2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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feck I'm sad again now.
Mate I got so fired up watching that. Then about halfway through I got hit with a 'what might have been' :( Still, even in defeat he's managed changing, we just have to hope that Hillary gets in and actually carries them out.
Can we just take a moment to reflect on how much better this has been already compared to the GOP convention?

It wasn't perfect by any means, but it wasn't a red elephant train wreck either.
Some of the retorts are comedy gold!

⚾ ‏@JPBoutros@realDonaldTrump Your THIRD wife looks to an Obama for inspiration. Can the bull for once, littlefinger

Tyler Dinucci ‏@nuccbko @realDonaldTrump He's literally shitting on you on air.

God's perfect idiot ‏@AdderAllStar @realDonaldTrump you had Scott Baio on this time last week

28m28 minutes ago
Dan Radin ‏@Dan_Radin
@realdonaldtrump Ivana “confided to friends that Donald had difficulty achieving and maintaining an erection.”
Can we just take a moment to reflect on how much better this has been already compared to the GOP convention?

It wasn't perfect by any means, but it wasn't a red elephant train wreck either.
Sanders spoke more policy in twenty minutes or so than the entire conveyor belt of Republican speakers managed between them.

Michelle Obama's speech was incredibly good. She has a future in top level politics. Presidential run in 8 years maybe.
No because the number who have their panties in a bunch and are threatening to vote green or whatever are relatively small. The media are just seeking them out because it is a nice narrative.
Trump is going to win, he's whipped up enough hysteria and gained enough media attention to sway the masses.
Anyone else fecking terrified that a lot of Bernie acolytes will refuse to vote Clinton and this means Trump will win?
I'm more worried about Russian shenanigans. Would you be surprised if the Kremlin arrests a few US spies in Moscow come October, claiming that they were somehow compromised by Hillary's emails?
I'm more worried about Russian shenanigans. Would you be surprised if the Kremlin arrests a few US spies in Moscow come October, claiming that they were somehow compromised by Hillary's emails?

Did you read the rumours that the emails were supposedly leaked as a result of a hack by the Russian government? Putin's a bad motherfecker who wants nothing more than Trump winning the election.
Trump is going to win, he's whipped up enough hysteria and gained enough media attention to sway the masses.

Unfortunately, I think so too. I feel Clinton neither has the force of personality, nor does she have the oratory skills to sway an election which will be overwhelmingly won on emotion in these tough economic times. I can already imagine her dreading the presidential debates.

The democratic party is also very divided. Booker delivered a sermon & Michelle gave a brilliant speech talking about "American being the greatest country on earth", but then Liz and Bernie lifted the lid on the income inequality that has been getting worse for the last 40 years in America; sixteen of those forty under two Democratic presidents who have served four terms in the last 24 years. If you were an independent, it would have left you confused.I don't know how the speakers on the next three days are going to match the skills, delivery or the energy of today's speakers. It is downhill for the next three days.
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Anyone else fecking terrified that a lot of Bernie acolytes will refuse to vote Clinton and this means Trump will win?
This! I wasnt so worried about it before the email leak but now Im thinking they are definitely not going to vote for Hillary.
This! I wasnt so worried about it before the email leak but now Im thinking they are definitely not going to vote for Hillary.

It's like a perfect storm. A cluster of terrorist attacks to enhance the fear of "others" that is one of his main platforms, followed by a load of (circumstantial) evidence to give more weight to his "crooked Hilary" shtick. Nightmare.
All the concessions are from Bernie's side. On her part, Hillary has taken that Debbie woman on her campaign. That's how cynical she is.
Unfortunately, I think so too. I feel Clinton neither has the force of personality, nor does she have the oratory skills to sway an election which will be overwhelmingly won on emotion in these tough economic times. I can already imagine her dreading the presidential debates.

The democratic party is also very divided. Booker delivered a sermon & Michelle gave a brilliant speech talking about "American being the greatest country on earth", but then Liz and Bernie lifted the lid on the income inequality that has been getting worse for the last 40 years in America; sixteen of those forty under two Democratic presidents who have served four terms in the last 24 years. If you were an independent, it would have left you confused.I don't know how the speakers on the next three days are going to match the skills, delivery or the energy of today's speakers. It is downhill for the next three days.
Still think at the moment she just about ok(Trump has no support with the black vote) but agree she will be dreading the debates, as while it's wrong to say Trump is a good debater it's where he's made his ''political'' name.

As for the bit in bold Jill Stein made some great points on this

starts around 6:16
How significant and persuasive will Bernie's request for his voters to align behind Hilary be?
How significant and persuasive will Bernie's request for his voters to align behind Hilary be?

Probably quite helpful for Hilary, I'd imagine. A lot of Bernie voters would've probably switched anyway, although him telling them to will no doubt convince more. Can still see there being outliers though; some who don't bother voting, some who go independent, and some who go Trump. With Trump capitalising on this whole anti-establishment sentiment and painting himself as different from Hilary in that regard, I can't help but think that Sanders would've been the better choice for the Dems this election, even if it was a risky one. A lot of the ways in which Trump will attack Hilary wouldn't have worked with Sanders.
Trump is making a massive tactical mistake by wasting his time attempting to court disaffected Bernie voters. Spare a bit of mild overlap on trade policy, they have absolutely nothing in common and are morally and economically light years apart. Trump would do better to galvanize the conservative base by going after Cruz, Rubio, and Kasich voters.
Unfortunately, I think so too. I feel Clinton neither has the force of personality, nor does she have the oratory skills to sway an election which will be overwhelmingly won on emotion in these tough economic times. I can already imagine her dreading the presidential debates.

The democratic party is also very divided. Booker delivered a sermon & Michelle gave a brilliant speech talking about "American being the greatest country on earth", but then Liz and Bernie lifted the lid on the income inequality that has been getting worse for the last 40 years in America; sixteen of those forty under two Democratic presidents who have served four terms in the last 24 years. If you were an independent, it would have left you confused.I don't know how the speakers on the next three days are going to match the skills, delivery or the energy of today's speakers. It is downhill for the next three days.

Yesterday was about convincing independents and progressives to rally behind Clinton (not sure how well that was pulled off). Obama, Biden and Clinton are up. Never discount an unknown stealing the show too.

The Democratic party is divided. I'm not convinced the threat of Trump is enough to coalesce the different factions. The leaked emails about the DNC did not help either. I don't think there'll be an epidemic of Bernie supporters voting for Trump, but they could very well just blow off the election and stay at home.
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