2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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I think the main emphasis for Hillary will be VA, NC, OH, and FL since winning any one of them will make the GOP path to 270 highly unlikely. Its simply a numbers game at this point and the VP candidate should be a tool to lock up one or more of the states.

Okay, I'm now convinced that Trump is doing this as a parody candidate and is actually best buds with Hillary.
Worrying thing is it's hard to tell.
Wasn't he a democrat some years ago. I am convinced he doesn't believe everything he says. He also wants universal healthcare, it think?
Crist??? . . . christ, you have to be joking, Raoul. Bayh is too straiht/white/mid western conservative dem with ties to corporate and big oil and has been out of the pictue for a while. . . just what a dynamic dem party doesn´t want. Webb and his macho Vietnam military bs even less, Caine . . . who? Snooze. None of these straight white geezers are remotely charismatic for a changing dem party with an already moderate dem like Hills.

I think Castro is ideal. Young, charismatic, good looking, experience in local and national politics, could help loads with Florida and maybe even deliver Texas over from the dark side, energize the now prominent mex/amer sizeable populations that are present in nearly every state . . . and a very possible, excellent future presidential candidate. Castro makes so much sense.


Castro endorsed Hillary today. Mind you, I'm not sure where you're getting the charismatic and good looking bit.
Castro endorsed Hillary today. Mind you, I'm not sure where you're getting the charismatic and good looking bit.

He's not good looking, but gives off a very likeable vibe. I think he'd be a better populist than Rubio, comes off very genuine and down to earth. Still questionable whether he has the oratory chops like Obama to campaign though.

In other news, GOP candidates are throwing hissy fits over next debate's criteria. Trump and Carson both threatened to drop out if they don't get their way.
Castro endorsed Hillary today. Mind you, I'm not sure where you're getting the charismatic and good looking bit.

Of course Castro endorsed her. He´s a leading Veep candidate. No one should be surprised by this. And if you don´t think Castro getting the keynote address at the 2012 Dem convention at 38 years old doesn´t reek of massive charisma, then you must think Charlie Crist could in any manner be a viable vice president choice. I mean, read any article on the guy and you will usually see charismatic and handsome somewhere in there. Not sure your view of male beauty, but this guy certainly has something going for him. Can´t think anyone else in the political game of highest office with comparable (unless maybe you like Carly Fiororina) good looks, except maybe Rubio. I guess its the Latino thang, ha ha.
If anyone is ever feeling remotely optimistic about the state of US politics, read the comments on any politico.com article. They rival the name-calling bigoted ignorant trolling that makes up every comment on Indian newspaper websites.
It's amazing - and these are the people engaged enough to read political news. You can only wonder what the ignorant half looks like.
Empty vessels make the most noise... I'd like to think that decent folk outnumber the xenophobic idiots.
Empty vessels make the most noise... I'd like to think that decent folk outnumber the xenophobic idiots.

In these ones it's not the xenophobia, it's the fact that they're so completely immersed in their own realities ('Obummer' hates America, and because of him Iran is about to nuke the US, Clinton being a philanderer means the it's the Democrats waging war on women)
In these ones it's not the xenophobia, it's the fact that they're so completely immersed in their own realities ('Obummer' hates America, and because of him Iran is about to nuke the US, Clinton being a philanderer means the it's the Democrats waging war on women)

I've read right wing comment sections and it's quite apparent that, to a certain extent, there's a dollop of racism in there. But yeah, obviously there's a fair few other unseemly elements in there as well.
Cruz is apparently running 3rd (albeit a distant 3rd) in the Fox poll.

He would appeal to some here at the CAF - On Syria - "We have no business sticking our noses in other people's business". On Afghanistan - "I'm against nation building".
Just saw MTP. Cruz has a vey good chance of getting the nomination if Trump and Carson decide to go back to selling whatever they are selling. But he has zero chance in the Generals. Jeb Bush is the only realistic chance. But even then it is not a big one. The emails and Benghazi only resonate with people who were never going to vote for Hillary. So she is certs to be the next President.
Just saw MTP. Cruz has a vey good chance of getting the nomination if Trump and Carson decide to go back to selling whatever they are selling. But he has zero chance in the Generals. Jeb Bush is the only realistic chance. But even then it is not a big one. The emails and Benghazi only resonate with people who were never going to vote for Hillary. So she is certs to be the next President.

I'm sure Cruz, Rubio, Bush, and Fiorina are playing the long game, expecting Trump and Carson to crash and burn at some point. All they have to do is stay in neutral mode and not do anything to blow themselves up and just wait for the inevitable Trump/Carson flameouts, at which point it will be a four horse race to the nomination.
Just saw MTP. Cruz has a vey good chance of getting the nomination if Trump and Carson decide to go back to selling whatever they are selling. But he has zero chance in the Generals. Jeb Bush is the only realistic chance. But even then it is not a big one. The emails and Benghazi only resonate with people who were never going to vote for Hillary. So she is certs to be the next President.

Rubio and bush. Rubio has cash problems but now Sheldon adelson is backing him.
The dynasty fight is advantage Clinton, but her popularity is sliding.
I don't think the rest are electable.
I'm sure Cruz, Rubio, Bush, and Fiorina are playing the long game, expecting Trump and Carson to crash and burn at some point. All they have to do is stay in neutral mode and not do anything to blow themselves up and just wait for the inevitable Trump/Carson flameouts, at which point it will be a four horse race to the nomination.
I'm wondering at what point people take Trump seriously (eg if he still leads the polls in Feb?)
I understand people are expecting him to do something stupid and put himself out of the running but it seems he is always doing stupid and outspoken and it has not hurt him so far... I can't see why it would moving forwards?
I'm wondering at what point people take Trump seriously (eg if he still leads the polls in Feb?)
I understand people are expecting him to do something stupid and put himself out of the running but it seems he is always doing stupid and outspoken and it has not hurt him so far... I can't see why it would moving forwards?

