2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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His fundraising money has actually increased. I think he's number one in the GOP field right now (mainly because Trump doesn't have to raise funds).
Rubio is actually up against it. His last quarter brought in only $6m, starting next cycle with only $11m cash in hand. That's less than half of Jeb's first ad buys. Christie enjoying a slight improvement in New Hampshire as well, will be hard for any establishment candidate to gain much over the next month.
Well now, here´s a guy who knows what a "real" black man is (goofy Ben Carson, of all people). Rupert shall whitesplain it to African Americans everywhere. Lucky them.

What outrageous entitled bigotry. Feck off. Good to know he carries the reins of so much "journalistic" and political power worldwide.

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Well now, here´s a guy who knows what a "real" black man is (goofy Ben Carson, of all people). Rupert shall whitesplain it to African Americans everywhere. Lucky them.

What outrageous entitled bigotry. Feck off. Good to know he carries the reins of so much "journalistic" and political power worldwide.

Aren't many around that I have unbridled hate for, but he's one.
So... Carson or Cain?
Cain was just funny. Carson scares me.
They have excellent candidates in every seat they are up for and in a number of the contests the polls are up. Early days of course but in a Presidential year too. Looks good. Plus the GOP is in absolute disarry all over the place.
Aren't there some upstarts in the party who wants to challenge the establishment choice? The one in Florida for example.

Senate majority is a bit overrated anyhow. Makes the president life easier with a majority but without a supermajority any deal will be filibustered to death.
He's a bit like if Forrest Gump had been randomly talented at mending brains rather than running, only without the innate goodness.
the T party will just eat up this shit...

Maybe they will help to close all these prisons. Some more:

On Obamacare

“And it is in a way, it is slavery in a way, because it is making all of us subservient to the government, and it was never about health care,” he added. “It was about control.”

On War Crimes
"Our military needs to know that they’re not gonna be prosecuted when they come back, because somebody has, said “You did something that was politically incorrect.” There is no such thing as a politically correct war. We need to grow up, we need to mature. If you’re gonna have rules for war, you should just have a rule that says no war. Other than that, we have to win. Our life depends on it."
GOP staffer fired from the House panel investigating Benghazi attacks
A Republican staffer from the House Select Committee on Benghazi has been fired after he says he developed concerns about the politicized nature of the panel’s investigation.

The criticism from an experienced Republican intelligence investigator comes amid growing Democratic Party complaints that the special committee was on a mission to undermine former secretary of state Hillary Rodham Clinton and her bid for the presidency.

A spokesman for the committee denied the allegations from the former staffer, Bradley Podliska, a major in the Air Force Reserve who issued a statement through his attorneys Saturday afternoon.

“My non-partisan investigative work conflicted with the interests of the Republican leadership, who focused their investigation primarily on Secretary Clinton and her aides,” Podliska said, especially after reports surfaced in March that Clinton has used a private e-mail server. “The families of the Americans who died in the Benghazi attacks deserve to find out the truth about Benghazi, but to do that a thorough, non-partisan investigation must be conducted of all agencies and officials involved in Benghazi,” the statement said.

[FBI probe of Clinton e-mail expands to second data company]

In a news release Saturday, the committee called Podliska’s claims “transparently false,” stating that he “was terminated for cause.” The written statement, attributed to a committee spokesman, did not mention Podliska by name but said the former employee had shown poor judgment.

“The employee actually was terminated, in part, because he himself manifested improper partiality and animus in his investigative work’’ against the Obama administration, including Clinton, the statement said.

The new developments come at a difficult time for committee Republicans, who plan to question Clinton on Oct. 22 despite growing requests to shut down the inquiry.

The ranking Democrat on the Benghazi panel, Rep. Elijah E. Cummings (Md.), said Saturday evening that Podliska’s allegations provide more proof of serious bias by the committee’s majority.

“Republicans have been abusing millions of taxpayer dollars for the illegitimate purpose of damaging Hillary Clinton’s bid for president,” Cummings said, pointing out that the latest complaints come from “one of Chairman [Trey] Gowdy’s own handpicked investigators.”

[Inside the mind of Trey Gowdy, the Republicans’ Benghazi prosecutor]

The ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, Rep. Adam B. Schiff (Calif.), called for an end to the committee on Saturday.

“Only by ending this expensive and politicized investigation can we begin to undo the damage already done through this unprecedented use of Congress’s power for nakedly political purposes.”

Gowdy (R-S.C.) has defended the panel’s work, insisting that he has found important new documents to be released this week involving e-mails from Clinton’s longtime adviser, Sidney Blumenthal, who offered intelligence advice on Libya.

Podliska’s attorneys, Peter Romer-Friedman and Joe Napiltonia, said they expect to file a lawsuit for wrongful termination soon that will make the case that Podliska was fired in part because he participated in required National Guard exercises. Napiltonia said his client was terminated after notifying the committee of his active-duty military obligations. Retaliation for an employee taking military leave would violate federal law protecting the rights of uniformed military personnel, the lawyers said.

