2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Still think at the moment she just about ok(Trump has no support with the black vote) but agree she will be dreading the debates, as while it's wrong to say Trump is a good debater it's where he's made his ''political'' name.

As for the bit in bold Jill Stein made some great points on this

starts around 6:16

Vote for Jill Stein so you can feel good about yourself during a Trump Presidency.
Yes it was great. Not so great if Bernie does it since he's already endorsed her before the convention.

This doesn't make any sense. Cruz had a prime speaking slot at the convention for no other reason but to rally the party behind the primary winner. Whether there was or was not an endorsement before the convention is of little matter.
Trump is making a massive tactical mistake by wasting his time attempting to court disaffected Bernie voters. Spare a bit of mild overlap on trade policy, they have absolutely nothing in common and are morally and economically light years apart. Trump would do better to galvanize the conservative base by going after Cruz, Rubio, and Kasich voters.

He will at most turn a few hundred, but they were likely voting for Bernie only because he seemed an outsider and it seemed cool not because they really agreed with any policy he had.
This doesn't make any sense. Cruz had a prime speaking slot at the convention for no other reason but to rally the party behind the primary winner. Whether there was or was not an endorsement before the convention is of little matter.

The situations are light years apart. Cruz was known to not support Trump, told Trump during a phone call 3 days before the speech that he wasn't going to endorse him, Trump read the speech before Cruz delivered it and knew there would be no endorsement, and in the end Cruz delivered by not endorsing. Bernie's situations is the polar opposite - he met with Hillary weeks ago to discuss terms of his endorsement (platform changes, sacking Wasserman-Schultz etc), publicly endorsed her during numerous speeches and tv interviews before the convention, and followed through on his endorsement. The difference here is that people in the GOP wanted Cruz to support Trump - and he didn't; whereas the people at the DNC wanted Bernie to endorse, and he did. Disunity v Unity.
The situations are light years apart. Cruz was known to not support Trump, told Trump during a phone call 3 days before the speech that he wasn't going to endorse him, Trump read the speech before Cruz delivered it and knew there would be no endorsement, and in the end Cruz delivered by not endorsing. Bernie's situations is the polar opposite - he met with Hillary weeks ago to discuss terms of his endorsement (platform changes, sacking Wasserman-Schultz etc), publicly endorsed her during numerous speeches and tv interviews before the convention, and followed through on his endorsement. The difference here is that people in the GOP wanted Cruz to support Trump - and he didn't; whereas the people at the DNC wanted Bernie to endorse, and he did. Disunity v Unity.

I'm saying that if Bernie refused to endorse Clinton leading up to the convention (and the email leaks gave him ample reason not to), similar to what Cruz did, you most likely wouldn't be applauding it, irrespective of whether advance notice was given or not.
I'm saying that if Bernie refused to endorse Clinton leading up to the convention (and the email leaks gave him ample reason not to), similar to what Cruz did, you most likely wouldn't be applauding it, irrespective of whether advance notice was given or not.

It just shows that Sanders sees the bigger picture - as in Clinton is far better than Trump; whereas Cruz is obsessed with undercutting Trump after he mocked his wife and Dad, and in the process, set the table for a 2020 run.
Now he's going off the rials.

If Obam

And that's all the appeal of Hillary Clinton. "She is a bit less shit than Trump." So inspiring.

Its a clear choice. Jill Stein will never be President - only Trump or Clinton will. These minnowish candidates are just a distraction.
The situations are light years apart. Cruz was known to not support Trump, told Trump during a phone call 3 days before the speech that he wasn't going to endorse him, Trump read the speech before Cruz delivered it and knew there would be no endorsement, and in the end Cruz delivered by not endorsing. Bernie's situations is the polar opposite - he met with Hillary weeks ago to discuss terms of his endorsement (platform changes, sacking Wasserman-Schultz etc), publicly endorsed her during numerous speeches and tv interviews before the convention, and followed through on his endorsement. The difference here is that people in the GOP wanted Cruz to support Trump - and he didn't; whereas the people at the DNC wanted Bernie to endorse, and he did. Disunity v Unity.

Cruz is just looking out for himself. He thinks he's got a great chance vs. Hillary in 2020.
So just that the left doesnt get to brag about their side winning?