They will definitely take him seriously if at the beginning of next year he is still leading the polls and the primary votes are just around the corner. That's still several months away though and a lot can happen until then. As many have pointed out, the likes of Cain and Gingrich have led in previous Republican campaigns only to crash and burn over time.
They will definitely take him seriously if at the beginning of next year he is still leading the polls and the primary votes are just around the corner. That's still several months away though and a lot can happen until then. As many have pointed out, the likes of Cain and Gingrich have led in previous Republican campaigns only to crash and burn over time.
True... I just find it hard to imagine Trump looking less presidential than he already does and as I say it does not seem to be harming him now
I'm sure Cruz, Rubio, Bush, and Fiorina are playing the long game, expecting Trump and Carson to crash and burn at some point. All they have to do is stay in neutral mode and not do anything to blow themselves up and just wait for the inevitable Trump/Carson flameouts, at which point it will be a four horse race to the nomination.

Isn't Cruz the whackiest of them all? Or is that Carson (I don't count Trump as I don't think he believes half the shit he comes out with)?
Isn't Cruz the whackiest of them all? Or is that Carson (I don't count Trump as I don't think he believes half the shit he comes out with)?

Cruz is wacky but is attempting to polish himself up a bit to appeal to a slightly wider audience without appearing as if he's gone mainstream.
Cruz is a pure reflection of the T Party base. But they are a minority even in the Republican Party. If he gets the nomination, he cannot run away from all the stands he took.

He has no appeal to the vast majority of the general electrorate.
Does the campaigning slow down / stop over Thanksgiving and X mas / new year
Or is it full on throughout?

It slows down during various periods (the holidays etc), but the media narrative never really does, especially if someone does or says something that warrants more scrutiny. Has a lot to do with the 24 hour news cycle and how news organizations are incentivized to saturate the news with whatever improves their ratings, and during this period its the Presidential race.
From Twitter, not sure on original source:


Vice President Joe Biden will enter the 2016 presidential race, according to Fox News White House correspondent Ed Henry. Three anonymous sources confirmed the news to Henry. There is no indication as to when Biden would begin his candidacy, but other outlets have reported that he will make an announcement within the next 48 hours. CNN reporter Dana Bash added several minutes later that “A source familiar with the process tells me Biden associates are setting up interviews for potential campaign staff positions.”

Does Sanders have a realistic change of getting the democratic nomination?
Or is Hillary a cert?
Finally someone has the cojones to say it. And it´s a Republican! Democrats never had the stones to do it. Now if only Trump could get an investigation off the ground on why the US' gazillion dollar tax payer funded air force couldn´t get a plane off the ground.

*Also read somewhere Trump is up to 25% in support, his highest mark yet.

Trump Triples Down on George W. Bush´s Responsibility for 9/11

Donald Trump says he doesn’t flat out blame former president George W. Bush that the Sept. 11 terror attacks happened on his watch. But he can think of three reasons why one could hold Bush responsible.

And, he might add, they are three things a President Trump would do very differently.

“You always have to look to the person at the top,” Trump said Saturday in a telephone interview. “Do I blame George Bush? I only say that he was the president at the time, and you know, you could say the buck stops here.”

So why might one consider Bush responsible?

No. 1: Bush’s immigration policy. “We had very weak immigration laws,” Trump said, adding that perhaps if Bush had had a Trump-style immigration policy, replete with “the strong laws that I’m wanting, these terrorists wouldn’t have been in the country.”

No. 2: People knew that the FBI, the National Security Council, and the CIA weren’t sharing information about potential threats. “They were not talking to each other,” Trump said. “If I’m president, I want to have my three most important agencies talking to each other and coordinating with each other.”

And No. 3: George Tenet, Bush’s director of central intelligence, “knew in advance that there would be an attack, and he said that.”

“I don’t blame anybody,” Trump continued, after listing those points. “But it’s possible,” he continued, that had the administration had stronger policy on those points, “perhaps something could have been done that was obviously better than the worst attack ever perpetrated on the United States.”

Trump, the real estate mogul, and former Florida governor Jeb Bush have been hurling vitriol at each other since Friday, after Trump pointed out during a Bloomberg News interview that “the World Trade Center came down during [former president Bush’s] reign.”

Jeb Bush retorted on Twitter, calling Trump’s comments “pathetic” and repeating an argument he used during the most recent Republican debate: that his brother “kept us safe.”

Trump returned fire on Twitter, adding that he was just being polite when the subject came up for discussion at the debate. Like it or not, he said, Bush was in the White House when the Twin Towers came down.

“I just didn’t want to embarrass him,” Trump said, insisting that Jeb Bush’s “statement was wrong.”

According to a recent YouGov/Huffington Post poll taken in the days after the last Republican debate, more than 80 percent of Republicans believe George W. Bush did either a “good” or “excellent” job “keeping the U.S. safe while president.”

But even considering Bush’s tenure solely after 9/11, Trump can’t say he agrees.

“I’m not sure that anybody can answer that question. Because you don’t know,” Trump said — effectively making the point that it’s difficult to prove a negative. “Was it something we did? Was it policy that kept it? All I know is that the Twin Towers came down, and I was there.”
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