2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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A significant portion yes, but still a (shrinking) minority of the overall population. And the Republican Party has allowed the Christian Right, NRA fanatics, Tea Party extremists and a motley ragbag of white supremacists (closet or otherwise), conspiracy freaks, misogynists and homophobes to slowly make more and more inroads into its organisation.

The result is Donald Trump: the most unelectable, most unfit-for-President candidate in many, many decades, perhaps ever. This swaggering blow-hard, the puffed-up con artist, the narcissist, the crude, mean-minded man of small wit and large insult … the man who actually brags about his ability to sexually molest women and get away with it.

He'll get crushed in the election, but will encourage his supporters to cry foul, with claims of ballot rigging and god knows what else, regardless of the landslide loss. I actually think that Trump and his hard core of supporters are not far from becoming a watered-down form of National Socialism - i.e. believing that democracy and the established forms of government needs to be swept away and replaced by 'strong man' rule.

The Republican Party will be left in tatters, embroiled in civil war. And it won't recover until it reaches out to 'middle America' and ditches those I've cited, whose votes they don't need to pander to anyhow, since those votes have got nowhere else to go except the box marked ‘abstain’ … and most of these people are too driven to go there.

Hope you are right.
Why didnt Trump bring this up in the debate last night?
In fairness, I think Drumpf said that Hillary is evil. He just couldn't remember all the other cracking stuff.

I mean, this Alex guy must be smoking or inhaling something that dissolved his entire brain.
Why didnt Trump bring this up in the debate last night?
In fairness, I think Drumpf said that Hillary is evil. He just couldn't remember all the other cracking stuff.

I mean, this Alex guy must be smoking or inhaling something that dissolved his entire brain.

That's nothing, you should check out some of the posts on Reddit for Trump: https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/ ... where they refer to Trump as the "God-Emperor" and any man who opposes Trump is a declared a ‘amazing person I admire’ … meaning man of vigour and esteem. In fact they are totally obsessed with the word 'amazing person I admire'

Here's an example or two:

"The Donald will purge Washington of Paul Ryan and his army of spineless universally adored legend! The time has come for the Establishment to fall! Big League!"

"Men aren’t men anymore. Testosterone levels have been dropping, and men are getting weaker every generation. Some people will tell you it’s just because they’re pussies, but the truth is the water is polluted. Look into xenoestrogens.”

"Hillary is an agent of the Devil. It's blatantly obvious: http://freebeacon.com/politics/the-hillary-letters/
That evil book shows more than some of the things going on right now. It's all part of the plan. Spiritual degradation is the goal.
To note: Obama was a fan also..."
How does this nutter have so many believers? He can believe this but he's a 9/11 and Sandy Hook truther. feck my life.
Thousands of people pay plenty of money to watch day-long David Icke talks about batshit insane stuff. Decent amount of messed up people out there.

Hmmmm, you responded to another post, you highlighted his comment about THE MAJORITY, so you certainly made it seem like you were responding mostly about that part of his post. Trump does have many followers who buy his nonsense hook, line and sinker but as of right now they do not seem to represent the majority of Americans.
How does this nutter have so many believers? He can believe this but he's a 9/11 and Sandy Hook truther. feck my life.

There's a few here who buy into the Alex Jones' type of stuff always telling us that we should be questioning the mainstream media (which we should) but they always fail in even asking the most basic of questions of their own sources. People believe what they want to believe and well people are dumb.
In fairness, I think Drumpf said that Hillary is evil. He just couldn't remember all the other cracking stuff.

I mean, this Alex guy must be smoking or inhaling something that dissolved his entire brain.

