2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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I do think he makes a fair point, actually. It's obviously not just that, as there are many more factors at play, but going for lesser evils on a consistent basis can end up alienating large portions of a voter-base and lead to long-term division.

Look at the Labour party. Their switch to a more moderate approach under Blair was immensely successful for a sustained period...yet they now appear to be on the brink of collapse because the membership vastly prefers a perceived anti-establishment option who isn't what typically would win an election or be expected of a major party, but appeals to voters. Many feel the moderate option is still better, yet the party membership is no longer willing to tolerate the things they believe the party have done fundamentally wrong for the sake of a greater chance of government.

Likewise, someone such as Farage largely built UKIP's support by capitalising on disillusioned Tories at first who felt like the party was doing nothing on the issue of Europe. Those who switched from Tory to UKIP in 2015 probably knew they were risking a Labour alternative who wouldn't give them a referendum...yet still did it anyway. Farage then further built support for Brexit by capitalising upon Labour disillusionment of a different kind to Corbyn supporters in the north.

The Dems have arguably been lucky this time due to the fact that their opponent is so abhorrent and incompetent and within an extremely divided and outdated party. But with a more competent opposition next time? It's perfectly possible the Republicans could one day capitalise on frustrations within the Dems (such as those of Sanders supporters) if they become a lot more widespread and mainstream in years to come. Not that it's an immediate pressing issue, but I'm not sure it's one that should be dismissed at hand.

This is clearly a one off year where all the rules have been chucked out the window and is largely a result of the fractures within the Conservative movement which is going through a massive identity crisis, which when coupled with the growing income disparity in the US, has allowed culture of demagogues that Fox News and talk radio have been incubating for the past 15 years, which led to the rise of the Tea Party and eventually a complete charlatan like Trump. The conservative movement is basically evaporating towards the fringes; a process that takes about a decade to completely unfold. I'm not concerned about the future as politics will gradually go back to normal once Drumpf and his cabal of con artists are sent packing on November 8th. This is little more than America expunging the Tea Party movement from legitimacy towards the fringes. Having people like Hillary, Ryan, and Schumer running the Executive and Legislative branches could make for far more bipartisan cooperation than we've seen in since the 90s.
Trump is an asshole and that doesn't matter to me. He says asshole stuff. I got over it. I'm more concerned about actions than I am about style points or being offended. I would never base my vote on a single comment by either candidate.

Hillary presents herself in a more polished and practiced manner, but that counts for nothing to me. Underneath the $600 haircut and wool pantsuit and scripted speech lives a monster who has grown enormously wealthy from a life of "public service". Her ACTIONS are despicable and put our country at risk, so she can benefit. She tries to hide these flaws behind a veneer of feigned civility.

Trump has said more than a few things I didn't like. He's a pushy New York jerk. I grew up with people just like him and it doesn't bother me - most of them are great people once you get past the exterior. Trump's off-the-cuff remarks have nothing to do with his overall vision for the country. Any serious decision will be made after proper reflection and discussion with advisers. Trump's flaws are font and center for all to see, with no apologies. Somehow he has used his unconventional approach and personality to rise high in the world of business and entertainment. That's the way he achieves success and it's not going to change. If he wins the presidency it will be on his terms.

I'd rather have an asshole running the country. We've been too nice for too long.

How nice? You seem like a Trump commercial. And we've been too nice for too long? Nice to who? And when you're the biggest baddest kid on the playground who do you need to prove it to?

That's bullshit redneck logic. I'm bigger and better....feck off
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Trump is an asshole and that doesn't matter to me. He says asshole stuff. I got over it. I'm more concerned about actions than I am about style points or being offended. I would never base my vote on a single comment by either candidate.

Hillary presents herself in a more polished and practiced manner, but that counts for nothing to me. Underneath the $600 haircut and wool pantsuit and scripted speech lives a monster who has grown enormously wealthy from a life of "public service". Her ACTIONS are despicable and put our country at risk, so she can benefit. She tries to hide these flaws behind a veneer of feigned civility.

Trump has said more than a few things I didn't like. He's a pushy New York jerk. I grew up with people just like him and it doesn't bother me - most of them are great people once you get past the exterior. Trump's off-the-cuff remarks have nothing to do with his overall vision for the country. Any serious decision will be made after proper reflection and discussion with advisers. Trump's flaws are font and center for all to see, with no apologies. Somehow he has used his unconventional approach and personality to rise high in the world of business and entertainment. That's the way he achieves success and it's not going to change. If he wins the presidency it will be on his terms.

