2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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That was a much more mundane debate then the Republicans, but I think it shows why a Democrat is going to win the national election.

I think Sanders and his popularity has moved the debate further along the political spectrum, but there is still a lot of commonality there and these people are clearing searching for voters that have a relatively consistent stance of easily identifiable issues.

I don't keep up too much. Is Clinton beating Bush by a moderate margin still seen as the most likely of the possible scenarios?

Tough to tell, but Bush is being buried by his opponents. Jeb is losing points in the favourable ratings and gaining steadily in the unfavourable ratings. Carson, Trump and Rubio are the top three I believe.
What came out clear today was Sanders is not out to hurt Hillary. He is out to energize the democratic base the way Obama did. When Hillary gets the nomination. Watch Hillary, Sanders and Obama....and of course Bill Clinton just come all out.
Chafee's debate summarized:

Not like being the President brings about surprises that one might not be prepared for. Way to show how adaptable your are as a candidate

I can see him running around naked outside a burning White House the day after being inaugurated complaining about not being about to find a fire extinguisher because its his first day.
The real game starts in Feb next year. Last batch of emails out by then and its primaries season in full swing. I'm actually wondering if Hillary has the balls (figuratively) to pick Sanders as a running mate. She will probably play it safe by the end and pick Webb but a Hillary-Bernie ticket paying off can give the Dems Congress as well as the Presidency.
The real game starts in Feb next year. Last batch of emails out by then and its primaries season in full swing. I'm actually wondering if Hillary has the balls (figuratively) to pick Sanders as a running mate. She will probably play it safe by the end and pick Webb but a Hillary-Bernie ticket paying off can give the Dems Congress as well as the Presidency.

Given his rhetoric, if Sanders agrees to be VP, that will be the end of his credibility.
Boring debate. No tough questions. No attacks. Every candidate said his piece and that was it. Clinton and Sanders didn´t make any mistakes, but Sanders failed to take advantage of the situation. Clinton continues to be the front runner and the other candidates won´t be able to change that with their current strategy.
Wouldn't be surprised if Biden now announces he won't stand, Hillary seems to have this under control.
Pretty much a flawless performance from Hillary. She came across as very knowledgeable about the issues, and yet humble and approachable. Can't see any scenario under which she could've possibly done better.

why is corporate media allowed to be a campaign contributer . cnn us vs cnn int
It sounds like most people agree with the left hand analysis.
Bernie's supporters getting salty :lol:, citing online polls as proof he won the debate :lol:.

I think he didn't hurt himself, but that exchange on gun control took a lot of wind out of his sails. Didn't seem to defend himself well at all, whereas Clinton has all the experience in the world in those scenarios
for what its worth Clintons odds are shortening to be the democratic candidate and she is 1/3 on with most of the bookies
Bush still favourite for the rebublicans though he is drifting with rubio closing in and Trump third (then a big gap to 4th)

I still think it will be Clinton Bush 2 (my husband was a better president than your brother - yeah but my daddy was a better president than your husband... blah blah blah)

I almost want trump to get the nomination (or at least run as an independent though - just for the entertainment value - though the slight risk of him winning is a terrifying prospect)
Thought Sanders did really well. His authenticity and voting record appeal to a lot of young people that are tired of politics as usual. Tough to get the nomination over Hillary but he will bring out many people that didn't vote last time around.
Thought Sanders did really well. His authenticity and voting record appeal to a lot of young people that are tired of politics as usual. Tough to get the nomination over Hillary but he will bring out many people that didn't vote last time around.
What do you make of his previous votes on gun laws?
Bernie's supporters getting salty :lol:, citing online polls as proof he won the debate :lol:.

I think he didn't hurt himself, but that exchange on gun control took a lot of wind out of his sails. Didn't seem to defend himself well at all, whereas Clinton has all the experience in the world in those scenarios

I thought they came out of it pretty even. His underwhelming position on gun control hurt him but the exchanges on Iraq and on Wall Street landed some real blows on Hilary.
As much as I despise her, I do agree that Hillary comes across as the most 'presidential' when standing up there next to some of those clowns. On a personal level, I find Bernie to be much more compelling but I think America will find him too much of a nutty professor type. That and his self-proclaimed socialist tag won't fly with most Americans.
True. Think she will go for a hispanic though. To offset Rubio who looks nailed on for VP at least.
Castro will win her 2016, but the Dems will lose 2020 as a result.

