtyeight did a piece recently where they said that the Dems supposed electoral college advantage is overstated. It would take only a 3% shift in certain voting groups for the GOP to win the states that you mentioned above.

I'd agree with you that Sanders winning the nomination would all but mean that the GOP wins the election.
I was more referring to who was worse - rather than 'electability'. I think Trump is behaving in this manner because he and his team made a conscious decision. It is a calculated move, a strategy.

Whereas Cruz is simply evil - this is him.
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