2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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He's only gone and fecking attacked Khizr Khan and his wife now.


The man really has no shame at all. Hopefully this will bring him down, he's taking uber shit for this one, and rightly so. What a cnut.

Wow what a cnut.

Especially this bit:

Speaking with ABC, the Republican nominee also took on Khan and his wife, Ghazala, suggesting she wasn’t allowed to speak at the convention.

“If you look at his wife, she was standing there. She had nothing to say. She probably, maybe she wasn’t allowed to have anything to say. You tell me,” Trump said.

Ghazala Khan was in tears as she spoke about her son during an interview on MSNBC’s “The Last Word” on Friday. She said she told her son, “’be safe, and don’t become hero for me, just be my son, come back as a son.’ He came back as a hero.”
Very interesting idea of what is a "sacrifice"

I know, he really doesn't have a clue, but we all knew that anyway. It's what he isn't saying about them both though, well what he IS saying by not saying anything, the same shit that he constantly pulls all the time thinking he's smart. Grrrr it's so fecking annoying that he thinks everyone is as stupid as he is.

Wow what a cnut.

Especially this bit:

Exactly! Awful. A truly disgusting excuse for a human. Those poor people lost their son, who died a hero and now they are subject to attack from someone who is supposed to be Presidential material. Please can someone take this cnut down, and hard!

Also rumours going around that he has breached national security and divulged secret information, although I don't trust the source so until I see it from a more credible location I wont post the link here.
I keep thinking he can't be any bigger a cnut and he keeps proving me wrong.

Congratulations, I guess?
Paul Begala thinks he will try to slither out of having to debate Hillary. If he does she should debate Gary Johnson instead.

He's trying to influence the format. He knows he'll get destroyed if it's a traditional round table one on one. If he can handpick the audience or some shit to put Clinton on the defensive about Bill's baggage then he has a chance.
I keep thinking he can't be any bigger a cnut and he keeps proving me wrong.

Congratulations, I guess?

I dunno mate, I think the same. He's just pathetic really. Look at it logically and rationally, we all knew deep down that he would go after everyone that slagged him at the Dem Convention. He alluded to it in a pathetic speech yesterday where he said he was told to leave it, and not bother, but he kept on saying he was going to hit them so hard etc. It was only a matter of time. He can't help himself, he really can't. I've been saying it for months that he is ill. I stand by that, he has SERIOUS issues, and he is not mentally fit or stable enough to become President. He really isn't.

He's like a child stuck in a fat old mans body. He's like the poor embarrassing grandparent that can't and won't stop belching and farting at the dinner table, no matter if there are guests present or not. However now he has gone too far, he's now proving how unfit for the Presidency he really is. He's tried to go after Bloomberg, and now on to the Khans, but I think this time it could definitely backfire on him. I doubt many of his supporters will care as no doubt a fair few of them feel that a Muslim shouldn't be allowed to join any of the American Forces anyway, but the rest of the country and the press WILL care and I don't think we have heard the last of this one.

His campaign managers must be shitting themselves now because insulting a dead war hero and their family really is one step too far for many people. However I bet in a weeks time we will be back here thinking how the feck he got out of this one.
Logic dictates that Dems try to milk as much out of this as possible but instinctively I think they should just issue strong condemnation and leave it to the press. If they get too involved the Orange Dumpster will cry identity politics and political correctness, and sadly I see it working.
@langster Hillary nailed it when she said we can't put someone in charge of the country who can be baited with a tweet.

Yup, and she was completely right. I've just seen a few journalists on twitter discussing this and they are asking what will it actually take to bring him down? There is a list of his feckwittery, racist remarks, insults, sexist and misogynistic remarks, personal insults, crimes, breaches of party ethics, who he has upset, and just his piss poor behaviour and it's a frightening list, headed by The fecking POPE! He really does appear to be untouchable. Teflon has feck all on Drumpf.

I bet he doesn't need to use toilet paper.
He's only gone and fecking attacked Khizr Khan and his wife now.


The man really has no shame at all. Hopefully this will bring him down, he's taking uber shit for this one, and rightly so. What a cnut.

“You know, if you’re young, and in this era, and if you have any guilt about not having gone to Vietnam. We have our own Vietnam. It’s called the dating game,” he said during a discussion of Trump’s well-publicized germaphobia and the ongoing AIDs epidemic.

“It’s pretty dangerous out there Robin. It’s like Vietnam,” Trump said earlier in the interview.

“It is, it is,” Stern said. “The dating scene is like Vietnam.”

“Dating is like being in Vietnam,” Trump said. “You’re the equivalent of a soldier going over to Vietnam.”

