2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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It's becoming quite taxing for Trump.........


He also said today that he will happily play host to Kim Jon Un, in a visit to the USA. FML! He's a moron. So thick It's unbelievable. It's also hilarious, if that link about his taxes is correct, that he didn't think that running for POTUS wouldn't bring that info out? He has proverbially fecked himself in his own arse, the absolute muppet.
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He just doesn't know when to stop does he? I am seriously thinking that maybe he doesn't want to get elected and is either on a massive wum and shit scared he was going to win, or he really is ensuring Hillary gets it. He can't honestly think he can win saying shit like that all the time? He again accused Obama of being an ISIS sympathiser today, and Breitbart reported the same too. Although he is mega arrogant and exceptionally thick so possibly not. Who the feck knows anymore? :wenger:
He just doesn't know when to stop does he? I am seriously thinking that maybe he doesn't want to get elected and is either on a massive wum and shit scared he was going to win, or he really is ensuring Hillary gets it. He can't honestly think he can win saying shit like that all the time? He again accused Obama of being an ISIS sympathiser today, and Breitbart reported the same too. Although he is mega arrogant and exceptionally thick so possibly not. Who the feck knows anymore? :wenger:

Admittedly he said this 25+ years ago but still demonstrative of who he is.
fecking hell, seriously?!

Old quote, about 20 years back. Trump will dismiss that it's all part of a facade for his 'successful business'.

He just doesn't know when to stop does he? I am seriously thinking that maybe he doesn't want to get elected and is either on a massive wum and shit scared he was going to win, or he really is ensuring Hillary gets it. He can't honestly think he can win saying shit like that all the time? He again accused Obama of being an ISIS sympathiser today, and Breitbart reported the same too. Although he is mega arrogant and exceptionally thick so possibly not. Who the feck knows anymore? :wenger:

That was quiet funny. He banned WaPo, claiming it was down to their reporting that his comments were misconstrued. Then he went ahead and did it anyway, would he now unban Washington Post? It's plain to see that he banned them for digging into his charity for veterans.
Nothing there to trouble those who have supported him up to this point.
I wonder if these fecking idiots actually believe the shit they spout or are they just playing to their redneck base?
DWS has presided over the worst fall in power for the Dems at every single level excluding the most visible one. Apart from Obama's re-election cycle, the other 2 elections under her have been disastrous. She has also been responsible for ditching the 50-state strategy which would have been useful vs Trump.

Add to that she kicked off the primary season by scheduling debates when the timings clashed, that she was HRC's campaign manager in 2008 presiding over the entire process this time around, the fact that she re-opened the lobbying floodgates the moment this election started, and that she is among the biggest pro-Israel hawk within the Dems...it would be a great day to see her gone.

Admission: I've always thought McCain is alright, perhaps that's totally irrational, and I honestly read that tweet above at first as "McCain says Trump directly responsible" and though, yeah, good man McCain!

Feckin hell. Why is everyone jumping the shark? Unbelievable statement.
He just doesn't know when to stop does he? I am seriously thinking that maybe he doesn't want to get elected and is either on a massive wum and shit scared he was going to win, or he really is ensuring Hillary gets it. He can't honestly think he can win saying shit like that all the time? He again accused Obama of being an ISIS sympathiser today, and Breitbart reported the same too. Although he is mega arrogant and exceptionally thick so possibly not. Who the feck knows anymore? :wenger:

It's been clear that after his consultations with Bill Clinton in May 2015 that what Trump's candidacy is really all about is ensuring the election of Hillary Clinton. The circumstantial evidence is overwhelming, though I admit that it's only circumstantial.

Trump himself doesn't bother me as does his millions of mouth-breathing morons who adore this ignorant, race-baiting clown. If I'm right that Donald and Bill conspired to get Donald into the race to ensure the election of Hillary -- and I admit that it's a far-fetched bit of speculation -- one can only praise Trump for his genius in breaking the Republican Party once and for all. This is still a lamentable development as far as I'm concerned, but now that I see how easily a race-baiting demagogue that hold such power over millions of Republicans, I have to admit that this is a party that needs to be broken.
It seems Drumpf gained a new convert

Even in Arizona, this isn't going to go down well. McCain has a serious re-election fight, he's now behind in the polls and looks likely to lose to the Dem (Ann Kirkpatrick) in November.

McCain is a great American who served his country nobly in Vietnam, but he had lost his marbles by 2008. I met him that summer and had a chance to discuss immigration policy with him then. He really hadn't a clue what we was talking about.
It's been clear that after his consultations with Bill Clinton in May 2015 that what Trump's candidacy is really all about is ensuring the election of Hillary Clinton. The circumstantial evidence is overwhelming, though I admit that it's only circumstantial.

