wants Amber Rudd to call him a naughty boy
Do elaborate.
Do elaborate.
Mate, I seriously hope you don't take this the wrong way... but I do worry how much you seem to be invested in this. Don't mean to single you out as there's several others who practically live in this thread, but your obsession with Trump and this election is bordering on unhealthy. I don't care for Clinton at all, but for your sake I hope she smashes Trump (which she undoubtedly will).
I'm not a Hilary Clinton fan but to talk about these two candidates levels of abhorrence, as if they are one and the same, is extremely biased and dangerous, in my view.
It may be that your not a Hillary Clinton fan but I'd hazard a guess that you detest Donald Trump and if that is true then it somewhat invalidates any objective viewpoint you may have on this matter.
It may be that your not a Hillary Clinton fan but I'd hazard a guess that you detest Donald Trump and if that is true then it somewhat invalidates any objective viewpoint you may have on this matter.
Do elaborate.
I stick by my point.Yeah but it's ok because @VorZakone tells us all that Trump won't use them. Don't listen to someone who actually knows him and WROTE HIS AUTOBIOGRAPHY ffs![]()
Watching the debate now. Why can't they just turn the mic off when it isn't that candidates turn to speak?
Well, maybe we've got different definitions of "debate". Mine doesn't include robbing the other from answering a questionKinda goes against the whole "debate" thing doesn't it?
Well, maybe we've got different definitions of "debate". Mine doesn't include robbing the other from answering a question
Usually you don't have to do that, and a bit of crosstalk doesn't ruin the whole thing (although I do hate it all the same). What happened though is that you have a normal human debating an old fatso with the intelligence of a single cell organism, the attention span of a 3 year old and the temperament of a rabid dog.
Does anyone understand exactly what Piers Morgan's angle is in relation to his attitude towards Trump? It's like he acts like a full blown supporter of him but when someone accuses him of supporting Trump, he denies it. Just a big wind up?
He also said Trump won the debate last night, missed it myself.
@Ubik Got on CNN and they're giving a fair bit of time to Trump's jail comment, and they do find it quite shocking.
Does anyone understand exactly what Piers Morgan's angle is in relation to his attitude towards Trump? It's like he acts like a full blown supporter of him but when someone accuses him of supporting Trump, he denies it. Just a big wind up?
He also said Trump won the debate last night, missed it myself.
Does anyone understand exactly what Piers Morgan's angle is in relation to his attitude towards Trump? It's like he acts like a full blown supporter of him but when someone accuses him of supporting Trump, he denies it. Just a big wind up?
He also said Trump won the debate last night, missed it myself.
Yes, I did, unfortunately. It was a surreal experience and I regularly got the feeling that one day I'd be telling my grandchildren about it, hoping that would be as a 'we really worried at one point' story rather than 'and that's where it all went wrong'.She called him out on the video. She said on stage that throughout the campaign, these kind of things shows what kind of a man Donald Trump is. She said this is not the tone she wants to set for the young children who are watching the video. You see the coverage the video leak got. Did you see the first 30 minutes of the debate? The moderators pulled him up on it and let him squirm. What more do you think that's needed to be said? Does Hillary Clinton have to say that she feels threatened by the Donald? I don't see what you are getting at here. It's not as if Donald Drumpf is getting a pass on the video.
As well they should.
One of the articles of impeachment at Nixon's was that he was abusing the IRS to destroy his political opponent.
So you have a presidential nominee from a major party openly declaring on live television to 80m US citizens he hopes to lead that he'll commit an impeachable offense the day he sets foot into office![]()
Does anyone understand exactly what Piers Morgan's angle is in relation to his attitude towards Trump? It's like he acts like a full blown supporter of him but when someone accuses him of supporting Trump, he denies it. Just a big wind up?
He also said Trump won the debate last night, missed it myself.
If I was to air my views on the election I'd come across as a Trump supporter, but I'm not. I think a lot of people would actually align with the alt right and therefore struggle to accept the bias in the press against Trump and on forums like these. I can't stand Trump, but I hate the regressive/progressive agenda even more. But highlighting their double standards and how that often their tactics are far worse than Trumps, it often seems as if you are supporting Trump. I think any half decent candidate the represented alt right views would have won by an absolute landslide, but sadly Trump is the candidate and he's a moron.
If I was to air my views on the election I'd come across as a Trump supporter, but I'm not. I think a lot of people would actually align with the alt right and therefore struggle to accept the bias in the press against Trump and on forums like these. I can't stand Trump, but I hate the regressive/progressive agenda even more. But highlighting their double standards and how that often their tactics are far worse than Trumps, it often seems as if you are supporting Trump. I think any half decent candidate the represented alt right views would have won by an absolute landslide, but sadly Trump is the candidate and he's a moron.
Can't they both lose?
Good to hear, was concerned it was going to get lost in the rest of the madness, but he basically reverted to fascism 101 there.@Ubik Got on CNN and they're giving a fair bit of time to Trump's jail comment, and they do find it quite shocking.
Does anyone understand exactly what Piers Morgan's angle is in relation to his attitude towards Trump? It's like he acts like a full blown supporter of him but when someone accuses him of supporting Trump, he denies it. Just a big wind up?
He also said Trump won the debate last night, missed it myself.
Oh no you didn't.
Surely there has never been two worst candidates than these two
I’m a cnut though and would take Trump over Hilary, just to see what would happen
He is an oxymoron. He is someone who is pro trump, anti-right wing and apparently anti-xenophobic. Not sure how all this can co-exist.
Yes PLEASE!Can't they both lose?
The public simply loves sensationalism too much.Yes PLEASE!
Just finished watching the debate, 90 minutes of badmouthing each other completely ignoring the questions half the time and the other half is using the questions to thrash each other's plans without explaining why your plan would work. The moderators tried their best to force them into actually answering but that also failed miserably.
Seriously, not a single actual answer on economics, foreign politics, police violence, immigartion policies etc.
Pains me to see this, especially knowing how well Bernie would've done against Trump if the damn E-Mail thing would've exploded in Hillary's face.
Would love to see a Politican(from either party) just flat out say: "Both candidates are horrible people, how did we fecking get to this situation? I support no one, see ya in 4 years"