VP is a dead end job in politics, usually. If the Dems are wise, they will go with Hillary-Webb or Hillary-Kaine and save the Castro card for 20/24. A Castro-Warren ticket will bring a lot of enthusiasm into the progressive base.
Coming out even is not good enough for him. He is still miles behind and those debates won´t change that.

Unless Clinton drops a massive (proverbial) bollock she is nailed on to win the nomination... its going to take quite a bad campaign for her not to win the election as well I think as if they can get the turnout they should get the win. (and may even have trump as an independent to help swing things even further)
Sanders would do the best job for America. Trump, the worst. Hilary would rule by committee, which would mean trying to be all things to all people (and failing).

I kind of want to see Trump in power. He'd feck the country up so badly it'd give the rest of the world a proper laugh.
As much as I despise her, I do agree that Hillary comes across as the most 'presidential' when standing up there next to some of those clowns. On a personal level, I find Bernie to be much more compelling but I think America will find him too much of a nutty professor type. That and his self-proclaimed socialist tag won't fly with most Americans.

Yeah it's a shame because I think he's the only one of the whole lot who could impose actual, effective change. He'll never be allowed into office but what he's done in raising the money to fund his campaign, with 87% of it coming through donations of $250 or less, is exactly what America needs in a President. I wouldn't agree with everything he stands for but he's got a lot of the really important stuff right.

I know there's a campaign to portray Clinton as untrustworthy because she flip flops on her opinions, but I don't trust her because she just seems so insincere. Everything she says is trying to be a soundbite and that horrible condescending smile just ruins her credibility. You'd think that with all her resources, and all her experience in campaigning, she would have people working on her style and demeanour to come across as more genuine. If that's the best they can come up with then what must she really be like?

The other 3 fellas up there are stocking filler. We'll barely remember their names by the time the next election rolls round. I've forgotten the poor fella on the far end already.
To put into perspective how badly off these head-to-head general election polls are at the moment, a new one out yesterday put Clinton only two points ahead of Carson in Connecticut. Best avoided for the next few months.
I know there's a campaign to portray Clinton as untrustworthy because she flip flops on her opinions, but I don't trust her because she just seems so insincere. Everything she says is trying to be a soundbite and that horrible condescending smile just ruins her credibility. You'd think that with all her resources, and all her experience in campaigning, she would have people working on her style and demeanour to come across as more genuine. If that's the best they can come up with then what must she really be like?

She's always been one who polarizes opinions. Generally speaking, I think she's sincere on a lot of domestic issues, like women' rights, child hood education, paid leave etc... But a hawk on foreign policies, a female W, if you like. It's hard to marry the two stances together so she'll never come off authentic to a liberal audience.
She's always been one who polarizes opinions. Generally speaking, I think she's sincere on a lot of domestic issues, like women' rights, child hood education, paid leave etc... But a hawk on foreign policies, a female W, if you like. It's hard to marry the two stances together so she'll never come off authentic to a liberal audience.

My distrust isn't even based on her views or policies. She could be reading out last nights baseball results and I'd still want to check ESPN afterwards.
My distrust isn't even based on her views or policies. She could be reading out last nights baseball results and I'd still want to check ESPN afterwards.

40 years in politics tend to sap all the personality out of you. Didn't help either that she was brought up in a conservative household.
She's always been one who polarizes opinions. Generally speaking, I think she's sincere on a lot of domestic issues, like women' rights, child hood education, paid leave etc... But a hawk on foreign policies, a female W, if you like. It's hard to marry the two stances together so she'll never come off authentic to a liberal audience.
She's pretty middle of the road in her views and policies, which is fine IMO. I simply find her to be disingenuous. A true politician. That and under her facade, she's a raging bitch.
40 years in politics tend to sap all the personality out of you. Didn't help either that she was brought up in a conservative household.

That's true but it's also what makes it such a shame that someone like Sanders can never win. He's been involved since the 60's yet comes across as unjaded and energetic without ever appearing insincere.
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