2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Did he answer even one policy question? His stock answer was, "well Hillary has been in congress for 30 years and she's done nothing." Blah Blah Blah...

Why didn't they hold him to account for having no policies?
With any luck Drumpf will feck off participating in the 3rd debate and won't have to deal with any more parading of rape accusers or him threatening her with jail, or looking behind her with creepy intentions.
I was just listening to Radio 5 Live (a BBC channel, for all you bloody foreigners who don't know what it is ;)) and they are reporting live from El Paso and it's absolutely essential listening. They are interviewing loads of people on both sides, and many who just can't understand voting for either. The stories of fear is heart wrenching, especially from families who have members on both sides of the border. If the wall actually was built, wow, it would literally rip families apart. I must applaud the BBC because as usual the programme is incredibly well done. They will be reporting live all week from 4pm UK Time if anyone is interested in listening in, and i'm sure it's available on World Service, and definitely is on the BBC APP or I-Player.

One thing that has struck me is how articulate and intelligent many people being interviewed are, and yes, I include some of the Trump supporters as well, which actually makes it more frightening. The other point I wanted to make was they keep playing parts of last nights debate and I have to say how awful Trump comes across. He sounds terrible, unbelievably bad. He's incoherent, rambling, extremely inarticulate and just makes up words when he feels like it. He sounds so angry on the radio, he really does, you would imagine him to be bright red faced with steam coming out of his ears, and to make matters far worse the constant sniffing just sounds abysmal. Sincerely, it's like every few seconds, and sometimes every couple of words, it really does sound terrible and it's hard to take it seriously at times. Anyone who listened to the debate on the radio, or the vision impaired listening to it, well I should think they would all be voting for Hillary because there's no way you could make sense of anything Trump was saying, it really is like a petulant child shouting because he wants his ball back.
I remember, back in the primaries, when re-election and getting to control redistricting were the biggest prizes ;)

Asserting superior electability from a mainstream politician in contrast to a movement one is entirely consistent with acknowledging that there are plenty of outside factors affecting said electability :smirk:

(See the vid I posted a page or two back for more)
He's past caring :lol:

The Don isn't going down without a fight. It'll be YUGE in the coming days :devil:

:lol: Oh this is glorious! It really is. Shame last night was a bit of a wet lettuce really.

As always, had to double check that this wasn't the fake account. By election day they'll be identical. :lol:

:lol: Me too, definitely had to check that one.
That looks like it was written by his campaign rather than him, even better.

Who'd do Hillary when she was young?


She's nerdly sexy imo.

Certainly not breaking news but still.
Trump is going to lose by a landslide.

The fact is that the majority of the American people just don’t share the values of these white, ill-educated, machismo-fantasist, racist and misogynist men … and never will. Maybe this time Republicans’ will have the guts to stand up to their lunatic fringe and kick them into the dustbin of history.

If they don’t, the Party’s over.

Love it when a plan comes together.

When Russian intelligence help Russian hackers to hack accounts of Hillary's campaign I have very strong reservations to trust that those e-mails haven't been altered.
Trump is going to lose by a landslide.

The fact is that the majority of the American people just don’t share the values of these white, ill-educated, machismo-fantasist, racist and misogynist men … and never will. Maybe this time Republicans’ will have the guts to stand up to their lunatic fringe and kick them into the dustbin of history.

If they don’t, the Party’s over.
I'd like to believe that but am not sure if that's not just wishful thinking. Millions of women are avid Trump followers. All those Tea Party deplorables, Evangelicals, racists, islamophobists from both genders appear to be not a minority any more.
I'd like to believe that but am not sure if that's not just wishful thinking. Millions of women are avid Trump followers. All those Tea Party deplorables, Evangelicals, racists, islamophobists from both genders appear to be not a minority any more.

Some of them are women, sure. But the core base of the 'deplorables' has been shrinking year by year for a long while now. But they live in their own little bubble world, self-deluded, obsessed by conspiracy theories, and focused on a narrow band of issues that mainly boil down to guns and control of women (which is what the anti-abortion crusade is really all about).

Hillary will win easily - and the biggest single reason will be the votes of women.
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