2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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He defrauded the US Postal Service of tens of millions in sponsorship money, paid by the US taxpayer. He defrauded other sponsors of endorsement money as well. He committed fraud and racketeering, lied in depositions, intimidated witnesses, etc.

He took Epogen as a performance enhancing drug. Look it up...
You sure about that?
I'm genuinely intrigued to know who actually buys books by these people. I'm a leftie but I wouldn't dream of buying a book by Rachel Maddow or James Carville.
No one is going to touch Defense. It's immensely unpopular with voters, save for a slice of the left. Legacy of the Cold War.

And it's a huge employer across the nation. Deep defense cuts would result in many jobs being lost. I'm no fan of a bloated military but good luck convincing congressmen to sign their death warrants by closing military bases and cutting contracts to defense contractors.
The US Army has been shedding soldiers for the last couple of years now. They're currently trimmed down from a total force (active + guard + reserve) of 1.2m to 980,000 by 2018.

The USMC has also trimmed down to a combined force (active + reserve) of about 220,000.
Pastor Mark Burns is a buffoon. Must be awesome to be a powerful speaker and con thousands out of money and grant eternal salvation. CNN must really want everyone to know they're "centrist" by having all those lunatic guests on.

I'm genuinely intrigued to know who actually buys books by these people. I'm a leftie but I wouldn't dream of buying a book by Rachel Maddow or James Carville.

Why do persons like my grandma watch QVC all day and purchase stupid shit?
Pastor Mark Burns is a buffoon. Must be awesome to be a powerful speaker and con thousands out of money and grant eternal salvation. CNN must really want everyone to know they're "centrist" by having all those lunatic guests on.

Why do persons like my grandma watch QVC all day and purchase stupid shit?

Well QVC shit is kind of useful. It takes a real commitment to buy a loon book from Coulter and read the whole damn thing.
Yet again Channel 4 do it with an excellent programme : President Trump : Can he really do it? Matt Frei once again continues his travels through the USA and looking in to the world of Trump and his supporters. He also interviews the unbelievably awful Kellyanne Conway. Jeez she is a rough old bitch. It's a great programme and I would recommend anyone watching it if they get the chance. Although it is very scary at times. It looks in to the polls and draws huge similarities between the UK and Brexit and the upcoming election. It points out that all the polls and bookmakers and experts were absolutely certain the UK would stay in the EU and we all know what happened there. The programme speaks to many experts and people who say the feeling is very similar in the US as it was in the UK before the vote. There is a strong feeling that the polls are wrong and many are convinced Trump will win.

Obviously the programme isn't all doom and gloom and it also looks in to the lack of Trump's ground game. It speaks to a couple of leaders of the Republican party who say there is a severe lack of ground game and that could lose them the election. Again, to add more balance it rightly mentions the minority votes too and goes in to Trump's problems there, but even so, In the end it does make you think that there is a huge part of America that would definitely vote for Trump just as a feck you to the establishment. All I can say is after seeing bookies offer 14/1 for the UK to leave the EU, I can't be sure I can believe the polls in the US at the moment. Every poll here said the UK would stay in, every single one! And as I said fourteen to one odds from all the bookies! That is huge! seriously huge! I just hope this time they are right and Trump is going to lose. The thought of him winning is just petrifying. :(

Unfortunately yup! it's real. She's getting slaughtered for it online. Truly awful woman.

I created a twitter account and tweeted her saying she looks like a horse. I feel slightly better now.
Wait, this can't actually be real, right?

Whenever I see Trump do something absurd, I try to imagine former Presidents doing the same thing. Even Bush, as inarticulate and prone to gaffes as he could be at times, couldn't blow my mind for sheer ineptitude.

If I were an American and considered myself a Republican who actualls cares about politics, I'd be devastated that a bunch of classless self-promoters had hijacked what would be an otherwise opportune time to reclaim the White House.

Terrible accounting and accountability on trillions and trillions of tax payer dollars, which we still can´t audit, fed on by private contractors and political whores and anxious military officials over the years . . . yes, what could go wrong! Just bad accounting practices, nothing to see here. Just shut up and pay for it, tax payers. And don´t expect any free college!
i havn't been following all this that tightly, but am i right in assuming that people don't really like Clinton, she is just better then Trump?
Or free health care! That's only for those scummy Socialist Europeans and Canadians! Just look at them haha! Suckers!
I'm not sure if you're joking or not, but free college definitely wouldn't work in America. And I don't even think it should be free. (Coming from someone who is going to owe north of $150,000 in debt when I'm all done.)
I'm not sure if you're joking or not, but free college definitely wouldn't work in America. And I don't even think it should be free. (Coming from someone who is going to owe north of $150,000 in debt when I'm all done.)

