2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Warren would've probably given Hillary a proper run for her money. Not sure if she wouldn't won the nomination, but would be significantly more effective than Sanders.
Hillary has naked pictures of her
I wonder whose computer she found them on?
Warren would've probably given Hillary a proper run for her money. Not sure if she wouldn't won the nomination, but would be significantly more effective than Sanders.

Would be tougher to smear her as a sexist! But I think she did some fairly dodgy business to get her Harvard job which was exploited by her opponents previously.
I keep waiting for some ballsy journo in the debates to ask Jeb straight out how he, as a leader of the Republican party which has been the strongest proponent of the "drug war" and the get tough jail sentences that have filled America´s jails to the gills, can look America and Mexico in the eye and explain how his daughter, Noelle, who has been a repeat offender and crackhead, and has been arrested for illegal prescription drugs as well as crack, and reportedly snuck crack into her rehab clinic in her shoe . . . Jeb, how do you propose to lead this drug war??? Your wife is Mexican, so obviously you will have a special relationship with Mexico, so start explaining please . . . and don´t forget to mention that Noelle has done no jail time . . . and in addition, how would you, Jeb, explain this to the family values crowd of your party?

Hopefully Trump will ask this very fair question.

you could ask joe biden, who is one of the chief proponents of the war on drugs, the same question. Their offspring doesn´t have to fear the laws, their fathers have created. After all, they have rich, white, privileged fathers with great connections.
Would be tougher to smear her as a sexist! But I think she did some fairly dodgy business to get her Harvard job which was exploited by her opponents previously.

Harvard listed her as a diversity hire due to her great great grandmother being of Native American descent. Dubious, yet, but very common in the academia world where things like that can help your career in various ways. That's the best they could smear her with and even then it's technically true.

Warren wouldn't, and shouldn't run for president. VP, yes. But the moment she put herself forth as ambitious for the big job, her street cress are gone.
Someone else has noticed!

I got genuinely freaked out during the first debate

Was really hoping we'd hear some Trump input on drugs, shame. Guns! And clocks now too.

JESUS CHRIST Rubio's ears are big, never noticed that before.
Dems getting their asses whipped in states level election and gubernatorial races yet again. Governorship of Kentucky lost, only 17 left now, compared to 29 in 2008.

Not the best of shape going into 2016. They need to flip 5 seats for Senate majority, and looks like it's gonna be a tall task.
Dems really struggle to get voters out for local elections - this is where the grassroot nuttery of the Republican Party is a real strength.

Did you see who the Dems nominated in Mississippi? :lol: - Mind you, it wouldn't have mattered who they nominated!

Particularly disappointing for me is my home state Virginia retaining a republican senate. Gov. McAuliffe a Democrat campaigned and did a zillion events - but the voters weren't swayed and the Senate remains Republican...all the Dems had to do was pick up 1 Republican seat :mad:
Dems really struggle to get voters out for local elections - this is where the grassroot nuttery of the Republican Party is a real strength.

Did you see who the Dems nominated in Mississippi? :lol: - Mind you, it wouldn't have mattered who they nominated!

Particularly disappointing for me is my home state Virginia retaining a republican senate. Gov. McAuliffe a Democrat campaigned and did a zillion events - but the voters weren't swayed and the Senate remains Republican...all the Dems had to do was pick up 1 Republican seat :mad:

I saw John Oliver's segment on this. Apparently, his family also didn't know that he was nominated. :lol:
I saw John Oliver's segment on this. Apparently, his family also didn't know that he was nominated. :lol:
haha...yeah I saw that too. But, I actually caught a profile on him last month, so knew a few things about him already.

He ended up receiving ~200,000 votes or ~32% of the total vote.
Dems getting their asses whipped in states level election and gubernatorial races yet again. Governorship of Kentucky lost, only 17 left now, compared to 29 in 2008.

Not the best of shape going into 2016. They need to flip 5 seats for Senate majority, and looks like it's gonna be a tall task.

Dems will do fine in 2016. So early days. Heck Carson is tied with Hillary in one poll.
The only thing that matters is the Presidency. The House is too far gone to the right at the moment and will probably stay highly GOP to balance the Dems winning the WH again. Senate is plausible but unlikely. Only that that matters is keeping a Dem in the White House, especially with the supreme court in play and potentially 3 justices retiring or dying in the coming years. That will have massive impact.
Donald Trump’s race-baiting is about to get even uglier: How he’s dragging the GOP to a hideous new low
As nasty as Trump's made things already, his new attacks on Sen. Marco Rubio suggest we ain't seen nothing yet

Although we are still a full year removed from the 2016 presidential election, the Republican Party primary long ago reached such depths of Know Nothing absurdity that the 2012 contest, which was widely understood to have been an extravaganza of embarrassment , is starting to look relatively dignified. Even quaint.

Yes, 2012 inspired more than a few moments when it was hard to tell if the campaign was real or an especially broad piece of satire. There was “Ubeki-beki-beki-stan-stan,” and “severe” conservatism, and warnings of the “dangerous consequences” of a simple vaccine. But for all the things he is, Newt Gingrich is not Donald Trump; when he attacks a debate moderator, he prefers to aim above the belt.

Literally and figuratively, Trump chooses a different approach. He’s been officially campaigning for president for only about four months — but what a four months! Because of him, the GOP primary has devoted significant time to discussing: whether Mexicans are rapists, whether Jeb Bush is impotent, whether Syrian refugees are ISIS, and whether there’s something wrong with Carly Fiorina’s face. He’s also questioned Ben Carson’s religion. No taboo is safe.

