2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Still, things are looking quite ominous for the GOP with Trump and Carson leading the states this late. This is no longer comparable to 2012 or 08 when the likes of Cain and Gingrich led for a short time only to be overrun by establishment candidates as time wore on. The GOP are going to be massively fecked if either Trump or Carson get the nomination as neither are remotely electable, just as Bernie Sanders isn't for the Dems. Hillary will win in a landslide at this rate.
Still, things are looking quite ominous for the GOP with Trump and Carson leading the states this late. This is no longer comparable to 2012 or 08 when the likes of Cain and Gingrich led for a short time only to be overrun by establishment candidates as time wore on. The GOP are going to be massively fecked if either Trump or Carson get the nomination as neither are remotely electable, just as Bernie Sanders isn't for the Dems. Hillary will win in a landslide at this rate.
After the first question in the first debate it would be hilarious if someone like Bush ran as an independent to go against the Trumpster.
Still, things are looking quite ominous for the GOP with Trump and Carson leading the states this late. This is no longer comparable to 2012 or 08 when the likes of Cain and Gingrich led for a short time only to be overrun by establishment candidates as time wore on. The GOP are going to be massively fecked if either Trump or Carson get the nomination as neither are remotely electable, just as Bernie Sanders isn't for the Dems. Hillary will win in a landslide at this rate.
It was only ever one out in front at a time as well from memory, and Romney was never that far behind. That they've actually got two of the nutters out ahead of the rest must be terrifying in one aspect, hugely relieving in the other (if there was just one, they'd be walking it).

Yep, just checked the RCP 2012 data and there was always one candidate picking up the crazy vote, with Romney steady on 20%+. Fond memories of the Santorum surge.

Maybe one or more of the establishment candidates has to drop out? Having both Rubio and Bush in there isn't helping.
Her husband may never have made president without hillary beside him either
As speculative of a statement as saying Bill might not have been getting bj's from White House interns either if Hillary wasn't such a frigid asexual.

I'd say it's easy to be a Jackie Kennedy or Diana. It's fecking hard to be Hillary Clinton.
Really? Jackie O and Di had class. Lying bitches are a dime a dozen.

Well she is smarter than the Bush brothers.
And everyone is smarter than that dipshit Biden.
Really? Jackie O and Di had class. Lying bitches are a dime a dozen.

First woman to graduate with honors at Yale Law. 40 years in polictics, half of them subjected to intense media scrutiny and virulent attack from the GOP. Republican Congress under Gingrich spent 130 hours looking into the Clintons' Christmas cards ffs.

Class is a non-sequitur. Almost anyone born to bourgeois families are taught decorums. It's not an achievement.
First woman to graduate with honors at Yale Law. 40 years in polictics, half of them subjected to intense media scrutiny and virulent attack from the GOP. Republican Congress under Gingrich spent 130 hours looking into the Clintons' Christmas cards ffs.

Class is a non-sequitur. Almost anyone born to bourgeois families are taught decorums. It's not an achievement.
No doubt, she's a really smart, lying bitch. I also wouldn't label "40 years in politics" as being an achievement. You've mistakenly assumed my use of the term "class" to be based on social or economical status. It isn't.
No doubt, she's a really smart, lying bitch. I also wouldn't label "40 years in politics" as being an achievement. You've mistakenly assumed my use of the term "class" to be based on social or economical status. It isn't.
Presumably you mean class as in style, interpersonal skills, grace etc? If not, then yes, I misunderstood you. But if it's true, then it's still no achievement. Anyone can be graceful when fecking loaded. It's what you do when in hardship that defines you. Hillary Clinton is secretive, an establishment politician and advocate of crony capitalism, no doubt, but part of her reservedness and secrecy were fueled by decades under attacks from Republicans. That she didn't fold and actually went from strength to strength must have made lots of them lose their shit.

I like Bill Clinton personally because he normalized relationship with my home country, which lead to an economic boom in the mid 2000s that benefits the middle class families like mine a lot. Hillary Clinton I don't care much about, but most the attacks against her are driven by sexism, jealousy and propaganda ( not implying it has anything to do with your attitude)
:lol: The Misogyny is palpable. Get over it. We will have a woman President soon.
:lol: Hillary really does bring out the worst in me. I've made peace with she'll likely be the next President. On the other hand, Presidents in the United States have no real power.
From my understanding Hilary was quite well known and could have easily run for President before Bill but that didn't happen of course. Perhaps a better question to ask, would George W and Jeb have achieved what they have if their father wasn't President?

And @Man of Leisure I'm not convinced you've made peace quite yet :lol:
As speculative of a statement as saying Bill might not have been getting bj's from White House interns either if Hillary wasn't such a frigid asexual.

What the f*ck is this rubbish?
That was a poor trolling attempt. Sanders is my favorite candidate in this election.
It's a shame that the word "socialism" has such negative connotations for most Americans. The irony being they all enjoy the many already existing benefits of socialism in America today such as the military, police, fire departments, postal service, roads and highways, etc.
It's a shame that the word "socialism" has such negative connotations for most Americans. The irony being they all enjoy the many already existing benefits of socialism in America today such as the military, police, fire departments, postal service, roads and highways, etc.

Its a complete exaggeration to call those benefits of socialism. All of those things existed as functions of government before socialism formally existed. Its also a bit like saying that myself and others who have liberal views of economics and government's role are against these things being an attribution of government, and that's not true.

I do agree with your first sentence, and I'm quite far from being a socialist, but it is bad when anything is rejected with what appears to be little understanding.
Its a complete exaggeration to call those benefits of socialism. All of those things existed as functions of government before socialism formally existed. Its also a bit like saying that myself and others who have liberal views of economics and government's role are against these things being an attribution of government, and that's not true.

I do agree with your first sentence, and I'm quite far from being a socialist, but it is bad when anything is rejected with what appears to be little understanding.
Poorly worded on my part. Meant to convey there's already socialistic aspects in our current government which very few Americans have any issues with. Things like the military, police, fire departments, postal service that are funded by taxpayers to benefit society as a whole, despite income, contribution, or ability.
Poorly worded on my part. Meant to convey there's already socialistic aspects in our current government which very few Americans have any issues with. Things like the military, police, fire departments, postal service that are funded by taxpayers to benefit society as a whole, despite income, contribution, or ability.

Social Security and Medicare are both loved by everyone. They just would like them to be even stronger programs.

Its just that many who vote for the GOP have been brainwashed and vote against their own interest.
Poorly worded on my part. Meant to convey there's already socialistic aspects in our current government which very few Americans have any issues with. Things like the military, police, fire departments, postal service that are funded by taxpayers to benefit society as a whole, despite income, contribution, or ability.
Just don't day they are liberal policies...
What do people see in Carson? He puts me to sleep everytime he speaks.

Should have been an anesthesiologist instead.
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