Of course I was being sarcastic we love having free health care and college here. College and healthcare should both be free and available to all education and health care are both basic human rights and especially when your defence department can lose £6.5 TRILLION! there is no fecking excuse why college/6th form equivalent and health care should not be free.
Of course I was being sarcastic we love having free health care and college here. College and healthcare should both be free and available to all education and health care are both basic human rights and especially when your defence department can lose £6.5 TRILLION! there is no fecking excuse why college/6th form equivalent and health care should not be free.

College should be affordable, it shouldn't be free. And I'm paying 50 grand a year for my tuition.

Bureaucratic wastage doesn't justify unsound policies. Assistance should come in the form of interest free loans, merit based grants and community work in exchange for fee waivers.
College should be affordable, it shouldn't be free. And I'm paying 50 grand a year for my tuition.

Bureaucratic wastage doesn't justify unsound policies. Assistance should come in the form of interest free loans, merit based grants and community work in exchange for fee waivers.
When we say college what we mean is the 2 years before university.
Of course I was being sarcastic we love having free health care and college here. College and healthcare should both be free and available to all education and health care are both basic human rights and especially when your defence department can lose £6.5 TRILLION! there is no fecking excuse why college/6th form equivalent and health care should not be free.

Again, the DoD can't actually lose $6.5 trillion, because it never had that much money to lose. It has accounting issues related to systems deficiencies.

If free college ever gets implemented all I know is that I'll be investing in some education companies.
When we say college what we mean is the 2 years before university.

Yup that's what I mean too. Although I believe college here is slightly different because it's often used by people who don't get the grades to go to university to get the grades to go to university by resitting their GCSE exams or taking A-levels. It's also often used by people who don't want to go to University either as many things aren't covered at Uni but are at college. Alternatively it offers many other options such as engineering, plumbing, building, car mechanics, carpentry, social services and Police/Fire training etc, it covers a wide range of options, and all free, as it should be. And to answer the original point, of course it could and would work in the USA, there's absolutely no reason why it couldn't if implemented correctly. Unless there's something that makes the USA different to other places where it does work, aside from selfish, ignorant people that have been brainwashed to think that anything free is bad or is only good for losers who cant pay for it themselves.
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Again, the DoD can't actually lose $6.5 trillion, because it never had that much money to lose. It has accounting issues related to systems deficiencies.

If free college ever gets implemented all I know is that I'll be investing in some education companies.

Should´ve invested in those private, for profit McUniversities that really got their hands in the governmental loan cookie jar and ballooned college debt to a trillion dollars while selling their scamish programs with embellished promises.
Should´ve invested in those private, for profit McUniversities that really got their hands in the governmental loan cookie jar and ballooned college debt to a trillion dollars while selling their scamish programs with embellished promises.

And my question is exactly how it wouldn't be the same thing times 2 when its not just facilitated credit, but rather the government getting billed directly?
I'm not sure if you're joking or not, but free college definitely wouldn't work in America. And I don't even think it should be free. (Coming from someone who is going to owe north of $150,000 in debt when I'm all done.)

Jesus, you must´ve been absolutely livid with those two, trillion dollar each and growing war failures Bush/Cheney sold to the American public. Funny how right wing America could absolutely pay for those boondoggles . . . but free college, there´s just no way. And boy, it was certainly easy to pay in the neighbourhood of 1.5 trillion for the plagued aircraft, the F 35.
And my question is exactly how it wouldn't be the same thing times 2 when its not just facilitated credit, but rather the government getting billed directly?

But it´s not, is it? Private hands giving a shit product in the government´s pocket going wild, leaving our youth (who don´t come from extreme wealth) in massive debt.
I can't stand Bernie supporters anymore. God dammit are they fecking clueless. Bernie was an alright candidate but I'm seeing so many of them supporting Jill Stein and what not over Hillary. The just proves how illiterate all these Bernie fan boys were.

Most of this is coming from my Facebook news feed and I'm going to fecking rant. Both Trump and Bernie are emotional campaigners that gather votes based on supporters emotion and buzz words. That fecking annoys me. I am just so pissed. I want Hillary to win so bad now
Jesus, you must´ve been absolutely livid with those two, trillion dollar each and growing war failures Bush/Cheney sold to the American public. Funny how right wing America could absolutely pay for those boondoggles . . . but free college, there´s just no way. And boy, it was certainly easy to pay in the neighbourhood of 1.5 trillion for the plagued aircraft, the F 35.

You wouldn't sleep well at night if you knew the F-16 was still the main multi-role fighter of the air force, would you? :p

But it´s not, is it? Private hands giving a shit product in the government´s pocket going wild, leaving our youth (who don´t come from extreme wealth) in massive debt.

Err, don't understand what you mean. Basically my argument is that higher education is already overpriced (from Harvard to McU online) because there's over-stimulated demand with the loans. Government paid tuition would just be more of a stimulus = even higher prices.
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