. . . “I’ve been so lucky in terms of that whole world,” said Trump. “It is a dangerous world out there — it’s scary, like Vietnam. Sort of like the Vietnam era. It is my personal Vietnam. I feel like a great and very brave soldier.”

. . . the real estate mogul took his running feud with Arizona Sen. John McCain to a new level -
"He’s not a war hero,” said Trump. “He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured. Ok?”

Trump himself never served in Vietnam after receiving five draft deferments—four while he was at college and another for bone spurs in his feet.
There is a list of his feckwittery, racist remarks, insults, sexist and misogynistic remarks, personal insults, crimes, breaches of party ethics, who he has upset, and just his piss poor behaviour and it's a frightening list, headed by The fecking POPE! He really does appear to be untouchable.

Quite strange and proper frightening!
Everyone knows I had brain surgery in February, is this some kind of elaborate wind up and i'm still in hospital morphine'd up to my eyeballs? :lol:
Yup, and she was completely right. I've just seen a few journalists on twitter discussing this and they are asking what will it actually take to bring him down? There is a list of his feckwittery, racist remarks, insults, sexist and misogynistic remarks, personal insults, crimes, breaches of party ethics, who he has upset, and just his piss poor behaviour and it's a frightening list, headed by The fecking POPE! He really does appear to be untouchable. Teflon has feck all on Drumpf.

I bet he doesn't need to use toilet paper.

That's the worrying part. Every dodgy tweet or insult is seen as him being 'honest' and 'up front' with his opponents when he's generally just being a bit of a feckwit. His insults and remarks are somehow perceived as being a breath of fresh air, as him doing something the establishment wouldn't do. I suspect Trump could openly label his entire voter base morons tomorrow and they'd still lap it up as honesty.
That's the worrying part. Every dodgy tweet or insult is seen as him being 'honest' and 'up front' with his opponents when he's generally just being a bit of a feckwit. His insults and remarks are somehow perceived as being a breath of fresh air, as him doing something the establishment wouldn't do. I suspect Trump could openly label his entire voter base morons tomorrow and they'd still lap it up as honesty.

I know, it's really, really sad, and absolutely terrifying too. :(
There is a list of his feckwittery, racist remarks, insults, sexist and misogynistic remarks, personal insults, crimes, breaches of party ethics, who he has upset, and just his piss poor behaviour and it's a frightening list, headed by The fecking POPE!
thing is, that's exactly how trump got this far. he's playing this election as a reality show. will he actually build the "great wall" between the U.S. and mexico? will he actually ban muslims from coming to the U.S? people are curious to find out if he'll actually do those things, and trump is convincing/using the working and middle class who are disenfranchised with the establishment to join his reality show.

that said, I'm not going to participate in this election because we're fecked either way. (plus MD leans heavily towards the left so it won't matter)
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Everyone knows I had brain surgery in February, is this some kind of elaborate wind up and i'm still in hospital morphine'd up to my eyeballs? :lol:
All I'll say is, if you hear David Bowie songs at strange moments, be wary.
thing is, that's exactly how trump got this far. he's playing this election as a reality show. will he actually build the "great wall" between the U.S. and mexico? will he actually ban muslims from coming to the U.S? people are curious to find out if he'll actually do those things, and trump is convincing/using the working and middle class who are disenfranchised with the establishment to join his reality show.

He's not going to do any of those things.

he obviously isn't. that was my point - he's hosting a nation wide reality show.

Yeah I know, it's a good point. I just wanted to reiterate that this off the record tape is still out there, but I don't think his voters would even care.
I don't get it. You could still be related.
By the way, the common ancestor to both Hillary and Donald, going back a bit, was Edward III, who started the Hundred Years War.
I'm just messing with you man.

I am related to Gen. Charles Cornwallis though. So... My family lost the colonies. Go us!!!



That's fecking horrible/sad.

Why would anyone do that?
While I'm not voting for Trump, and quite frankly cannot stand him or his sons either, I have to ask... What if the meat from the trophies was donated to local tribes that had no meat?

Reason I ask is... This has already been mainstream once, back in 2015, and that's what ended up coming out of it.

Its not really about where the meat ended up - its about a couple of snotty Billionaire kids flying half way around the world to needlessly shoot up African game. The pic of the leopard is particularly appalling.
What if the meat from the trophies was donated to local tribes that had no meat?

The only way this is permissible is when he had a hunting licence which local authorities issue from time to time for crowd control.

Taking your comment as a stand alone, I'd still disagree. The locals are well capable of hunting for themselves if needed and don't need a billionaire playboy to donate an animal from their own neighborhood. There's no way this flies as charity.

Also the fact that there were some positive corollaries doesn't serve to justify the act itself.
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