They say that Republican committee staff members questioned Podliska’s military obligations along with their client’s preference for a nonpartisan inquiry into the events in Libya.

Podliska, currently stationed in Germany, could not be reached for comment. His criticism was first reported Saturday afternoon by the New York Times.

Brian Fallon, a spokesman for Clinton’s campaign, called the former employee’s claims “explosive allegations” that “may provide the most definitive proof to date that this taxpayer-funded investigation has been a partisan sham from the start.”

In rejecting Podliska’s claims earlier, the committee said Podliska had received “repeated counseling for performance and lack of judgment.” The statement said he had shown an eagerness to push claims against the Obama administration after joining the panel in the fall of 2014.

“One reason for which the employee was terminated was his repeated efforts, of his own volition, to develop and direct Committee resources to a PowerPoint ‘hit piece’ on members of the Obama Administration — including Secretary Clinton,” the committee’s statement said. “Thus, directly contrary to his brand new assertion.”

Further, the statement said that “the former employee has violated this confidentiality requirement in a public way” and that he never previously made claims of bias.

Napiltonia said the committee’s allegations of Podliska’s poor job performance are “completely false.”

“I would note that Mr. Podliska was never reprimanded prior to his giving notice that he was going on military leave in March,” Napiltonia said Saturday after reviewing the committee’s statement. Podliska spent more than a decade as an intelligence analyst with a defense agency. “He is a proud conservative Republican,” said Napiltonia, one who always hoped the committee would investigate all agencies and individuals involved in the Benghazi tragedy.

From the outset, Republican members of the House have rebuffed complaints about bias on the Benghazi panel, insisting that the committee was examining the violence in Libya that led to the death of U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three other Americans on Sept. 11, 2012. Increasingly, Democrats expressed doubt about the committee’s work and the intentions of Gowdy.

The controversy deepened Tuesday when House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) made comments that appeared to reinforce criticism that the committee’s primary target was Clinton. The GOP majority leader, who at the time was a candidate to succeed John A. Boehner (Ohio) as speaker, suggested in a Fox News interview that the committee had succeeded because Clinton’s poll numbers had plummeted.

Anne Gearan contributed to this report.
Is it true there have been more select committee hearing on Benghazi than there was on 9-11
Probably so. It's a completely politicized game for the GOP to bring down Hilary's poll numbers, as is this latest email gate. They will pay a dear price at the polls if they keep it up.
was just listening to the numbskull who defated Cantor on MTP. These idiots don't want to govern. They are ideologues. The 'moderate' rebulican was trying get a word in like he was democrat. Infact I thought initially he was a democrat.

It was poiinted out that the republicans lost the elections and cannot shut down the government. But the loon would not listen. amazing. The GOP is going down in flames. And I will be there at the funeral pyre. :)
Isn´t it ironic that this McCarthy geezer basically gets humiliated and must resign from running for Speaker of the House . . . all because he committed that cardinal sin for today´s republicans - he told the truth. And all these idiot republicans who were exposed on this ridiculously long, drawn out Benghazi bullshit wasting millions of tax payer dollars and time, are the same ones always bitching and crying about wasteful big government and the money it needlessly spends. This whole Speaker/Benghazi affair and the ensuing chaos sums up today´s republican party to a tee.

Does America really want these dangerous clowns running the country in the future???
I'm beginning to think that Carson is just a Democrat agent planted to scare undecided moderates away from the GOP and into the hands of the Dems.

Otherwise I can't think of any reason why and how the GOP keep churning out these batshit insane mentalists.
I'm beginning to think that Carson is just a Democrat agent planted to scare undecided moderates away from the GOP and into the hands of the Dems.

Otherwise I can't think of any reason why and how the GOP keep churning out these batshit insane mentalists.

Unless of course the party has been commandeered by batshit insane mentalists.
Trump was said to be a Dem plant. The fact is this is where the base of the GOP is. They are completely ill informed. Fortunately in term of total numbers they are growing smaller. They will quickly become a small regional minority and become irrelevent.
Unless of course the party has been commandeered by batshit insane mentalists.

Don't the party strategists realise that until they try to look somewhat moderate, they'll forever be prized out of power. Are they just banking on Americans drinking their Benghazi Kool Aid and 'seeing the light' so to speak?
Trump was said to be a Dem plant. The fact is this is where the base of the GOP is. They are completely ill informed. Fortunately in term of total numbers they are growing smaller. They will quickly become a small regional minority and become irrelevent.

The sad thing is how this party tries to save itself from irrelevancy by gerrymandering, making it harder for minorities and young people to vote, obstruction, obstruction and obstruction, defrauding billionaires out of billions of dollars, scare tactics and guns and threats of insurrection etc
The sad thing is how this party tries to save itself from irrelevancy by gerrymandering, making it harder for minorities and young people to vote, obstruction, obstruction and obstruction, defrauding billionaires out of billions of dollars, scare tactics and guns and threats of insurrection etc

The billionaires are doing very well thank you. As for gerrymandering, think even that will be overcome in time. the numbers are moving rapidly in teh dems favour.
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