I'd rather have an asshole running the country. We've been too nice for too long.

:lol: see this is what scares me, people like this. How do you get through to people like this? He knows Trump is a train wreck but still wants to vote for him. I tell you what @Americano I will set you up on a flight piloted by an untrained chimp whilst having dental surgery performed by a deranged rapist who has an oral fixation. Both are equally unqualified as a pilot and a dentist as Trump is for president but I bet you wouldn't want them anywhere near you.
How nice? You seem like a Trump commercial. And we've been too nice for too long? Nice to who? And when you're the biggest baddest kid on the playground who do you need to prove it to?

That's bullshit redneck logic. I'm bigger and better....feck off

Behind a lot of Trump supporters, like the ones on Reddit with all that The_Donald nonsense, seems to lie a really weird inferiority complex.
It's another laughable manufactured "controversy".

I find the overreaction and attempt to characterize supporters of the Second Amendment as murderous maniacs to be bigoted and offensive. Elections are decided with votes, not guns. Just another case of creative Trump abuse by an emboldened media desperate for attention.

Supporters of the second amendment dont even know what it was fecking put in there for to begin with. So these morons who defend children being murdered daily by guns should suffer scorn and abuse. Trump knows this but plays up to it bigly
Wow. This is nuts. Trump is talking to a crowd and calling out Hillary for the Mateen's father attending her latest event and yet there's Mark Foley sitting in the crowd directly behind Trump. You can't make this shit up. It's like he's on a grand stage pulling a Kaufman.

For me this means absolutely nothing that Foley or Mateen are attending a rally; they're citizens and have freedom to make choices. But there is some irony in Trump spouting his rhetoric, heck, he probably planned this bit.

Of course this provided a Trump supporter (blonde nutter on CNN) to call out Mateen's father as a terrorist supporter and blah blah blah. The other Trump supporter on the panel said it wasn't a good idea to have that guy (Foley) there. Then there was an emotional exchange between the blonde and another female (Clinton supporter) that got a bit heated.

The blonde nutter just said "Reagan is the best president ever." :lol:
Trump's off-the-cuff remarks have nothing to do with his overall vision for the country. Any serious decision will be made after proper reflection and discussion with advisers. Trump's flaws are font and center for all to see, with no apologies.

And what's exactly is that vision? And how is he going to implement it? Does he have anything to offer other than 'I'll make America great'?

His advisors are his pals and plans to have family appointed to cabinet. The country is his personal company to him, it seems.

Having his flaws front and centre is not a advantage. Just shows stupidity of people who ignore what's in front of their eyes.

When will middle class see that he hasn't offered shit to develop middle class. Reduce Estate tax for rich is his macro economic plan, Ffs! His final words to middle class will be 'you're fired'. Wait and see.
I've yet to hear an actual pro Trump rhetoric that makes me think he would be a good fit for president.

Make America great again sounds perfect. But your hats are made in China.
Your diplomacy is non existent and you're a racist misogynistic twat.

So your either an evil twat that just wanted to role the world and we've been too nice for too long (not sure who to)

Or you're so rich you want to be richer.
And what's exactly is that vision? And how is he going to implement it? Does he have anything to offer other than 'I'll make America great'?

His advisors are his pals and plans to have family appointed to cabinet. The country is his personal company to him, it seems.

Having his flaws front and centre is not a advantage. Just shows stupidity of people who ignore what's in front of their eyes.

When will middle class see that he hasn't offered shit to develop middle class. Reduce Estate tax for rich is his macro economic plan, Ffs! His final words to middle class will be 'you're fired'. Wait and see.
But the thing is, nobody had offered an option that is going to help the middle class. Bush promised it and it got worse, Obama promised it, and it got worse. Now trump and Clinton promise it, and I'm not too confident it's going to get better regardless of who is elected. Trump supporters are not any more stupid than Hillary supporters.
But the thing is, nobody had offered an option that is going to help the middle class. Bush promised it and it got worse, Obama promised it, and it got worse. Now trump and Clinton promise it, and I'm not too confident it's going to get better regardless of who is elected. Trump supporters are not any more stupid than Hillary supporters.