You know what I mean.. What is he likely to/realistically can feck up.
US Foreign Affairs for the next decade. Might start a war. Might alienate long-term allies. Might bring about free reign for hateful discourse.
US Foreign Affairs for the next decade. Might start a war. Might alienate long-term allies. Might bring about free reign for hateful discourse.

Global economic recession, first and foremost.

The Economist rates his being elected the no.3 threat for the global economy.
US Foreign Affairs for the next decade. Might start a war. Might alienate long-term allies. Might bring about free reign for hateful discourse.

Global economic recession, first and foremost.

The Economist rates his being elected the no.3 threat for the global economy.
Not to mention the justices he will appoint to the Supreme Court
Trump is making a massive tactical mistake by wasting his time attempting to court disaffected Bernie voters. Spare a bit of mild overlap on trade policy, they have absolutely nothing in common and are morally and economically light years apart. Trump would do better to galvanize the conservative base by going after Cruz, Rubio, and Kasich voters.

Courting people who are actively participating in the political process is usually pointless, because these people have made up their mind anyway. He´ll convince none of the outspoken and active Sander´s supporters. They´ll vote for Hillary, Stein or simply stay at home. But as a politician, you shouldn´t aim for these voters anyway. It is easier to flip voters, who are less engaged.

If Trump wants to win, he needs to convince white blue collar workers, middle class employees and angry protest voters, who “won´t give a shit” about coherent ideology or party linkage. They are interested in few issues related to their personal experience and don´t pay too much attention. They might have liked Sanders due to his links to unions, protectionism and anti wallstreet rhetoric. Trump might also have a strong appeal to them with his talk about security, migration, protectionism, the establishment and chauvinistic nationalism.

I certainly see an overlap between those two candidates but these voters probably won´t go to rallies or participate in all these shenanigans actively.

The GOP lost two times against Obama with much more normal/inclusive candidates despite their shared hate for a black president. Trump will never win if he tries to copy this strategy. Not that I´d think that Trump is actually planning any of this. Things are just coming out of his mouth (or his twitterfeed)
All things considered, it'd be funny as feck, in a clinically morbid way, to see Agent Orange elected. The real life Forrest Gump.

In more hopeful news, NBC poll shows zero change post RNC for both candidates. Clinton 46 - Trump 45. 4 ways Trump 40 (+1), Clinton 39 (-1), Johnson 10, Stein 5. Its one of the better polls, so to speak (A+ 538 rating).
Bill on from 10pm tonight. Supposedly for an hour, doubt they'll stop him mid-flow though.
Lesser of the two evils. What the US Presidential elections have come down to!
Lesser of the two evils. What the US Presidential elections have come down to!

That's how it works when you have a two party system and all attempts to form additional competitive parties are subsumed by one of the two existing ones.
I saw a video of Michelle's speech. Amazingly powerful.

This was Barack levels in terms of oratory and effect. I dont think she is interested in politics but she could easily make a career in it if she wanted.

Dems have some real star speakers lined up.

Arguably Kaine and Hillary will be the poorest of the primetime speakers.
I saw a video of Michelle's speech. Amazingly powerful.

This was Barack levels in terms of oratory and effect. I dont think she is interested in politics but she could easily make a career in it if she wanted.

Dems have some real star speakers lined up.

Arguably Kaine and Hillary will be the poorest of the primetime speakers.

I think the speakers on days one and two are doing their job nicely - which is to unite the crowd and whip them up in the pro-Hillary fervor. Even the emotional Bernie bots who kept interrupting Warren's speech were a very small but vocal minority and should taper off as time goes on.
I saw a video of Michelle's speech. Amazingly powerful.

This was Barack levels in terms of oratory and effect. I dont think she is interested in politics but she could easily make a career in it if she wanted.

Dems have some real star speakers lined up.

Arguably Kaine and Hillary will be the poorest of the primetime speakers.

Did you watch Kaine's first speech? He was brilliant

Did you watch Kaine's first speech? He was brilliant

I mean Hillary and Kaine are no slouches, but not as inspiring as Michelle, Bernie, Booker, Bill, Biden and POTUS IMO.

Both Hillary and Kaine are still better than about 99% of the GOP speakers, so its a moot point.
The latest odds from 538.

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