Billy Blaggs
Flacco of the Blaggs tribe
I'd be willing to bet a lot of those people would be feeling exactly the same too if their own lives were a little less desolate. People find it hard to empathize with other peoples problems when it feels like their own lives utterly suck and no-one else gives a damn about them.
No I think it's down to rednecks that love guns and hate anyone that isn't them
The trouble is an awful lot of people completely misunderstand "free stuff" and look at it as scrounging and as a hindrance to someone helping themselves rather than looking at it like a safety net or basic right which is exactly how and what it is and should be seen as. It's always the same people that just honestly don't have the foresight to think ahead to what if they lost their job, or got struck down with a crippling disease or if they had a serious accident that stopped them from working. They focus far too heavily on the FEW that abuse the system and live off benefits, rather than accept that will happen and is a minimal problem, rather than focusing on those that absolutely need it and how many would die or have their lives ruined without it.
It's the attitude that is instilled almost from birth. The land of opportunity, the place where people go to achieve their dreams, go to make something of themselves. Anyone can become anything! And many look at welfare benefits and free healthcare and free college education as the complete opposite to how they were brought up, they look at that as failure and not success! Not paying for it yourself is not succeeding. That is the problem and that is the attitude that you have to fight. It's about education, it's about teaching and showing people that benefits and free healthcare is not failure, and in fact will help many more people succeed because they won't be paying ridiculous amounts of money for health insurance or college. It's also about a little more tolerance and fairness for those that don't have or can't have. Don't look at them as scroungers, more unfortunate and needy and help them get out of their troubles, if not just accept they need the help. Also just try to minimise the abuse of the system as much as possible and just accept that for every one person that's living off benefits paid by your tax dollars that could work and doesn't really need it, there is hundreds more who are getting the help they desperately need.
It actually promotes the land of the free and equal opportunity far more than the selfish system the USA has now. Also, many wise people have said that a society is judged on how they look after their poor, sick and needy, and unfortunately the USA doesn't treat them very well at all compared to many other civilised societies throughout the world. Personally I think universal healthcare is the basic minimum requirement for any civilised country on earth, and it disgusts me that the States don't have it, and also the attitude against it. I just hope people come round and don't look at it as Socialism, but more equal opportunity and fairness for all.
It's late and i'm tired and my brain is hurting but not letting me sleep properly, so I may not have articulated that as best as I could, but I think I did ok.
You articulated exactly what I'm meant to say. Cheers