2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Much of US infrastructure was built on the blood of the slaves and you are basically saying that slave owners fell behind because they owned slaves. That doesn't sound right, because they became rich because of slaves as well.

There are some historians who feel that if left on its own, the nasty institution of slavery would have eventually collapsed on it's own. That they say this, doesn't make it so, but it is an interesting take on things.
I keep forgetting that this conference goes on until Thursday. More entertainment tonight. The theme is Make America First Again - Gingrich and Pence are speaking.
Cruz is apparently already preparing a 2020 bid. It would be scary if a young Cruz goes up against an ageing Hillary in 4 years.
I'm Irish. My anti-immigration views are not personal, unless they result from being attacked by a gang of Afro-Asians from Algeria when I was a child?

Come to think of it, that didn't happen. Maybe I just believe that immigration negatively impacts on the harmony, cohesion and shared identity of the receiving society; while depressing wage levels for the lowest paid - the group whose communities are most badly disrupted by the arrival of newcomers.

So fecking typical. Now, how many Irish immigrants have flooded into America, England, Australia, New Zealand et al?
I don't know why I'm going to even say anything, but here goes nothing.

There is an underlying degree of economic populism in Sander's economic pitch (which is the core of his whole pitch). Its not that he doesn't believe in it for legitimate reasons, I think he does. But when the equation is that the voter gets free college for his kids, refinancing of existing student loans, an infrastructure program that also improves things he uses on a daily basis, universal healthcare AND the promise is that they will pay for little or none of it (assuming the voter has medium income, which I know isn't always the case and some Sanders supporters were high income too), that's a bit of a populist platform. I just mean the equation of benefits to come and little cost to the voter, not accusing Bernie of a masterplan to become some latin american style father of the people, I know he's saying these things because he believes its doable (which is where I disagree).

You´re saying it from the insatiable need to repeat tired right wing economic bollocks about the horrors of free college education and other health care programs when we all sit here watching the the expenditure of two differing trillion dollar ongoing wars, the massive flight of fairly taxable monies hidden away in offshore schemes, corporate welfare and bullshite international schemes to avoid taxes, not too mention astronomical sums for the military industrial complex, Pentagon, Defense budget, paying for the world record numbers of imprisoned Americans . . . but oh my god, free college education health care and Bernie is a clown car populist and a communist and knows nothing about the economy. He obviously wouldn´t get all, but at least free college would be a fantastic, victory for democracy and equality.

Sanders says the cost would be 75 million "free" college. Even if it was 50% more, a 120 million or so, what is that in comparison to the astronomic military expenditures and adventurism, corporate welfare and tax avoidance. Let´s get our priorities straight, and business and corporations should be held to pay their fair share and more for educating their workforce, instead of doing all they can to avoid fair taxes.
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I'm Irish. My anti-immigration views are not personal, unless they result from being attacked by a gang of Afro-Asians from Algeria when I was a child?

Come to think of it, that didn't happen. Maybe I just believe that immigration negatively impacts on the harmony, cohesion and shared identity of the receiving society; while depressing wage levels for the lowest paid - the group whose communities are most badly disrupted by the arrival of newcomers.

Is that what you think your people did to other countries during the Potato Famine of the mid nineteenth century?
Americans have a great national anthem. It's usually massacred, though (like every Super Bowl/awards ceremony).
Tony Schwartz just interviewed on MSNBC. He was the ghost-writer for Art of the Deal, and has a pice in The New Yorker where he goes to town on Trump.
"Donald Trump see's things other people can't see" Yeah like Muslims cheering 9/11 in New Jersey. Mind you, i'm not surprised this guy can't see anything through those glasses.
Who the feck is he? Just some guy talking nonsense. Feels like he should have been taken off stage three hours ago.
Oh gosh, this woman is awful. Queen of corruption. Can't believe she hasn't been charged for her bribe taking yet. Also, she's another nasty bitch.
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