2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Jindal would be great if he were a Dem instead of an Indian-American masquerading as a 1980s style white Republican. Instead of being pragmatic on the issues, he like most Republicans is doubling down in a cynical attempt to appeal to the base.

Spot on, Jindal as a Dem would work.

@Raoul will you vote this election if it comes down to Trump or Carson? It most likely will boil down to Rubio or Cruz but you never know with Repubs.
Not directly related to the Presidential elections...but, the Supreme court has refused to hear any abortion cases since 2007 - and this could get interesting as a ruling will come sometime next June.

Piece of mind and a sense of participation in the process. I know my vote won't change anything in terms of CA.

Yeah, and on top of that the absolute number of votes always adds legitimacy to the process. I voted for a party with no chance of electing a representative in my circle, yet the party had a surprisingly good result overall, and I feel I'm part of it. On top of the practical matter of the number of representatives, the fact that 10% of voters voted for them is constantly mentioned and used as a political argument. If only the "useful" votes counted in that regard, the number would be significantly lower.

Even deep down, I'm sure someone like George Bush must have felt some kind of subtle and personal embarrassment for winning the election with fewer votes than Al Gore.
I fear Trump is about to hit a tipping point with his bizarre Carson rants, to where he will finally begin to slide. If that happens and its Carson alone at the top, the likes of Cruz and Rubio will smell blood and begin to go after him, which will be the end of him, leaving just the other two. That's probably the only plausible negative scenario for the Dems - two younger, more energetic candidates competing against Hillary.
I am forecasting Carson's poll numbers will climb after he blames Muslims for what happened in Paris.
I think every Republican candidate and perhaps even Hillary will take a hard stance against it now. Not everyone will blame Muslims outright but I doubt any Muslims in US are going to like the election rhetoric from both parties.
I fear Trump is about to hit a tipping point with his bizarre Carson rants, to where he will finally begin to slide. If that happens and its Carson alone at the top, the likes of Cruz and Rubio will smell blood and begin to go after him, which will be the end of him, leaving just the other two. That's probably the only plausible negative scenario for the Dems - two younger, more energetic candidates competing against Hillary.

In teh end it will be about teh platform. And Hillary will have Obama, Bill...and Sanders next to her. She will be fine.
I don't think Cruz will make it when Trump and Carson drop out. He's absolutely detested by the establishment and Rubio according to most polls are the overwhelming 2nd choice for supporters of others anyway.

Formidable for sure, the slimy bastard knows how to work the camera. Won't fancy Hillary against him in a debate.
Democratic debate on now. Sanders looks pissed that the discussion is all about ISIS and not about his economic schtick.
Interesting graph from 538 liveblog

Hillary holding her own. Can't see anyone beating her for the Dem nomination.
Did anyone see the Jeb Bush interview on MTP? This is how poor journalism is in this country. The first question should have been. "Do you think we would have ISIS in Iraq if we had not invaded that country?" He was never asked this question.
Ted Cruz want to introduce a bill banning Muslim refugees from entering the USA.
They should introduce a bill banning Canadians that look like Grandpa Munster while they're at it.
Some more evidence against the idea that Trump's support is limited to his current 25%:

As off a few hous ago, 24 governors say they want nothing to do with refugees.
Sad state of affairs. Don't know how Americans feel about this.
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