2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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I am really, really annoyed by the sound of Rubio's voice. So fecking condescending. And the manner in which he speaks is as if he were a teacher talking down to you.
I don't think the debate moved the needle much for anyone, except for Cruz, who perhaps wasn't able to fend off the negativity from Trump and Rubio.

If he does manage to get the nomination, these aren't exactly statements you can walk back on.
Bang on there from Graham, huge respect to him for saying that.

He also endorsed Bush. I can see a Bush independent run incoming if Trump becomes the nominee. He will literally split the GOP in two.
Bush will never do that. His family legacy.

Depends on the narrative. He can be the one 'protecting true conservative values' by running independently. I don't think it's a coincidence he's so far refused to unequivocally state that he'll support Trump as the nominee.

We'll see, but the ugly part is just beginning. This will be a better cycle than 08, no doubt.
Depends on the narrative. He can be the one 'protecting true conservative values' by running independently. I don't think it's a coincidence he's so far refused to unequivocally state that he'll support Trump as the nominee.

We'll see, but the ugly part is just beginning. This will be a better cycle than 08, no doubt.

Bush's whole pull is the establishment Republican support. He's not winning by turning his back on them. There's a better chance Cruz would run independent because everyone in the party hates him anyways.
Cruz simply gifted Trump yesterday. The NY comment was a huge gift for Trump.

And the Birther issue is not nothing. The founding fathers obviously said only those born on American soil are eligibale to be President. The irony of these same people questioning Obama's place of birth. The only problem was there was no evidence Obama was born in Kenya. If he had been he would not have been eligible to run for President.
What's wrong with what he said in that clip? I don't have to like the man to agree with what he said that's true.

Everything that he says about Trump could be said about significant parts of the party. You also don´t need any courage to say what he said. The GOP establishment don´t resent Trump for being a xenophobic, race-baiting bigot. They hate him, because he is an uncontrollable idiot, who could do lasting damage to the party (if he wins the nomination).
Graham is a party loyalist/party hack, who is just doing a job for the establishment. Now, after dropping out his job is to attack Trump. His attacks ("empowering the enemies"; "putting soldiers at risk") are a lazy attempt to discredit someone in the eye of an uber-patriotic, militaristic and nationalistic crowd.
Cruz simply gifted Trump yesterday. The NY comment was a huge gift for Trump.

And the Birther issue is not nothing. The founding fathers obviously said only those born on American soil are eligibale to be President. The irony of these same people questioning Obama's place of birth. The only problem was there was no evidence Obama was born in Kenya. If he had been he would not have been eligible to run for President.

It couldn't be that strict. At the very least, children born abroad to serving diplomats or military personnel need to be considered natural-born. I find the definition of being eligible to american citizenship at birth to be the most reasonable. Although I know that the interpretation of the law doesn't have to go with what is most reasonable.

Be interesting to plot the times he said something absurd upon that timeline.
It couldn't be that strict. At the very least, children born abroad to serving diplomats or military personnel need to be considered natural-born. I find the definition of being eligible to american citizenship at birth to be the most reasonable. Although I know that the interpretation of the law doesn't have to go with what is most reasonable.

Children born at US bases/embassies. yes I can see that it is Ok. I believe the intent of the Founding Fathers was to ensure there was no foreign influence. So being born in Canada would exclude him.
It couldn't be that strict. At the very least, children born abroad to serving diplomats or military personnel need to be considered natural-born. I find the definition of being eligible to american citizenship at birth to be the most reasonable. Although I know that the interpretation of the law doesn't have to go with what is most reasonable.

The author literally wrote the book on "natural born"
And when you have literalism taken seriously in the SC, this is a legitimate question.

Trump's last statement - "We will win on everything". His whole rise has been surreal, almost out of some satirical TV show where he becomes more and more absurd and keeps getting closer to the actual nomination.

Jeb comes across as very plastic. It is between Trump, Cruz and Rubio
Beginning to think Trump is going to win. Incredbile!

The nomination or the White House?

Personally I am interested to see if voter turnout in the Repuplican primaries, is up considerablly. If the people voting for Trump are people who have not voted for awhile and are interested again because of Trump.
Bush, Graham and Jindal get zero respect from me. They are only pissed that one of the establishment gang is not winning. Love what Trump has done to their party.

I do too but they are correct in their assessment of Trump. The people who don't deserve any respect are those who cow tow to Trump by not criticizing him because they fear it may hurt their poll numbers - Cruz, Rubio, Kasich, and Christie are the main culprits.
I do too but they are correct in their assessment of Trump. The people who don't deserve any respect are those who cow tow to Trump by not criticizing him because they fear it may hurt their poll numbers - Cruz, Rubio, Kasich, and Christie are the main culprits.

These guys are sleeze Raoul. Like Trump said when Graham endorsed Jeb!!. "Guy at zero endorses another guy at zero" They are scared that control of the party is leaving their hands. The Tea Party, the racists.... These guys winked and smirked at all these people giving Obama crap. The monsters they created are turning on them. Justice.

They have no integrity whatsoever.

You reap what you sow.

Trump's last statement - "We will win on everything". His whole rise has been surreal, almost out of some satirical TV show where he becomes more and more absurd and keeps getting closer to the actual nomination.

Jeb comes across as very plastic. It is between Trump, Cruz and Rubio

I think they all come across poorly, except maybe Rubio and the only reason he doesn't is because he seems the smartest of them. I can't for the life of me figure out how a party that represents half the country can't find better candidates than that. I like that they laughed at Bernie Sanders though, when he'd be a far better president than all of them. But because he is openly "socialist", half the country won't vote for him, despite the fact that with the elements of socialism that Sanders would being in would make so many normal people who are just getting by, a little bit better off.

I don't know how many republican supporters from the US we have on here, but to most of the outside world, the party and the part of America they represent seems a bit mental.
These guys are sleeze Raoul. Like Trump said when Graham endorsed Jeb!!. "Guy at zero endorses another guy at zero" They are scared that control of the party is leaving their hands. The Tea Party, the racists.... These guys winked and smirked at all these people giving Obama crap. The monsters they created are turning on them. Justice.

They have no integrity whatsoever.

You reap what you sow.

I actually respect Graham for endorsing Bush. Let's face it, if Trump became President it would probably result in some global meltdown, either by war, economics, or civil disobedience. Bush, like him or not, is the least bad option in the Republican field assuming a Republican actually won.
They are banking on the 'socialist' stigma. But he has not run away from it, instead explaining what he means and many..not just the young have embraced what he is saying. His policies are all what most people want. Fairness for ordinary people.
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