Even then it probably wouldn't matter. People would still vote for a literal demon from the depth of hell than vote for Trump.
Hmmmm, you responded to another post, you highlighted his comment about THE MAJORITY, so you certainly made it seem like you were responding mostly about that part of his post. Trump does have many followers who buy his nonsense hook, line and sinker but as of right now they do not seem to represent the majority of Americans.
Hmmmmm, looks as if we can close THIS CASE, not worthwhile to continue.
Even then it probably wouldn't matter. People would still vote for a literal demon from the depth of hell than vote for Trump.
I do hope that all of you who are so confident will be right and prove my doubts wrong.
It seems as if some Evangelical women wake up.

“I have heard from many, many evangelical women who are horrified by Christian leaders ignoring this as an issue,” Moore told me. He says these women leaders have “spent their entire life teaching girls to find their identity in Christ and not in an American culture that sexualizes and objectifies them”—and they are now disgusted that evangelical men are not standing up and speaking out.
Dr. Barbara Williams-Skinner, the pro-life African American Christian leader, brought it back to scripture as well, noting that evangelical leaders are failing to “stand up, as Jesus did, against every form of racism and bigotry on open display almost daily by Donald Trump.”

Despite their disappointment, women Christian leaders see some light at the end of the tunnel, and they hope that this election will finally separate evangelicals who misuse faith for partisan ends from those seeking to advance the cause of Christ. As Katelyn Beaty said, “my hope is that more Christian men will stand up for their friends, wives, daughters, coworkers, and siblings in Christ and refuse to align themselves with a leader who is and will continue to be bad news for half the human population.”
The GOP finally stand up to Trump because they all have/are mothers, daughters, sisters, aunties, etc. Just goes to show how few of them have hispanic and muslim friends.
I assume the one in which Trump uses the N-word will be the last one, unless there's something juicier.

I would think there is far more and that he used that kind of language on a regular basis. FFS, I've been saying it for months now, some of the stuff aired on Celebrity Apprentice was absolutely insane and could and should be used against him, let alone what wasn't aired and left on the cutting room floor. He was continually disgusting to women, always objectified them on the show, was always perving at them and making lewd and unacceptable comments, you could see how uncomfortable they were. And that's what they did show. I'm shocked nobody has brought it up yet. Really shocked tbh.
It's frankly damning of US society as a whole when you need to hear someone like Drumpf saying 'grab them by the pussy' or the N word to concede that he's a sexist/racist and finally rescind your support.

For all of their outrage at the metropolitan/liberal/secular/individualistic norms, those God fearing family oriented community based conservatives sure do excel at the hypocrisy game.
When Russian intelligence help Russian hackers to hack accounts of Hillary's campaign I have very strong reservations to trust that those e-mails haven't been altered.

Yesterday they were unconfirmed despite Podesta's tweet, then Hillary responded to one of them HERSELF DURING THE DEBATE (as you can see, from another Clinton backer)

Apparently, the Lincoln context was true and it matches with the Wikileaks dump. She was talking about how Lincoln was able to get things done with the dual approach.

But now they're unconfirmed and doctored again.

I was told that I'm a fool for bringing up shit about Hillary because everyone here knows she's merely the lesser of 2 evils. But the moment they are confronted with evidence about it, the mental gymnastics that follow would win the Olympics.

Fwiw @Crossie that particular email was not from the campaign but from a media person to the campaign. Or, in your world, it was from Putin to Trump with love.

Asserting superior electability from a mainstream politician in contrast to a movement one is entirely consistent with acknowledging that there are plenty of outside factors affecting said electability :smirk:

(See the vid I posted a page or two back for more)

Well, at that time I had said that if Bernie does stand for re-election at his age, it would be decided by the economy, something you seem to be agreeing with re. Hillary. Whereas at time time Bernie winning the WH now was a surefire way to lose it in 2020, nevermind the systemic issues the Dems face according to that video.
That protest outside the RNC was organised by Trump's Virginia campaign chair :lol: He's been fired now, alas.
The Mind of Donald Trump
Narcissism, disagreeableness, grandiosity—a psychologist investigates how Trump’s extraordinary personality might shape his possible presidency.

It's a long read but very interesting and frightening at the same time that people support him.

The best part though is this:

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