Trump himself doesn't bother me as does his millions of mouth-breathing morons who adore this ignorant, race-baiting clown. If I'm right that Donald and Bill conspired to get Donald into the race to ensure the election of Hillary -- and I admit that it's a far-fetched bit of speculation -- one can only praise Trump for his genius in breaking the Republican Party once and for all. This is still a lamentable development as far as I'm concerned, but now that I see how easily a race-baiting demagogue that hold such power over millions of Republicans, I have to admit that this is a party that needs to be broken.
I've said for awhile that Trump was running a false flag operation to get Hillary elected. The only problem is, I think the false flag might be drawing too many followers, having underestimated the racist underbelly that has always been a weakness of this nation. We are a nation of immigrants, yes, but a nation of immigrants that has unfortunately been all too keen to find someone to vilify in every generation of our existance as a country.
Even in Arizona, this isn't going to go down well. McCain has a serious re-election fight, he's now behind in the polls and looks likely to lose to the Dem (Ann Kirkpatrick) in November.

McCain is a great American who served his country nobly in Vietnam, but he had lost his marbles by 2008. I met him that summer and had a chance to discuss immigration policy with him then. He really hadn't a clue what we was talking about.

I also chatted with some ex-Vietnam Navy/Vet who said that the story that was going around was that McCain was just a bum who really was screwing up with his plane on the aircraft carrier many times. (Protected by his admiral father.) His claim to fame/redemption was his POW situation/status.
I also chatted with some ex-Vietnam Navy/Vet who said that the story that was going around was that McCain was just a bum who really was screwing up with his plane on the aircraft carrier many times. (Protected by his admiral father.) His claim to fame/redemption was his POW situation/status.
It is true that McCain didn't excel at Annapolis.
I also chatted with some ex-Vietnam Navy/Vet who said that the story that was going around was that McCain was just a bum who really was screwing up with his plane on the aircraft carrier many times. (Protected by his admiral father.) His claim to fame/redemption was his POW situation/status.

I agree, or at least I understand that he was a bit of a clusterfeck before he was captured. But he spent years and years in a shithole in Vietnam. I seriously doubt I could handle 2 minutes of torture, let alone 6 years of it.
RollingStones did a scathing profile of him back in 2008. Need to be taken with a huge pinch of salt, of course, but it was well sourced and seems believable enough, especially about his academic and wartime exploits.

Still, he doesn't lack for guts. Refused to be released early. Can't take that from him.

Presumably very highly regarded and capable. Seems to have keep a low profile though, Google search yield very little.

This is being sensationalized by the media though. It's standard procedure for the nominee's campaign to take over the DNC during election year. Howard Dean got the same treatment in 08, still the titular head of the DNC but effectively sidelined. DWS's term as chair expires in Jan, but her seat is not up for re-election until 2018 iirc.
Trump on GOP leadership:

"Our leaders have to get a lot tougher. And be quiet. Just please be quiet. Don't talk. Please be quiet. Just be quiet to the leaders because they have to get tougher, they have to get sharper, they have to get smarter."

"We have to have our Republicans either stick together or let me just do it by myself. I'll do very well. I'm going to do very well. OK? I'm going to do very well. A lot of people thought I should do that anyway, but I'll just do it very nicely by myself,"



I really don't see how GOP leadership will continue on this. He just refuses to toe the Party lines and seems to have less and less in common with even the Republican agenda. His popularity ratings are at all time low and the "strongly unfavourable" votes keep getting higher. With such a polarized view, there no chance of people swaying at last moment.

I think they'll dump him in the convention and he'll go about it alone.
It seems Drumpf gained a new convert

Sen. John McCain says President Obama is 'directly responsible' for the mass shooting in Orlando.

. . . According to data from the Center of Responsive Politics, no member of Congress has received more direct and indirect support from the National Rifle Association than the $7.7 million that has gone to McCain over the course of his career. In 2008 alone, the NRA spent more than $7.2 million in an unsuccessful attempt to defeat Obama and elect McCain, who was the Republican candidate that cycle.


Bark John, bark! Daddy says bark!
In all honestly, and I'm aware who makes the laws that condone such, but why is lobbying allowed?

It's clearly bribery. I'm sure there is "good" lobbying for noble, altruistic reasons. But it seems there's too much "bad" lobbying.
In all honestly, and I'm aware who makes the laws that condone such, but why is lobbying allowed?

It's clearly bribery. I'm sure there is "good" lobbying for noble, altruistic reasons. But it seems there's too much "bad" lobbying.
Unfortunately it has been ruled a constitutional right under the 1st Amendment.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
In all honestly, and I'm aware who makes the laws that condone such, but why is lobbying allowed?

It's clearly bribery. I'm sure there is "good" lobbying for noble, altruistic reasons. But it seems there's too much "bad" lobbying.

Which is why a Democratic win this term is so important. The house and Congress are up for grabs and a couple of Supreme Court positions will be up as well, that could be on top of the present vacancy. They will be able to sort things like lobbying out through the supreme court and will be able to ensure abortion rights aren't removed as the Republicans want. They could also conceivably get some changes to gun laws with a big enough majority.
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