2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Everyone (except Fox) talking about how the GOP were too rough on Hillary and how well she performed. Thanks Gowdy. :D
they really should have left this alone. this helpend the Dems unite behind her. If anything she gained a lot a votes.

crazy. Just cant understand their strategy.

She's had a fantastic week - great debate performance, Biden not running, and the GOP make a mess of the hearings.

This about sum it all up?


So, it was that bad, then?
Same nutty Uncle Tom type without the Southern accent.

Anyhow it's all irrelevant. Despite our jokes, majority of GOP voters are not stupid. They've always gone with the establishment choice since Goldwater.

I wonder why the Dems did not bring up the issue of Republican led Congress cutting State Dept.'s budget whenever Benghazi was brought up. If those tax dollars they are spending on the witch hunt were spent gathering intelligence or beef up security on embassies all over the world, maybe it wouldn't have happened?

I think the reason they didn't mention the cuts was...after the incident, the State Department/White House specifically mentioned that the cuts did not have an effect...

Of course if the administration had realized the Republicans would stoop this low, they wouldn't have released such a statement!
Where does Carson rank on the loony scale? All I've heard from him so far is the anti-Muslim rhetoric.
It was always on the cards. Don't be fooled by the 'moderate' rhetoric. The guy is a crook and far right religious nut.
Ryan is absolutely evil, horrible man.
Could anyone quickly explain to me what the whole Benghazi controversy is? I don't have a clue, except that it doesn't seem to be taken seriously by anyone beyond the Fox News crowd.
now that Jeb Bush is toast, I see the pubahs are pushing their last sane alternative.....Kasich....

Carson leading in Iowa must be making them nervous.

They sure don't want to risk another 'boy' in the white house....

I mean heck...those 'people' will get kin used to it.
Could anyone quickly explain to me what the whole Benghazi controversy is? I don't have a clue, except that it doesn't seem to be taken seriously by anyone beyond the Fox News crowd.
This is a couple of years old but sums up the issues - https://www.washingtonpost.com/news...ught-up-on-benghazi-in-five-short-paragraphs/

Summed up yet further - "what happened before the attack (why didn't the State Department have better security?), what happened during the attack (was there a quick-reaction force that could have intervened?) and what happened after" [why was the State department saying it was inspired by the protests rather than a deliberate terrorist attack?]
He's playing the long game - reducing burn rate for long term sustainability.
Yeah it's probably not going to hurt them in the short term given he's doing so poorly anyway, and once the field starts thinning they'll ramp it up again.
So just down to Hillary, Bernie and Carcetti, I mean O'Malley.
Just down to Hillary, if we're honest.
Wow some of the patronising by Democrats (or rather, non-Republicans) is astounding. It's why there is a race at all...
Yeah it's probably not going to hurt them in the short term given he's doing so poorly anyway, and once the field starts thinning they'll ramp it up again.

Just down to Hillary, if we're honest.

Pretty sure that Bush, Rubio, Cruz, and Fiorina are going into low spending mode for a while. Their strategy is probably to allow Trump to flame himself out and Carson to be the only remaining non-establishment candidate. Once that happens, the negative ads with start to bring Carson's numbers down and the establishment money will kick in, leaving the aforementioned 3 or 4 in a horserace for the nomination.

Carson is already ahead of Trump in Iowa so I can't see Donald keeping his cool for much longer.
Pretty sure that Bush, Rubio, Cruz, and Fiorina are going into low spending mode for a while. Their strategy is probably to allow Trump to flame himself out and Carson to be the only remaining non-establishment candidate. Once that happens, the negative ads with start to bring Carson's numbers down and the establishment money will kick in, leaving the aforementioned 3 or 4 in a horserace for the nomination.

Carson is already ahead of Trump in Iowa so I can't see Donald keeping his cool for much longer.
Iowa tends to back non-winners, right?
I should preface this point by noting that I'm talking about serious people and not the hillbilly freak show that is the House congressional investigation of the Benghazi attacks.

IIRC - and possibly some of the American posters can correct me if I'm wrong - one of the biggest claims about Benghazi is that the administration knew all along that it was a preplanned terrorist attack, but cynically put the blame on the "Innocence of Muslims" YouTube video (and even arrested the producer on unrelated parole violations as well immediately after the attack, which could have been a First Amendment violation if it constituted selective prosecution). In fairness to the (R)s, this was an allegation that even some people on the left believed in the immediate aftermath of the attack, who found it dismaying that the administration would act in this way to try to mollify the feelings of Muslims worldwide (essentially framing someone for an attack which was planned and carried out by Islamist hardliners). It's a bit difficult, after all, to believe that a protest demonstration would attack the embassy with mortars.

Obviously, as Ubik's link points out, we subsequently discovered that far from being a frame-up, the administration genuinely believed that the video was to blame, and the source of that error was faulty information from the CIA. So much for that, and it illustrates how plainly partisan the continuing investigation is. But it's worth remembering that Benghazi was a big deal at the time because it appeared to be - the administration framing a private citizen to avoid having to call out an act of Islamist terror for what it was.
Couple of Iowa Dem polls out today that give a 40 point lead to Hillary :eek:

Bit fishy as some from as recently as the weekend don't show anything like such a lead, but still, looks like it'll be a coronation from here on in, absent any scandals.
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