Yet as spectacular and unfortunate as Trump’s influence on 2016 has been already , recent developments suggest that it’s about to get a whole lot worse. Because while Trump’s campaign has already heavily relied on barely-coded racism, its targets have mainly been ill-defined groups like “illegals” or “the media.” With the notable exception of Jorge Ramos, Trump hasn’t directed his politicized and weaponized bigotry toward any one individual — certainly not one of his fellow candidates.

But now Trump is attacking Sen. Marco Rubio, the Cuban-American who may be the GOP establishment’s new favorite. And if his recent volleys are any indication of what’s to come, there may be no limit to how ugly the Republican presidential primary — which was already hideous — is about to get.

On Tuesday, it was Trump’s mockery of Rubio’s sweating that got the most notice. But as the Washington Post’s Greg Sargent pointed out, it’s something Trump tweeted that, in retrospect, may look like an omen. Along with a note saying that the senator “[c]annot be [p]resident,” Trump tweeted a link to a Breitbart article in which a reporter from the virulently anti-immigrant site criticized Rubio for opposing the immediate deportation of DREAMers (undocumented immigrants who were brought to the country at a young age).

As Sargent noted, by going after Rubio on immigration, Trump is focusing on “an issue where the Florida senator’s evasions and gyrations are already angering conservatives.” Rubio was once a major supporter of comprehensive immigration reform, and many hardcore conservatives suspect that a President Rubio would support the policy once again. But although that’s important, it doesn’t give us the full sense of the demagoguery that Trump is now flirting with.

For that, we’ll have to consider who the DREAMers are, and what it means to use them as a political target. These are young people. And most of them have lived the majority of their lives as Americans. They didn’t decide to break the rules when moving to the country — their caretakers did. For many if not most, being sent back to their country of origin would be like a form of exile. They wouldn’t be sent “home”; they’d be sent somewhere they’d effectively never been.

In short, it’s the question of what to do with DREAMers that separates the immigration hardliners from the true xenophobes. More than any other, it’s people’s response to this issue that reveals whether they see undocumented immigrants as real human beings, or whether they see them as “illegal aliens” (with the dehumanizing tint of the phrase very much intended). It’s the question that reveals whether someone sees the issue of immigration through the lens of law-and-order; or if they conceive of it as a zero-sum battle between “us” and “them.”

Basically, Trump is trying to force Rubio to have a moment like the one that sunk Rick Perry’s 2012 campaign, which, not incidentally, was also about DREAMers. Perry was getting hammered for supporting a bill that let DREAMers in Texas pay in-state tuition rates, despite their technically not being American citizens. He defended himself by saying that anyone who’d punish DREAMers for their caretakers’ mistakes was heartless. His career hasn’t recovered since.

Trump wants to compel Rubio to defend the DREAMers’ humanity, which is evidently unacceptable to the GOP primary electorate. That’s self-evidently heinous; but what makes it especially volatile is the simple fact that Rubio himself is Cuban-American. As he’s done throughout his campaign, Trump is bringing to the fore that which is traditionally left as subtext. He’s making the man who would be America’s first Latino president answer the most lizard-brained question in politics: Are you one of us? Or are you one of them?

If we think about the implications of that question, and how it’s likely to be greeted by the GOP electorate, we can have a sense of what may be in the near-future of the Republican Party. Nasty as the campaign has been already, I strongly suspect the worst is yet to come. And when it comes to predicting this year’s GOP primary, I’ve found that the most pessimistic scenario is usually the safest bet.

Ever wondered who built the Ancient Pyramids and why?

Well, ponder no more....

Ben Carson stood by his long-held belief about ancient pyramids in Egypt, that they were used to store grain, rather than to inter pharaohs.

Asked about this Wednesday, Carson told CBS News, "It's still my belief, yes."

The subject came up when Buzzfeed published a 1998 commencement speech delivered by Carson at Andrews University, a college founded by Seventh-day Adventists.

"My own personal theory is that Joseph built the pyramids to store grain," Carson said. "Now all the archeologists think that they were made for the pharaohs' graves. But, you know, it would have to be something awfully big if you stop and think about it. And I don't think it'd just disappear over the course of time to store that much grain."

The longer Trump and Carson are on top the better imo. Dream scenario would be Carson winning the nomination.
Trump winning the nomination would be great as well. He'd get trounced by Hillary and spend half his fortune in the process.
And if they fail to do that, I want Trump to win. What a time for the world that will be.
especially when you consider he is a brain surgeon - who are stereotypically up there with rocket scientists as beiong about as clever as you get.
Yep. The stuff he comes out with is incredible - particularly when, as you say, you consider his job.
It's definitely removed the phrase "doesn't take a brain surgeon to know that" from my lexicon. Can't even count on them any more.

And Bill's still got it, apparently

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Ben Carson has decided he might need the black vote.

So what better way to reach out to them than a campaign song - a rap at that....

Weren't the pyramids built before Joseph? And aren't they mostly tombs?
The longer Trump and Carson are on top the better imo. Dream scenario would be Carson winning the nomination.

Nah, Trump as the Republican candidate :drool:
He is already behind by double digits in swing states to both Sanders and Clinton. Carson is up vs both, but will decline similarly once he gets more of the spotlight. Carson of course has the advantage of demographics and of not being an obvious asshole.
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