But at least she hasn't been downright stupid. Promising to reduce US deficit in 10 years and backing out, current tax reduction proposals will only add more tax on middle class. I'm waiting to see how he's increasing defence budget, reducing tax all the while improving deficit. It's just amateur time with him and it should scare anyone.
feck the middle class. Help the poor. Help the people wiring at McDonald's for minimum wage. This is what's wrong with the way the country works. We're to afraid to say that anyone is poor or living in a ghetto. We always say in the football forums a good team is built from the back. Well build from the back and then let the middle and top fluirish
But at least she hasn't been downright stupid. Promising to reduce US deficit in 10 years and backing out, current tax reduction proposals will only add more tax on middle class. I'm waiting to see how he's increasing defence budget, reducing tax all the while improving deficit. It's just amateur time with him and it should scare anyone.
How has she been less stupid if the groups she is campaigning for are most likely not going to be better off after her presidency anyway? She's just as stupid as trump, just more professional about it.
feck the middle class. Help the poor. Help the people wiring at McDonald's for minimum wage. This is what's wrong with the way the country works. We're to afraid to say that anyone is poor or living in a ghetto. We always say in the football forums a good team is built from the back. Well build from the back and then let the middle and top fluirish
That is me! I'll take some help. But that doesn't mean we can't help the middle class too!
What do you do, and in all seriousness, how can either candidate help you?
I was half joking by the "help me comment." I actually do work at McDonalds though.

With that said, I don't think either candidate can do anything significant that will help me or hurt me; and I don't think my life will be drastically different regardless of who our next president is. I think people put way too much credence into how much impact the president has on our every day lives.

That's why I find it so amusing when Trump supporters call Hillary supports stupid, and visa-versa, while 90% of them don't even know or care how much local politicals effect us. I've never voted for president before (only been legally allowed to one election anyway) and don't think I am going to this year either.
I was half joking by the "help me comment." I actually do work at McDonalds though.

With that said, I don't think either candidate can do anything significant that will help me or hurt me; and I don't think my life will be drastically different regardless of who our next president is. I think people put way too much credence into how much impact the president has on our every day lives.

That's why I find it so amusing when Trump supporters call Hillary supports stupid, and visa-versa, while 90% of them don't even know or care how much local politicals effect us. I've never voted for president before (only been legally allowed to one election anyway) and don't think I am going to this year either.

You said exactly what I was going to. People do put too much faith in Presidents changing their lives, when the reality is they can't do much without the Senate and Congress. In any damn country.
feck the middle class. Help the poor. Help the people wiring at McDonald's for minimum wage. This is what's wrong with the way the country works. We're to afraid to say that anyone is poor or living in a ghetto. We always say in the football forums a good team is built from the back. Well build from the back and then let the middle and top fluirish
The problem is that middle class people vote more than poor people. They also tend to donate more money to political campaigns -- that's why they're the group (along with pensioners and veterans, though both of these could intersect) that are most pandered to.
You said exactly what I was going to. People do put too much faith in Presidents changing their lives, when the reality is they can't do much without the Senate and Congress. In any damn country.
Not quite true. A president does have power, even if it is sometimes overstated. Also, Putin disagrees with the part in bold.
The problem is that middle class people vote more than poor people. They also tend to donate more money to political campaigns -- that's why they're the group (along with pensioners and veterans, though both of these could intersect) that are most pandered to.

I didn't know that. Makes sense now that you said it
Any true democratic country then
Well, the President of the US can get things done by executive action. He's also the Commander in Chief. That's a reasonable level of power, especially under certain conditions (martial law, for example).

It's not so much that presidents don't have power, it's more that presidents are generally shackled by whatever power propels them to their position.
You said exactly what I was going to. People do put too much faith in Presidents changing their lives, when the reality is they can't do much without the Senate and Congress.
Yes. Congress is key. Think of what Obama's administration could have done without the obstructionists.
Every time I come into this thread I think 'Alright, so what has he done now?'. :lol:

Google Mark Foley

Sitting there, right beyond Donald at his rally. Apparently they´re buddies. You might remember Mark the veteran Florida congressman from his many visits on Bill O´reilly show on Fox: "Mark Foley is the co-chairman of the House Missing and Exploited Children Caucus. He's been on this program many times on FOX News Channel, often talking about protecting the kids."

Here´s Mark Foley caught texting 16 year old congressional male pages: "how's my favorite young stud doing did you spank it this weekend where did you unload it cute butt bouncing in the air."


A Republican of course, but of course, Fox News somehow mistakenly put a big fat D by his name during the predatory paedo scandal.

Not sure what you're getting at here.

The whole idea of the USA was an ideal. A country that made people that wanted to gain wealth from hard work be an owner and a family that was independent. That's were the 2nd ammendment comes from. A people that can defend themselves against a tyrannical government .

That is an America I can say feck yeah. Theres a lot of people that can't be bothered to even vote.

Me personally I'm not one. This country took! In and has done me well . I do get the issues
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