2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Thought this was an interesting chart from 538 regarding the relative groups the candidates belong to:



Trump :lol:
That 'Christian Conservative' circle is the most frightening looking. I'd feel more comfortable voting for a coalition of Hamas and Skeletor.
You have to think there are many Republicans ashamed that the party of Lincoln and Eisenhower has been reduced to the people on that list being their candidates for President, but are any going to be brave enough to do what's necessary to bring it back to sanity?
"I will tear up the deal on the firt day" like that's possible. Cruz talks a lot of shit probably because he knows he's not going to g anywhere. Listened to the candidates for the first time during the last debate. Never heard so much shit spouted by so many in my life.
I like Rand Paul. Seems sensible each time I listen to him.

He's a conservative libertarian - if he was more liberal on his views of abortion, gay rights etc - he would be more attractive, although certainly not to Republicans.
Thought this was an interesting chart from 538 regarding the relative groups the candidates belong to:



Trump :lol:

I'm pretty sure Trump is far more moderate than his narrative implies - he's just beating the Tea Party drum on things like immigration to get right wing votes. If he were actually elected, I'm pretty sure you would not be able to tell much of a difference between him and Hillary. In fact, she is more hawkish than him on intervention issues.
I'm pretty sure Trump is far more moderate than his narrative implies - he's just beating the Tea Party drum on things like immigration to get right wing votes. If he were actually elected, I'm pretty sure you would not be able to tell much of a difference between him and Hillary. In fact, she is more hawkish than him on intervention issues.

I would agree with this in general, but I do think there would be a vast difference environmentally speaking, and the relaxing of the drug war and prison industrial complex, all which I personally care about a lot.

Funny thing too, Trump´s grumbling about hedge funders could even leave him to the left of Hillary on some financial issues.

..and I am a Christian.

Well that's the thing, there's nothing remotely 'Christian' about any of those clowns. If Jesus were real, I'd like to think he'd be horrified at these imbeciles wearing his banner and justifying their bigotry and hate-mongering by using his name.
He's a conservative libertarian - if he was more liberal on his views of abortion, gay rights etc - he would be more attractive, although certainly not to Republicans.

he is a brainless Libertarian.

he is toast anyways.

I like Rand Paul. Seems sensible each time I listen to him.

Interesting that he doesn't seem to have the following on the web, craze and even the poll numbers his father had going last time ? Is there a difference in their policy positions much ?

Tbf also he doesn't seem to care as much passionately as his father seemed too as well.
Interesting that he doesn't seem to have the following on the web, craze and even the poll numbers his father had going last time ? Is there a difference in their policy positions much ?

Tbf also he doesn't seem to care as much passionately as his father seemed too as well.

His Dad was a bit more closely perceived as a libertarian whereas the son was more closely perceived as aligned with the Tea Party insurrection of 2010.
His Dad was a bit more closely perceived as a libertarian whereas the son was more closely perceived as aligned with the Tea Party insurrection of 2010.

I think a lot of it was because unlike his father, he chose to endorse Romney in the 2012 election. He severed a lot of his potential support base after that.

Then there's also the fatigue of the Ron Paul loyalists whos exhaustive internet activism in both '08 and '12 ultimately led to nothing. I guess they figured they wouldn't bother this time round after realising the futility of it.
I think a lot of it was because unlike his father, he chose to endorse Romney in the 2012 election. He severed a lot of his potential support base after that.

Then there's also the fatigue of the Ron Paul loyalists whos exhaustive internet activism in both '08 and '12 ultimately led to nothing. I guess they figured they wouldn't bother this time round after realising the futility of it.
His father was able energize many people who are completely out of reach for Rand. Usually you get more votes if you move towards the mainstream. In this case it is the other way around. Much of the appeal for Ron Paul came from his uncompromising stance, which made him electable for voters (libertarians)who usually dont vote for either of the two big parties. Those people won´t vote for Rand, because he is too “mainstream" (+no credibility), while at the same time he is still too extreme for the republican mainstream. His campaign management during the last few years was shambolic.
Well that's the thing, there's nothing remotely 'Christian' about any of those clowns. If Jesus were real, I'd like to think he'd be horrified at these imbeciles wearing his banner and justifying their bigotry and hate-mongering by using his name.

Jesus was the original socialist. Of course, mention it to any of the right wing loons in 'murica and they would brand you with some very lovely descriptors. Lovely people.

The single most damaging thing Republicans since Nixon have achieved is the contempt for intellect. Vast swaths of working class American conservatives have an unhealthy antipathy to anything remotely above 10th grade.
Fiorina has dropped in the latest poll - she's at 6% now. Carson is still on Trumps ass at 21% to Trump's 27. I don't think Trump considers him a threat and is therefore not bothering to hit him. If any of Rubio, Cruz, Bush, or Fiorina rise a few percentage points, I'm sure Trump will quickly remind everyone what awful losers they are.
Hopefully it leads to a split in the party where the Tea Party extremists become the establishment in the process disenfranchise the current establishment, who would then splinter into libertarian, moderate, and even Dem votes.
will be looking forward to tomorrow's debate. 7.30PM Central Time. On CNN
Who's confirmed, Hillary, O'Malley, Bernie, Webb? It's going to seem positively empty compared to the GOP circus.
Who's confirmed, Hillary, O'Malley, Bernie, Webb? It's going to seem positively empty compared to the GOP circus.

And Lincoln Chafee apparently. Webb has been completely anonymous so it will be interesting to hear what he has to say.
Anyone catch the Obama interview with Steve Kroft on 60 Minutes last night? Obama looks ready to get the hell out of the White House.
Kinell...Biden is really turning this into a nail biter isn't he. Hope he decides to run in the end.
Anyone catch the Obama interview with Steve Kroft on 60 Minutes last night? Obama looks ready to get the hell out of the White House.

He apparently gets an average of 4 hours sleep per day. Doing that for 8 years along with presiding over the most divisive senate anyone's seen in their life time would sap the life out of the best of them.
He apparently gets an average of 4 hours sleep per day. Doing that for 8 years along with presiding over the most divisive senate anyone's seen in their life time would sap the life out of the best of them.
It's unbelievable how much older and worn down he looks compared to seven years ago. If Sanders or Hillary becomes President, we might see them mummify right before our very eyes.
It's unbelievable how much older and worn down he looks compared to seven years ago. If Sanders or Hillary becomes President, we might see them mummify right before our very eyes.

Sanders already looks ancient. It's generally a bit problematic to choose Presidential candidates when they are already approaching the average lifespan of an American.
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